Mystery Unsolved


Lee Hwa: The captain of the girls lacrosse team with an investigative side

Park Jimin: A master hacker and painter with a childish side  

Jeon Jungkook: The high school's snotty football captain that is a secret chemistry genius 

Hwa has never been the type to let things go without an explanation, and she's always loved to investigate senarios. However once a student in her very own high school mysteriously passes away, investigating becomes more than a game to her. As the police look into the case Hwa begins to do so herself with the help of Park Jimin, a coding genius with a deep love for art and mystery. As Jimin and Hwa work together, they soon cross paths with another lonewolf investigator, Jeon Jungkook. With the help of Jungkook's chemical genius, the three form an investigative team to get to the bottom of the high school's shocking case. However the team begins to fall apart as competition and jealousy get in the way of their work, and Hwa is left trying to put the pieces of the team and the case back together.


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