Distraction and Silent Treatment

To: Our Dear Tae,

Taehyung had chosen to stop the heated argument between Suzy and Taeyong. It commenced around when Jungkook was on his feet, out of nowhere, trying to stop whatever would be spilled and claimed between them. The youngest seemed jumpy with his round eyes wandering here and there. Whereas Seokjin was doing habit of rubbing his nose bridge after releasing the glasses. Suzy and Taeyong was unstoppable for a jiff, making Taehyung felt his head was more aching than weary. He didn’t even know what actually they were contending. Eventually, then he snapped with no other patience lingered in amidst.

“Stop it!” He screamed with his palms covering both his ears, but he noticed there were still words cascading— uselessly and endlessly— from them. “I said stop! STOP!”

It was Taehyung that was demanding an outburst more than the arguing two. They halted and simultaneously turning their head to Taehyung. Slipped into their mind, which Taehyung would need extra attention since he was the one who would be having outbursts; considering it never was easy to decide stopping the medication, by means of his remaining days counting.

Seokjin shook his head as he approached the younger, slumping on the seat. He was concerned that Taehyung would pass out in minute, watching at his pale lips.

“Sorry,” Suzy uttered, not so long before she and Taeyong was moving nearer to Taehyung. The fine-looking boy received a clear glare from Jungkook, who was already at the side of the eldest.

Taeyong was sure his sentiment dropped when he realized Taehyung had suddenly have hard time to keep up with his breath pace. “Tae, a-are you okay?” Didn’t know why his voice has faltered, maybe he was in the verge of crying at that point.

Taehyung hated it to be honest. He hated the way when he looked up to people that he cared of, he must have caught the sight of them beholding worried sick because of his illness.

Never had he caught Taeyong was speaking when he stuttered, except that one time when he was being assaulted by his father then Taehyung visited the place. He saw Suzy was exchanging very worried glances with Seokjin, and he was sure one of them would call the ambulance if he kept gasping like this. Jungkook, on the other hand, did not even have the guts to be closer as his tears would burst, pretty much the same as Taeyong.

Taehyung realized he couldn’t stand too much disturbing thoughts stuffed within his mind. Which by the study of this case, caused him exhausted and nearly bloodless for holding it on his own.

They were in dead silent for a moment, as only Taehyung’s difficult gasps and the ticked of wall clock could be heard. All of them saw the cold sweat started falling through Taehyung’s temple.

The latter cussed inside to cause them even more distressed about it. He mouthed a couple “I’m okay” afore retrieving his strength to be frank, then he asked both of Suzy and Taeyong to just go home.



It has been five minutes since Jungkook entered the car, wanting to go to school by the next morning. Once he checked on his belongings, he forgot to bring this one notebook he needed for his second period. He greeted as asking few things to Mr. Oh, before he opted and exited the vehicle, returning to his bedroom getting it.

Taehyung had his backpack strap in one shoulder, walking with ease while the younger had pacing back leaving the car. He entered through the other side of it and Jungkook used the opposite one to get out nearer to the concrete. No wonder when the boy with distinct rounded orbs reverted, he was taken aback to realize that there was an additional person aboard.

“Hi, Kook!” Taehyung chewed the gum with raspberry flavor, grinning his boxy smile, making a bubble coming through the edge. Following the pop, he offered Jungkook who refused and asking him instead.

“Taetae hyung, you’re going to school?”

Jungkook didn’t even remember seeing Taehyung earlier as he just had his breakfast simply with Seokjin. No, he clearly hasn’t seen this favorite hyung.

Last night he thought was the last time, for the most part he cried a lot after Taehyung really was passing out on his bed. The younger recalled that he declined Seokjin’s call when it was about hitting midnight, for the reason he wanted to be next to Taehyung in his bedroom. He learnt seeing Taehyung’s face and it was calm, too calm, and Jungkook was frightened if the calmness lasted too long, Taehyung might not be opening his eyes anymore.

Then it was blurred, all the more so he could think of.

Jungkook merely reminded that he woke up this morning, already been moved and sleeping alone on his own mattress.

Taehyung before was extending his arm to pat Jungkook’s raven hair and to him later, enveloping the younger when the vehicle started departing from the Kim’s mansion.

“Hyung,” Jungkook murmured, lifting his head to see Taehyung contemplated the road through the car’s window. “Taetae hyung…” he whined. “I can feel the heat when you hug me like this, it’s kind of over…warming.”

As an additional, not only him who sensed Taehyung has gotten skinnier day by day.

“You don’t like me hugging you anymore, huh?” the older whispered, grimacing.

“No, I’m not.” It was possibly his favorite thing in this world and that was why he moped. “It’s just, you’re still unwell... Why don’t you just stay at home?”

Taehyung released enfolding the younger as he shifted and gazed carefully at Jungkook. “It’s okay, Kookie. Hyung’s fine,” he told. “It’ll also be boring to be home without you or Jin hyung…”

When they reach the first intersection, he spoke once more. “Actually, I have a bit of sore back.” he chuckled. “Please don’t make hyung carry you again to your bed tonight, alright?”

Jungkook fell into hush whereas he looked to the older and he could see the cold perspiration lingered on his face. Even though he has identified how hot Taehyung body’s temperature was. He inquired. “Taetae hyung, why didn’t you let me sleep in your bed?”

Taehyung replied, “I just want you to get used of sleeping by yourself.” He messed with Jungkook’s hair and smiled. “You are in high school now… My Kookie is a high schooler.”

Damn, even that saying was scary and Jungkook had gotten even more scared. It’d been hitting to his core that his favorite Taetae hyung was really, seriously ill, hence still trying to be as normal as he could. Hitherto he ought to support the younger’s body, which was bulkier than his— and Jungkook wasn’t ready to get through it to find out that it wouldn’t last for long.


If only Jungkook had a distraction, huge enough to make him forget about Taehyung’s condition— for a while and he probably won’t be this miserable.


He barely was listening to the older as he hopped off the vehicle, babbling about his plan and he wouldn’t be going home with the younger later. Jungkook didn’t have much energy to question where he was going, as he— weakly— closed the door and thanked Mr. Oh for the ride.

Taehyung beamed and supposed, he taught Jungkook the politeness very well. Then, he marched to his own class in different building.


If only again, of any kind that couldn’t make Jungkook’s morning being more dramatic than ever, he sought up to the sky right in front of his school entrance. Jungkook clasped his palms as he closed his eyes, wishing in some way it might be heard from the Divine entity up there, he hoped.

“God… Please… If anything, give me something else that will make me think that my Taetae hyung isn’t that sick—“

In between the car honks and few murmurs of watching the boy praying on the center street, there were some voices that been calling. Jungkook had his ears catching up the familiar sound of Jaehyun and Yugyeom’s scream for his name. That couldn’t be it. At that moment, he just endeavored for nothing, he presumed.


“Dude what was that?” Yugyeom dropped the messenger bag to the table where Jungkook was placed on his left by turn, and Jaehyun was in the shorter’s front, gnawing the breakfast muffin.

Jungkook faced Jaehyun, who was occupied cleaning the crumbs on the corner of his lips. Returning to Yugyeom again, he raised an eyebrow. “Me?” he pointed at himself.

Yugyeom nodded and hesitated. “You were, like, worshipping something out there.”

Jaehyun followed with another nod and Jungkook hummed. “I, uh, just get distracted… I think,”

He thought his friends were probably thinking that they couldn’t meet anyone weirder than him. It only because Jungkook didn’t feel he could tell them everything, yet.


“Hey,” Jaehyun turned around as he was by now meeting Jungkook’s eyes. “Is it the time for student exchange program?”

“No idea.” He forgot those two were rambling when they marched to the class, passing by the administration room before their locker. It seemed like there was a group of new students, didn’t look too familiar as they were natives just like them.

Yugyeom leaned to his friends’ direction, muttering as their homeroom teacher came with two individuals they never met with. “I guess it’s kinda late for, but,”

He paused when Jaehyun stated, “Rise.” and everyone was giving their morning greetings. “The tall guy looks so cute like a puppy, oh how come… I think I want to protect him.” he spoke once more to Jungkook and Yugyeom, who squinted after they were back being seated.

Jungkook noticed the two additional students were having introductions with stammering Korean by their pronunciation. The first boy came from Thailand, his eyes were big and he had long eyelashes that would be as pretty as not so many girls being gifted. His hair was dyed in light color, weirdly complemented his south-east-Asian-sun-kissed skin and with his complicated name, he said his nickname was BamBam.

The second person speaking was the taller one, coming from a region which name he has not heard yet, and was from China. It appeared that their school— perhaps— sorted the accepted student list by their appearances, since— what his name, Jungkook thought for a sec— was undoubtedly handsome. As he spared glance to Jaehyun’s back, he was sure that the pal’s grin plus dimple were highly visible after the boy in front introduced himself. “Just call me WinWin.”

“Look, who’s so smitten.” Jungkook mumbled and only the buddy next to could hear him.

Yugyeom shrugged, supporting his chin. “Looks like Jae is going to ask that WinWin to sit here,” he was directing to the empty table precisely in front of him. And he was right. “Hey, Jae… No homo man. Remember I set you up with Mina this Saturday, for a date.”

Yugyeom was joking since Jaehyun was too thrilled when the new student said yes to his offer— not to mention, his and Jungkook’s day won’t be completed without mocking Jaehyun for once.

Henceforth, he tapped WinWin’s shoulder just after he hung the backpack to the chair. “Hey, WinWin, right?” he nodded and he resumed. “Jaehyun hasn’t decide for his uality, so, please do mind if he’s a little too excited knowing a new face like yours will be around.”

Jaehyun was flustered as he determined to smack Yugyeom after the teacher left somewhere outside and they sort of have their free time. Thankfully, the new guy thought it was a complete joke and he waved his other— similar, overseas friend— who was still looking over a place.

“Yo,” Yugyeom was directing to the only available seat on his other side than Jungkook. “You can sit here.”

BamBam thanked Yugyeom with a small gesture, not too courteous as what WinWin did to Jaehyun.

“Heh,” Jungkook perceived Jaehyun snorted in direction to Yugyeom. Taking his notebook out from his carrier, and then he carried on with a question. “You want to go for a double date with me and Mina, Gyeom?”

Yugyeom’s frown was a sign of quick warning to Jaehyun, yet he still responded. “With who you’re going to set me up?”

“BamBam.” Jaehyun answered. “You don’t play that much hard to get—“

Within seconds, Yugyeom moved swift barely when Jaehyun was already two steps away of bolting from him. Jungkook cracked out loud, witnessing the bicker from the two tallers until they got caught by a teacher and later they’ve been sentenced in front of the whole class. Jaehyun even had his first warning, he’d be withdrawn from the class president title with two remaining attempts spared.


At least, his friends were causing him amused for substitute of being distracted.


Taehyung let out a small cough as he slipped very next and showed up himself, to get attached with his best friend. They were at lunchtime and he was ready to smear what was unsettling as the first period commenced.

“So, you like that exchange student, huh? Nakamoto Yuta-san??” His voice was high-pitched and sort of teasing the paler buddy.

Taeyong almost choked on his mouthful of kimchi jjigae getting who advanced him, ever since the silent treatment he gave starting the day. “Is this what you’re going to talk over with me?”

“He seems to like you a lot, though.” He became somehow sulky, squinting at Taeyong only to see him being expressionless, unreadable as usual. “I think it’s not unrequited, you got to see his face emitting when getting to know you in class.”

“Come on, Tae… It is not nice to distant yourself from people. Especially when they’re here for education, learning even some language they didn’t speak in the first place.” The pale hand the brunette head of his pouty friend. “You know, you’re irreplaceable.”


Taehyung opened the bag of Doritos he bought on his way, suggesting Taeyong to take some after their short reconciliation.

“Want some galbi?” he offered and the paler guy read it was, indeed, barbecue short ribs flavored.

With soft hiss, Taeyong stopped the eating. He faced Taehyung who wiggled his eyebrows, signaling nothing was wrong. “You called that lunch, Tae?” At his question, the other shrugged and he persisted. “God, I’m starting to concern about your weight loss.”

Taehyung giggled, the crunch from his mouth could be heard. But, after repeating the step three times or four, he finished and put the snack bag to the table. “You don’t even have enough fat to warm yourself and to tell me that. Let’s go to the school clinic and weigh ourselves… Pretty sure I’m still, at least, ten pounds ahead of you.”

“But, I look skinny healthy.” Taeyong said, resuming to devour his rice.

Whereas Taehyung viewed his best friend who still had his one hand being casted. But yes, his face was different glowed of a hundred percent healthy being. He simpered and looked down to the floor. “Yeah, I’m the unwell person here.”

Taeyong soon realized the change of Taehyung’s speaking tone. The hint of discontent caught, made he grabbed the other’s wrist and hung it onto his shoulder. “You want to grab pizza after school?” the paler attempted to grin, which was not a common thing.

“About that,” Taehyung shifted and reclined his head to Taeyong, quickly hugging his lean middle. “Can I ask you a favor regarding our classes after lunch?”

“What?” Taeyong mumbled, knowing it was never beneficial for him when Taehyung has been this clingy.

“I need to go and catch up with my girlfriend… I texted Jinri noona, they’ll be finishing today a bit late, but not later than ours—“

Wait, you have Jinri noona’s number?”

“I can find Jisoo noona’s as well, if I need to,” Taehyung continued and Taeyong frowned. “You know, that one who crashed you and I think will be quite close with my hyung. You want her number?“

Oh, no, no, no… Thanks.” I guess I sorta have it, Taeyong spoke at the inner side. Then continued, “and what’s your point?”

“I kind of want to surprise my girlfriend, before she was out from her campus gate, so—“

“You want to skip?”

“— That is why I need you to cover me and say that there’s some emergency to Mr. Park, please?” Taehyung flashed his upmost boxy smile, which everyone couldn’t say no to.

Taeyong sighed, “Alright.” He merely gave a thumb before pretending to be hurt. “But, just so you know, I’m fairly disappointed knowing you ditched me over a girl.”

Taehyung knew he was being kidded. “You want me to pick you up after I dropped the flowers and maybe, chanted some apology track to her?” He looked confident nonetheless. “I probably share to you later, how am I embarrassing myself at others’ respective, academic institute.”

Taeyong sneered. “You want to get even more embarrassed?” In which Taehyung had this questioning look in advance of he recommenced. “Want me to help you create the track—“

“— and called it TY Track?” Taehyung’s laugh was half-endured afore completing the sentence. “Just save it for your solo album, will you?”

In mere distance, Taeyong sensed and it was in some way, he was getting unlimited fiery-invisible-daggers from Jungkook.


“Hey, Tae… It’s just me, not to bother you okay, just wondering,” Taeyong popped his little head to sight Taehyung from the locker. “You’ve been skipping school a bit, lots, you know?”

“I know.” Taehyung’s brows crinkle, “Well, actually—“ He saw Taeyong’s face had gotten so much bright compared to this morning, he just shrugged what on his thoughts to go away. “Never mind.”

Taehyung strutted to their next classes— or just class for him, since he planned to skip, again— to his side, Taeyong accelerated to be on the same stride as him.

“What, what?” His deep, yet somehow lustrous-but-catty-eyes, were demanding Taehyung to pick up where he left to said before.

Taehyung felt his heart shrunk, in which he didn’t want Taeyong to catch it. “You’re gonna hate me for saying what I intended to,” he gazed at him while inserting his hand to pocket. Taeyong was even more tough looking than previously. “Tae, you scare me—“

“No, you scare me, Tae.” Taeyong retorted. “What was it? Seriously,”

“Promise me you won’t get mad.”

“No, I won’t, until I know what was it.”

“Won’t get mad or won’t promise me?” Taehyung tilted his head as they kept marching side by side.

“Both, ‘cause I can’t guarantee to promise you that I can’t be mad.”

The cast wrapping his hand made him cumber to swing his body and to angle it as Taehyung did to see him. He kept walking forward instead.

“Okay,” Taehyung stopped both of them right in front of the designated class. “You can be mad, but don’t make a fuss after we cross this line.” He pointed to the door verge. “I wanted to say, and it’s kinda just my ramble, for your information. Well, I don’t really mind if my grades, gradually sagging since I don’t have time to finish high school, anyways.”

Taehyung was about to enter the room when Taeyong grabbed his wrist with his right, good arm and to pull him then make their faces grew closer. Taehyung could feel the bit shorter’s breath coming through his crooked neck.

“No, I’m not making it a big deal and maybe, I need to endure you saying it for many times after this.” Taeyong hissed and muttered. “You know what, Tae?” Taehyung slowly moved his head since Taeyong has appeared so intimidating. “People die, okay? And it’s not only you who will, well, I am going to when my time is up and not even a single soul knew when will it happen, to be precise.”

Again, Taehyung has merely nodded.

“So, stop talking and reasoning, like, you’re allowed to do anything you want ‘cause you know you’re gonna die.” Taeyong contended. “I’m gonna laugh at you from my grave, if I happen to die before you. Who knows what’s going to happen later… I was hit by a car two days ago, maybe I’ll bump to a bus today when I’m walking home.”

“Tae, what are you talking about??” Taehyung asked, trying to stop Taeyong to enter the class. Even though he saw the teacher was already at the hallway corner, ten feet away from them. He started feeling stuffy on the thought that Taeyong is going to die before him. “Don’t you talk like that—“

“Ah, ah!” Taeyong smirked as he directed to the verge and he crossed it in no time, as well as Taehyung who went after him. “Don’t make fuss after we cross.”

Taehyung snorted and soon, regretted what he said to Taeyong, who gave him the silent treatment even when he was excused to skip the period since.


Fast forward to when Taehyung was already waiting at the university for Suzy. He ignored the stuffy felling on his chest, as it hadn’t go easy on him since he had a little argument with Taeyong back at school. Not to mention, it kept bothering him that stuff like these, could be simply causing his head to be rocky, pretty much erratically. He might just need some air, which was why he got out from the vehicle then.

Taehyung told Mr. Oh that he was going to wait precisely at the gate from that point. He almost forgot to pick up the flowers placed next to him at the leather seat, that’s why he rece again. Mr. Oh was a little concerned seeing Taehyung was being more distracted than he ever was. He said nothing to it nevertheless, focusing to wait for the master at the driver’s seat, observing from afar.


Taehyung stood under a huge tree, avoiding the sunlight and anticipating his girlfriend to show up in minutes. He pulled his jacket sleeve to see his watch and to perceive it was already the time that school was also finishing. He supposed if he could be patient a little bit and wait for one period to complete the day, he probably won’t have such argument earlier with his best friend.

He wondered why Suzy hasn’t coming out from the gate through ten minutes passed. A part of him likewise pondered what it’s like to be going to a university. Perhaps, he could get the chance to spend some more time at classes, given that they’d have a lot of things to discuss even after the lecture has finished. The corner of his lips arched at the slightest thought, well, it made him happy thinking about it. Taehyung has secretly wished that he will be given enough time to, at least, enjoy a semester to experience a higher education than what he had at present.


Taehyung looked around and discontinued to have happy thoughts lingered on his mind. The stuffy feeling was back once those pleasingly notions were disappeared.

He observed a man, with prominent sharp eyes and broad shoulder who might be as tall as him, approaching from the entry. He recalled of meeting him days before when he visited this place. He forgot his name on the other hand, was it Jaehoon, Jaebum or Jae…bun? Taehyung shook his head to remember it clearly and to shoo the giddy he sensed inside his head.

“You’re here to see Suzy?” he asked the younger who gave him a hard-scrutinizing stare, he thought he might be alerted for what he stated the last time they met.

“Um, yeah.” Taehyung only answered to finally have his back rested to the huge trunk. “Did you see her in any case?” he didn’t know why it was getting more and more blurry for him to see around.

Jaebum contemplated before popping the bubblegum and placed his palm, not so far from where Taehyung leaned on. “Yeah, I guess she was with the others, exiting the room not so far behind me—“ He observed the younger’s face had getting paler and he glanced up to the sky. “You know what, it’s probably getting sunny as we’re close to spring, but you look like you’re a bit concerning right now… Are you aware that you’ve been sweating a lot?”

Taehyung might have been aware of it just because what Jaebum has mentioned. It was true that he’s been drenched and the weather was still windy for a typical early spring, which it was totally weird for the perspiration. Taehyung was about to reply Jaebum, but he felt like he’d been inarticulate all of a sudden, as the blurry sight was getting on and off, unreliably. It was hard for him to control himself at that time. He caught the view of Seokjin waving at him from the distance, with Suzy was also walking beside him.

But then, it was getting even harder for him to breathe. He cussed the stuffy feelings and the heat inside that he recognized from before.

“Hey, are you feeling alright? HEY!” Right at the time he caught Jaebum’s panicky call, when noticing his knees have been dropping limply to the ground.

It had all turned black for Taehyung in a matter of milliseconds.



A/N: I love all the bromances, so EXCUSE ME~ :D :D

esp JaeWin (sorry, an absolute NCT trash right here xD) I might need to change my username since a long time ago, but nah... I'm sticking up for my very original biases ^.^v









Anyway, the 'Distraction' part will goes on the next chapter, so please be patient DEAR my lovely readers <3

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Hey guys... Bad News. (at least for myself)
just went back from a trip & lost my flash drive (with my FFs in it) it was at a remote village, either in SK or Japan :'(
will be still updating later but i need more time to recollect the ideas. pls be patient :')


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ratu_Karin #1
Chapter 35: Woahh i love this story but i cant choose who will be with suzy (?)
I like taehyung charcter here xD he like angel xD
I hope taeyoung will changebbe better person xD
Hope you will update soon hwaiting :D
Chapter 34: I'm loving the TaeyongxJungkook moments, taeyong started out as the worst character in my opinion and now he's my absolute favorite<3 update soon I really love how all the characters are developing:D
ellehzier #3
Chapter 33: Omg!what will happen next?!can't wait for the next chapter..thank u for the update :)
afernanda12 #4
Chapter 33: OMG! I hope he is okey, how will suzy react yo this
Chapter 32: Wow! I read this in one day!
This is so good! I love it.
I love how the characters act upon Taehyung’s decisions. And how each character developed or changed.
Please update soon!!
afernanda12 #6
Chapter 30: What? .... Just like that ..... Again...
Well if I'm in jk position I will be all awkward