
Junmyeon pushes the apartment door open for Eunjun, letting her to enter first. Eunjun steps into her apartment and turns around when Junmyeon bids her goodbye. Eunjun frowns, "Don't you want to stay a little longer?"


Junmyeon asks, "Do you want me to?"


Eunjun gives him a small smile, "Come on in." Junmyeon steps inside and shuts the door, locking it and sits on the couch together with Eunjun. Eunjun smiles, "I'll get you a drink."


Eunjun gets up and heads towards the kitchen, leaving Junmyeon at the living room. Junmyeon frowns, "Your sister's not home yet?"


"No... I think she's still at Sehun's. Or maybe she's on her way home already. Heard from Sehun she hit her head pretty hard." Eunjun says from the kitchen.


Junmyeon nods, "Well the bruise is pretty obvious."


"Junmyeon, do you drink coffee?" Eunjun asks. Junmyeon answers, "Two sugars, no cream."


"Coming up!"


Junmyeon smiles as he watches Eunjun carrying a cup of coffee, walking towards him, "Two sugars, and no cream."


"Thanks." He sips on the coffee and cringes because it's too hot. Eunjun laughs, "Be careful." Junmyeon chuckles and puts the cup on a glass table in front of the couch.


Junmyeon stares at Eunjun's face, not realising that he's been staring until Eunjun's expression changes into a frown, "What's wrong?"


Junmyeon opens his mouth but nothing comes out. He waits for a few seconds until his words finally go out, "I'm sorry."


"For what?"


"For hurting you. I can't stop remembering your face when you were hurt by me. When I saw Eunjin's bruise— even though it's just a little bruise but, it reminded me of you. It reminded me of your bruised body and wounded lips." Junmyeon lifts his right hand, caressing Eunjun's cheek softly, as if he would hurt her.


"I remember how fragile you looked and how limp you were in my arms but I still... I still... hurt you..." Junmyeon's voice starts to vibrate.



He punched her face and she groaned in pain. Junmyeon was furious. He kept on throwing punches to Eunjun's abdomen. "I told you; don't make me angry but you still make me angry!"


He slapped Eunjun's cheek. "I told you... You won't like it when I'm angry." He cupped Eunjun's face harshly, "What do you think now? Do you like it when I'm angry?"


"Of course you don't!" He shouted in her face and pushed her head, making it hit the floor. Eunjun cried and curled herself, hugging her arms. Junmyeon kicked her stomach, ruffling his hair in anger.


"You should be thankful that I spared your life..." He said and crouched to punch her face once again. Eunjun crawled backwards to get away from him, “Stop it…” However, he approached her and he’s about to land a kick on her stomach again when Eunjun dodged his leg.


Junmyeon picked her up bridal style—not romantically. He climbed up the staircase and entered the room. He opened the cage and threw her to the floor, making her back slammed to the bars.



Eunjun froze when she saw Junmyeon's eyes are starting to get teary. Soon, teardrops start to fall slowly little by little from his eyelids. This is new to Eunjun. She knows that he's sorry for his wrongdoings but she didn't expect him to cry. More specifically; cry for her.


"I can't... believe that I wounded these lips before. I can't... believe that I let myself to hurt your body." His left hand travels down to her stomach, where the bruises used to purple when he kicked her mercilessly before.


Eunjun stares at him while feeling the foreign touch of Junmyeon. His touch feels warm and she somehow feels really comfortable. She could feel that his touch is extremely gentle as if he's preventing himself from hurting her even though with that kind of touch. Her voice vibrates, "Would you ever hurt me again?"


Junmyeon's taken aback by her question. Shocked and burnt even though she didn't mean any sarcasm. Junmyeon shakes his head, "No... I won't... I can't."


Eunjun touches his right hand that's caressing her cheek, holding it tightly, "Is that a promise?"


"I promise." He says, almost sounding like a whisper. What Eunjun did next really shock him. She leans in closer towards him, pressing her lips onto his lips while her hands are securely placed onto his cheeks; fingers are caressing his ears.


Junmyeon responds to her kiss. He wraps his hands around her waist and pulls her closer towards him. Eunjun pulls away to catch her breath but in less than two seconds, Junmyeon pulls her into the kiss again. Eunjun wraps her hands around Junmyeon's neck, now caressing the back of his neck. Junmyeon deepens the kiss and Eunjun replies. Just as much they don't want to pull away, they still have to break the kiss since both of them need to catch their breaths. Both of them pant, chests are going up and down, gasping for air.


Eunjun looks down but Junmyeon pulls up her chin. Still panting, he asks, "Kim Eunjun... would you like to go on a date with me?"




Eunjun looks out of Junmyeon's car window, staring at the streets. Eunjun glances at Junmyeon who is focus on his driving. His Aston Martin moves swiftly on the highway. The ride is silent as both of them aren't talking and the radio is turned off.


Eunjun frowns when the car stops at a jetty. Junmyeon turns off the engine and quickly hops off the car, jogging towards the passenger's side to open the door for Eunjun.


"We're here." He says. Eunjun frowns, "Okay... where are you bringing me?"


"My private island... again." He says. Eunjun blinks at him, "For a date?"


He grins and nods, "What? You don't like the idea of having a date on an island?" Eunjun laughs, "I love it but... don't you think it's too much? A simple date could be easier."


"Simple is not my thing." He whispers and straddles her waist, pulling her closer to her as they walk down the jetty towards a white cabin cruiser.


Junmyeon hops onto the cruiser and then stretches his arm out to reach Eunjun's hand. Eunjun places her palm onto his hand and she hops onto the cruiser. Eunjun's face touches Junmyeon's chest and he grabs her waist. Eunjun looks up to him, only to see him smiling at her.


"Have a seat." Junmyeon smiles. Eunjun sits down and smiles, "Thank you."


Junmyeon starts the engine and slowly reversing the cruiser. When it's clear, he finally accelerates, at first at medium speed and then high.


"How did you learn to drive this thing?" Eunjun asks. Junmyeon turns to face her and smiles, "Well... my father used to drive this; a lot. He kinda taught me to drive boats. You wanna try?"


"No thanks." Eunjun shakes her head vigorously and Junmyeon laughs. Eunjun glances at her watch, showing that it's almost 6pm. "So... what are we going to do on your island?"


Junmyeon smiles, "I've prepared something. But afterwards, you can do anything you want."


The cruiser bounces a little; making Junmyeon's a little unstable while Eunjun hits her back at the walls. Junmyeon looks at her, "Are you okay?"


"I'm fine, it's nothing." Eunjun says. Junmyeon breathes a sigh of relief, "Sorry. It must be the high tide."


After thirty minutes, the cruiser pulls off at the jetty. Junmyeon and Eunjun step out of the cruiser and look around them. They walk toward the enormous house; bright lights are shone in each room and floor.


Eunjun turns around when she saw a flash of light from behind her and Junmyeon is waving a Polaroid picture i the air. Eunjun crosses her arms, "I don't think I'll look pretty in the dark."


"You do. Look..." Junmyeon shows her the Polaroid picture. Eunjun smiles and she's about to grab the picture but Junmyeon pulls it away, "Uh-uh... I'm keeping it."


"I just wanna take a look." Eunjun rolls her eyes. Junmyeon chuckles and hands it to her, "Fine."


"Not bad... well, you're a photographer after all." Eunjun says. She then glances up to him while speeding up her steps, "I'm keeping it."


Junmyeon's eyes become wide and he grabs her wrist, "Not gonna happen."


"Why? You used to steal my photos from the gala and let me remind you, you took my contest entry photo too." Eunjun says, slipping the Polaroid picture into her jacket.


Junmyeon shrugs "Can't help it. They're beautiful. Now give it back..."


Eunjun shakes her head, "Nope."


"Fine. I can always take a picture of you." Junmyeon says, snapping another photo of Eunjun from behind which is almost the same as the previous one.


Eunjun scoffs, "Whatever."


Junmyeon opens the door widely, letting Eunjun to enter the house first. Eunjun looks around while taking off her jacket with a smile before turning her head towards Junmyeon. Junmyeon smiles back, "Welcome back, Kim Eunjun."


Eunjun grins, "So... what do we do in this dear heaven-like gigantic house?"


Junmyeon walks towards a table and takes a small remote control, pressing a button. The speaker is and a slow song comes out. Junmyeon approaches her and stretches his arm out, "May I have this dance?"


Eunjun chuckles, "You may." She takes his hand and he pulls her to his chest. She wraps her hands around Junmyeon's neck as he's holding onto her waist.


"Okay, this is officially my favourite date." She smiles. Junmyeon grins, "Your previous dates weren't as good as mine?"


Eunjun shakes her head, "Actually, I've... never been on a date before; let alone dating someone." Junmyeon stares at her, "Really?"




"Why?" He asks. Eunjun shrugs, "I didn't have time for dates."


Junmyeon grins, "Glad you have time for a date with me." Eunjun shrugs, "Well you probably kill me if I don't go on a date with you."


It's a joke, but Junmyeon's expression changes drastically, showing that he doesn't really like that joke. He pulls her into a tight hug, almost making Eunjun yelp or squeak.


Junmyeon caresses the back of her head, slightly brushing her hair while whispering, "Don't say that... I feel so guilty."


"I'm sorry." Eunjun says. Junmyeon shakes his head, "No... I'm sorry."


Eunjun pulls away, staring at him, "Let's just forget about what I said, okay?" Junmyeon nods, "Okay."


"Hey, you must be hungry, right?" He asks. Eunjun grins sheepishly, "I'm actually starving."


Junmyeon takes her hand, intertwining their hands. He pulls her into the dining room and Eunjun looks around in awe, "Wow... you did this?"


Candle lit dinner with white roses at the centre of the table. There's another white roses in a bouquet on the table. Junmyeon takes the bouquet and gives it to Eunjun, "Beautiful flowers for the beautiful lady. And no, my maids did this."


"Oh. This is lovely, thanks." Eunjun looks down shyly. Junmyeon pulls her chair and she sits on it, "Thank you."


"I hope you like steak." He says. Eunjun smiles, "I love steak."


They spend twenty minutes to eat, including the desserts. Eunjun stares at Junmyeon who's wiping his mouth with the napkin. She starts from his hair until his shirt— he looks gorgeous even with a plain t-shirt on. She looks at herself for a few seconds and frowns. She's skinny, flat chested, flat boot-ied; if that's even a word and her skin is a little bit tanned—tanner than Kai. But how in the heavens did Professor Kim Junmyeon fall for her?


She looks up and glances at Junmyeon. It happens that he glances at her at the same time. He asks, "Do you like stargazing?"


"I do." She answers. Junmyeon smiles, "Come with me."


Junmyeon brings her to the rooftop and Eunjun smiles brightly, "Oh my God... I could finally see these many stars from the skies."


Junmyeon nods, "There weren't many stars could be seen at the city right? But here... you can see many stars shining from above."


"Yeah, the city ." She sighs. Junmyeon glances at her, "Come on here. Lay down."


Eunjun looks at the place where Junmyeon's referring to and her eyes widened, "Why do you have a mattress on a rooftop?"


Junmyeon nods, "Just for tonight. So you can enjoy stargazing comfortably."


Eunjun laughs, "This is so cool!"


The professor smiles, "You teenagers love this kind of cheesy thing so yeah."


"Says the one who set these all up." Eunjun rolls her eyes and jumps on the mattress, getting comfy. Junmyeon lies down beside her, making a pillow with his own arms to rest his head. Unlike Eunjun, she's just sitting on the mattress while looking up.


"I'm so happy. Thank you, Junmyeon." She says. Junmyeon smiles, looking at Eunjun's back, "I'm glad. But, we still have tomorrow."


Eunjun turns her head towards him with wide eyes, "What is this? A date or a vacation?"


Junmyeon shrugs, "Both?"


Eunjun lies down beside him, placing her head next to his chest. Junmyeon glances down, can't help himself but to smile a little when she did that. Eunjun wraps her right arm around his torso, "Are you always this sweet to other women on dates?"


Junmyeon teases, "Maybe?"


Eunjun shrugs and moves closer to him. He plants some soft pecks on Eunjun's head while caressing her shoulder, sending warmth to her.


After a few minutes, Junmyeon looks down take a glimpse of Eunjun's face since she's been silent. Turned out that she already fell asleep. He pecks her head once again before he lifts her up, carrying her to her bedroom.


He lays her down on the bed and then fixes her strands of hair that cover her face. He pulls up the comforter onto Eunjun's body before caressing her hair, "I love you, Jun."

Author's Notes
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Birgitte99 #1
Chapter 38: Omg omg omg omg, is it wrong to wish that Eunjun would fall in love with Suho. I love how this story is written, great layout btw!
Chapter 38: aww poor eunjun T^T I wonder what is happening to her,is it because of the drug that suho used on her before...?? Sehun is kind to Eunjin but I can't help but to feel worried towards Eunjin since Sehun has an illness and dangerouss asdfghjkl its getting intense... How are you authornim? I miss your updates so much
Chapter 38: aww X3 ... i wonder what happend to eunjun?? is she sick?? :(
sonesap #4
Chapter 37: I love it...waiting for Sehun and Eunjin moments
Chapter 37: Waaahh i am melting!!
S7lEncEr #6
Chapter 37: Where did the sweet guy came from? Geez, gonna get myself someone like him..
S7lEncEr #7
Chapter 36: When shetz became interesting..
Haha.. Like I said earlier I don't care whether their love is unhealthy. All I want is the happy ending love stories..