Runaway You


Before you went to work, as usual, you were in charge of making breakfast for you and your grandmother. Anyhow, Seungcheol helped you too. As your grandmother asked to make extra meal, you know it was for him.

You were used to be irked by his presence, but slowly, as you know him more that image disappeared. He was actually a fun guy with a lot of mystery. Unlike, the other obnoxious city man, he acted more like he was from your city. He also speaks with your dialect. Eventually, you could accept his existence a lot more.

Looking at him cutting onions was a rare sight for yourself. You’ve never seen a guy skillfully playing with utensil lively. You paused cutting the other ingredients just to admire him holding a knife like a chef.

Feeling someone is staring at him, Seungcheol looked up to check if everything is alright but he just got you busy peeling kimchis. “What’s next?” he asked you.

You blinked in bewilderment, think what you should answer, “Uhh… boil some water on the pot then cook the vegetables.” You instructed. He nodded and do all of them neatly.

*Wow, he is so good at cooking. I wonder he can cook us delicious food.* you spoke to your heart.

After few minutes, the food is done and the smell was better than other day before Seungcheol came. He provided many help for you and your grandmother.

You called your grandmother over and three of you now were sitting on a small table. When you were eating your breakfast, you noticed Seungcheol didn’t eat anything at all.

“You better not starve yourself. You have to eat so your wound will heal quickly.”

He just smiled merely, “Don’t worry, I’ll eat later.”

Suddenly, your grandmother moved and poured the soup he made into his bowl. She took a spoonful of rice and fed him. Seungcheol was a blank page, his heart tightened a bit. “Try this, young man. You will like it.” She smiled at him. All you can do was staring at them—happily of course.

Seungcheol had no choice but to accept her, he opened his mouth and munched the food. “Thank you, halmeoni.” His voice was shaky, missing love from his parents. He thought you were luckiest girl in the world to have her as your family.

Back to your daily routine as a kitchen assistant. Serving customers from table to table, help the other workers in the kitchen too. You did all well until break time. During break time, you switched shift with other worker while you had your lunch.

You and Yunmi planned to eat outside today. She said she would treat you today because her father has returned from Seoul.

“Where do you want to eat, Eunhee?” Yunmi asked you cheerfully, she can’t wait to eat with you since it was your first time to get a chance to have lunch together.

You thought for few seconds before you decided, “I know a place that sale delicious tteokbokki downtown.”


“You’ll find out soon. Let’s go first, Yunmi.” You slung your arm around her and dragged her happily.

You finally arrived in front of a small, cute looking shop. The theme of the shop is simple and minimalist. You knew this shop from your high school friend and it was popular for its tongue melting foods.

Without thinking much you and Yunmi immediately ordered foods because both of your stomach are already craving to be fed up.

While waiting for your food, Yunmi was curious about you, “Eunhee. I saw you looked unhappy few days ago. If I may ask you, would you tell me why? Because I was worried about you.” It was her first time asking you to be open to yourself toward her. And as much as you know you trust her a lot.

“Well, there was actually something bothered me yesterday. Honestly someone…” you started.


“Well…” You should have concealed it to everyone, but you know Yunmi is a trustworthy friend, “It’s about someone I met few days ago, it’s kind of complicated story at our encounter. I met a guy when I was on the way home and he was really in trouble like really trouble, he got into a fight to a robber until the robber got injured and unconscious. He asked me to help me and threatened me if I don’t help him he will involve me if he is arrested,” You paused when you saw Yunmi’s face was in a state of annoyed, furious and confused.

“What?! And then?”

You didn’t expect your story would consume her that deep. You continue, “Because I was so scared I just obeyed him and took him to my house. I know that was really stupid, letting a criminal stayed in my house, I could’ve just screamed or ran for help but there’s another reason why my heart said I should help him.”

Yunmi still didn’t respond.

“On the next day, he was gone without telling me anything. I thought he was gone forever or polices arrested him. But…” You trailed, got your friend hypnotized before she noticed you were made fun of her.

You laughed at her stupid face earlier, “Oh my God, I should’ve taken a photo of your face. It was so stupid, Yunmi.”

“Yah. I was concentrated to your story, how could you do that to me. What’s next, come on I want to know.” Yunmi face turned into furious. She was the definition of grumpy from the Snow White and The Seven Dwarf.

“Okay, okay,” You stopped laughing before told her what happened, “Actually he came back to my house again, but he was injured by a group of thief that took his wallet.” You added while imagined how pitiful he was yesterday.

“Oh no. I think karma got him. Now, how was he?” Your friend asked.

“I know he wasn’t a bad guy from the first time, it was just an accident when he beat that guy. Because he was actually a good person. He was polite and kind to my grandmother. You know how I hate people who are impolite to old people right? But he was not.” You remembered the image of your grandmother fed him this morning. It was very lovely.

“Oh no, Cho Eunhee. Don’t say that you fell in love with him?” Yunmi squinted her eyes suspiciously.

Your cheeks suddenly redden and burning hot, “What? No. I just said he was a kind person, it’s different from falling in love, okay? Not everything about him is good after all.”

Yunmi was satisfied by your respond and giggled like a child, “You have to see yourself being a ripe tomato few moments ago. Don’t take it seriously anyway, I’m just teasing.”

Ah, she was succeed to revenge and made you embarrassed. Not long after that your food is coming and both of you ate it.

“Anyway Yunmi. Can you keep this as a secret between two of us?” You asked while chewing your food. Gladly, she is willing to do that favor.




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GUys! Wish me luck todayy. My college exam result is up on 2 pm. 8 hours to go TT_TT


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Beatriche #1
Chapter 13: Chapter 12: nice fic! I like it a lot and I hope this is not the end, pleasee
Chapter 10: things are getting interesting here, yay! keep up the good work, i'm looking forward to the upcoming chapters:)
Whitebread312 #3
Chapter 10: I liked the story a lot actually, keep on writing! Fighting !!