Students ~

:: Maseol, Academy of Magic ::

Moon hyerin / SOMI (I.O.I) / JIMIN (BTS) / LION_HEART36
~     Hyerin sniffed, feeling a tear trickle helplessly down her her chubby cheeks, her baby fat making her pouting look even cuter. To most people she just looked like a young girl who tripped on her way home and scrapped her knee, however Rin knew the truth...

"Hey Minjeong! Look what I found!" Called an all too familiar voice. Yoo Eunbi. Hyerin wasn't facing her, she was sitting on her swing, her back toward the scowling child. She could here the crunch of the sand as another pare of feet grew near though. That would be Minjeong.

"Haha, it's the mutt!" Minjeong laughed. Hyerin clenched the chains of the swings before sitting up and out of her seat enraged.

"I've told you don't call me that!" Hyerin stomped her foot, but Minjeong and Eunbi just laughed, walking closer to her.

"What ya gonna do mutt? Tell on us?" Eunbi asked, shoving Hyerin lightly, continuing to walk forward, causing Rin to keep stepping back. "So mutt? What ya gonna do?" This time she scowled at her, which seemed quiet strange of a fifth grade girl soon to begin sixth, but it was scary from Hyerin's perspective.

"I...I..." She chocked on her words, any means of firing back disappearing with the echoes of laughter coming from her bullies.

"Thought not." Minjeong smirked shoving Hyerin with full force. She tripped over her feet as she tried to keep herself from falling back, unfortunately only causing her to turn and fall toward the pavement.

"Ah!" She shrieked, feeling her skin rip on the hard ground. Hyerin also managed to bang her elbow as well, but instead of scrapping it was simply assured to bruise. She looked up through her tousled hair to see the two girls laughing and pointing, their voices ringing back to her even as she made her way home.

"Edward!" A considered voice called when the front door to Hyerin's house opened. Her mother's almost constant smile faded at the sight of her injured and sobbing daughter.

"What is it Honey?" The said man asked, coming to the door. He had white paint on his cheek, and he kept wiping his hands with a rage, which also has the substance upon them. His pants also tracked with the stuff. He had been painting Hyerin's bedroom walls white, sort of a present for her birthday since they knew how much she loved to draw.

"H-hi Daddy..." Hyerin mumbled.

"Adie what happened? Did those girls push you around again? I knew I should have spoken with Mr. Yoo when I saw him at the community meeting last week—" He began rambling, but was caught off guard when Hyerin began to sob. Both her parents came to a lose of words, and she suddenly pushed through them harshly. She made a beeline to her room.

"Eonnie?" Questioned her younger sister as Hyerin ran past.

"Not now Amy."

When she entered her room, the smell of setting paint engulfing her, as the sound of her father calling her by her English name was drowned out by her pillow, which she pulled over her head. Later after finally tuckering herself out, she decided it wouldn't hurt to at least go down for a glass of water. Then if they end up asking what happened, it might not hurt to tell them either, she had to admit it always felt good to talk to someone. Remembering her knee, she crept out of her room and made her way to the bathroom to find a bandaid.

When she exited, with her knee all patched up, ready to rejoin the world, she was startled by the sound of a doorbell. She heard her father's firm foot steps as he walked to the door, and the creak as it opened. "Oh, Uhm, who are you? Is there something I can do for you?" She heard her father ask in English, and she supposed the person must not have been Korean.

"Ah hello there," Greeted the stranger, and by the noticeable African accent with his English she could tell he definitely was not Korean. "The name is Magoro, Oteka Magoro."

"Hello Mr. Magoro, I'm Edward Alston. Is there a specific reason you've stopped by at this time of evening?" Edward asked, and Hyerin heard the man laugh.

"For dear Adeline of course. Though I do suppose she prefers to go by Hyerin doesn't she?" Wait, he knows my name? Hyerin thought, and her father mimicked the astounded sigh she gave off internally, aloud.

"How do you know my daughter's name?"

"I'm with the school." Stated Mr. Magoro, and Hyerin was trying to think hard if she knew a foreign staff members at her elementary. She came up short.

"Oh, well uhm, come in then? My wife just finished making supper, we can talk while we eat. Yes?" Edward offered, feeling quiet sure they would have been notified of a board member were paying them a visit, but then again he had accidentally erased all the messages on their new answering machine, he still couldn't get it to work.

The three adults awkwardly sat at the kitchen table, having asked Amy to go play with her dolls in her room while the grown ups spoke. "I assume you haven't checked your mail in a while...I saw a few letters sticking out on my way to the door." Mr. Magoro smiled.

"Oh yeah. You see, my wife and I are both teachers, and we don't always get payed the best, so I hate when I have to see bills every time I open it." Edward laughed lightly, but the awakened tension was becoming apparent.

"Yes, and when you do finally got to check it, there is a buildup we have to take care of, and—" Just as their guest was starting to regret stating his observation, though it correlated to his arrival, he was saved from a long rant via Jinhye, thanks to the soft throat clearing that sounded behind them.

All three heads turned the direction of the sound, and were greeted by the slightly shy figure of Hyerin. "Ah, there she is, just the soon-to-be eleven year old I was looking for..." Mr. Magoro huffed in relief. "I've come to inform you that Hyerin has been excepted to attend Maseol, Academy of Magic." Magoro commented, looking back at Hyerin's parents.

"Oh how nice—wait what?!" Her father began, before the man's words sunk in. "Academy of what?!"

"Magic Mr. Alston, she has been excepted to Maseol, Academy of Magic."

"Is this some sort of joke?" Demanded Edward, while his wife just stared at the man sitting across from her and occasionally switched her gaze toward her daughter.

"Actually, it isn't."

"W-what do you mean I've been excepted there?" Hyerin pipped up, and Magoro turned to smile at her.

"You are what most of us Wizards refer to as a 'Muggle Born', and it is my duty, being a staff member at Maseol, to come and inform you in person." Magoro told her, turning to lift his satchel he possessed and place it on his lap, beginning to search through it.

"Muggle what?" They all asked together.

"'Muggle Born', it refers to a witch or wizard born from Muggle—none magic—parents." Magoro enlightened.

"This can't possibly be true..." Jinhye stated, though it didn't sound too convincing, since she herself was becoming confused.

"This is for you my dear." Magoro told Hyerin, finally finding what he was looking for. He outstretched his hand to her, and Hyerin took a closer look. It was a fancy looking letter, the envelope being made of fine parchment and written upon in fine green ink...her name and address all there in the back. "Open it..."

Hyerin nodded, and carefully pulled off the strangely imprinted seal. Inside was a letter written with the same green ink, on the same smooth parchment. She let down the envelope on the kitchen table, and her mother quickly grabbed for it to read the back, showing Edward as well. Hyerin turned back to the page, and began to read...


Headmaster: Yoon Junghwan
(Order of Solomon, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Moon,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Maseol, Academy of Magic. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than the July 31.
Yours sincerely,

Cho Daesung
Deputy Headmaster

Hyerin gasped, and handed the letter over to her parents as she took the second sheet of paper from her mother, who had just found it in the envelope. She turned it over and began to read again...


First-year students will require:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One pair of protective gloves (Imugi hide or similar)
3. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.
All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)
by Miranda Goshawk, Translation by Lim Shi
A History of Magic
by Bathilda Bagshot, Translation by Min Doyeon
Magical Theory
by Adalbert Waffling, Translation by Lim Shi
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration
by Emeric Switch, Translation by Go Haeun
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi
by Phyllida Spore, Translation by Woo Kibum
Magical Drafts and Potions
by Arsenius Jigger, Translation by Woo Kibum
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
by Newt Scamander, Translation by Lee Taewook
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection
by Quentin Trimble, Translation by Go Haeun
1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set brass scales
Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.

Yours sincerely,

Shim Yoomin
Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

Hyerin took a step back, as it seemed the room had turned dizzy. "This can't possibly be true...I mean magic isn't real!" Her father exclaimed, taking the words out of .

"Well Mr. Alston, if that is the case, why can I do this?" Asked Mr. Magoro who simply swished his hand, causing Jinhye's seat to lift off the ground and Hyerin's mother proceeded to hysterically shriek at what was happening to her. That shouldn't happen, but somehow it has.

After letting the poor women down, there was nothing but silence in the room. What had just happened? Was Hyerin really a...witch? No wonder she never fit in, she was around normal children, my Adie is special... Her father thought with a smirk. "So, how exactly will Hyerin's school things be put in order?" Edward finally asked.

"Well, all you two need to do is take her out of her current school, and I'll send an owl to Maseol informing the Headmaster that Hyerin will in fact be joining us in the new school year. However, I'll be back on the 31 of August to take Hyerin to get all her school supplies, and then take her to the Maseol Express which will in turn transport her to Maseol." Magoro explained, and the young girl's parents nodded. Magoro then turned to Hyerin and smiled.

"So...I'm really a witch Mr. Magoro?" Hyerin asked in just above a whisper.

"Yes you are Hyerin," He began, before tilting his head forward and giving her a playful look. "You can call me Oteka though, when I'm not teaching you that is, Mr. Magoro always makes me feel sort of old." Hyerin giggled.

This was it, the change she had been waiting for. The way out she had been waiting for, the new beginning she had been desperately praying for. Now she had it, and this time she planned on getting things right, making friends...of course if she doesn't get terribly shy that is.


~     The stars were glistening that night, and there was no moon. A baby lied in the backseat of a small car as a couple was talking in front of her.

"Seungyeon there is not another choice we have to leave now, before my dad finds us." The man said.

"I know but-" the woman started but was interrupted by her husband.

"There's a car following us. Get the child." He said looking back every 5 seconds. The woman picked up the child and looked at her lovingly.

"I love you." She said one last time before the car hit them from the side.

Jooyeon woke up for the fifth time that night, sweating furiously. It was always the same dream, over and over again, every single night. Although, something was definitely different about tonight. Never has she had this dream so many times before, at most it would only be two to three times a night.

She glanced at the clock, 4:56. Once she figured that she was probably not going to fall asleep anytime soon, she took out a book and started reading. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, she had found it in her grandmother's room the other night and it was fascinating. It wasn't long before she heard a banging on her window. It kept going. Slowly, she crept towards the window. Jooyeon looked outside yet saw nothing. It was pitch black. Frightened, she opened the window hesitantly. As she stuck her head outside, a creature flew straight into her room and landed on the lamp beside her bed.

It was an owl, with something in its beak. Jooyeon stared at the bird, while it looked back at her with its big yellow eyes. Then, it dropped the thing on to her bed and flew past her out the window. She approached it carefully, eyeing the object intently. After making sure that it probably won't blow up in her face, she picked it up and examined it closely. It was a letter, with her name on it. Should she open it? Should she not? Jooyeon pondered around her room for ten minutes before getting on her bed. She sat criss-crossed and picked up the letter. The room was dead silent, the only thing that could be heard was her soft breathing and the sound of the her ripping the letter. Reluctantly, she unfolded the pieces of paper.


Headmaster: Yoon Junghwan
(Order of Solomon, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Kim,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Maseol, Academy of Magic. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than the July 31.
Yours sincerely,

Cho Daesung
Deputy Headmaster

School of magic?? Wizards? Witches? Are you kidding me? What is this even? Jooyeon thought to herself as she continued to flip the page.


First-year students will require:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One pair of protective gloves (Imugi hide or similar)
3. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.
All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)
by Miranda Goshawk, Translation by Lim Shi
A History of Magic
by Bathilda Bagshot, Translation by Min Doyeon
Magical Theory
by Adalbert Waffling, Translation by Lim Shi
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration
by Emeric Switch, Translation by Go Haeun
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi
by Phyllida Spore, Translation by Woo Kibum
Magical Drafts and Potions
by Arsenius Jigger, Translation by Woo Kibum
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
by Newt Scamander, Translation by Lee Taewook
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection
by Quentin Trimble, Translation by Go Haeun
1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set brass scales
Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.

Yours sincerely,

Shim Yoomin
Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

Jooyeon reread the papers a few more times making sure that it was real and not a joke. She then heard footsteps outside her room. She glanced towards the clock, it read 7:30. Her grandmother was probably up already. She quickly stuffed the letter into her drawer and went outside.

"Halmoni..." She started slowly, walking behind her grandmother like a lost child begging for candy.

When they made it down to the kitchen, her grandmother finally glanced towards her, giving her a questioning expression. Her grandmother was never a person of words to be honest. Nervously, jooyeon started playing with her fingers. Should she ask about it? Should she say it? After a lot of thought, she finally got the courage to speak up.

"I found this thing yesterday." She said, suddenly finding the floor very interesting.

"What did you find?" Her grandmother asked, not looking at her. One step at a time, walked up the stairs to her room. She didn't understand why it felt so far. After getting the letter, she came back down and gave it to her grandmother. She took one look at it and dropped the plate of waffles that she was carrying. The cat hurried over to eat the scraps off of the floor.

"Where did you find that?" She asked, finally regaining her senses.

"An owl dropped it on my bed earlier." Jooyeon said it casually like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"An owl? Let me see it." Her grandmother asked for the letter. She slowly handed it to her and looked away.

The look on her grandmother's face was unreadable. A mixture of sadness and worry maybe. She flipped through the pages fast, as if she's already seen this. She looked at Jooyeon sincerely, her eyes filled with emotion. This is probably the first time Jooyeon has ever seen her grandmother like this.

"Jooyeon, do you know how your mother died?" She asked.

"Yes, the car accident." She said while nodding, earning a small sob from her grandmother.

"It wasn't a normal car accident, your mother was a witch." She started.

"A witch? So you're saying all of this is true? It doesn't make any sense at all~ all this magic, witches, wizards, it's just not logical.... Halmoni this isn't funny..." Jooyeon laughed awkwardly.

"It true, my dear. Your father was a wizard, a pure blood to be exact, and your grandfather, hated your mother. He was the one who caused the accident. You were the only one who survived." Jooyeon touched the scar on her left leg. Thoughts and questions started filling up in her mind all at once. She didn't know what to ask first, what to do now.

"And Maseol? Do I have to go there?" Jooyeon questioned.

"It's a school for kids like you. Your mother went there, so did your father. It depends on you, if you want to go, then you should. It's not my decision, but yours." She seemed to calm down a bit, seeing how Jooyeon took it so well.

"I'll take you to Mabeob Ally tomorrow, you'll learn all about it, I promise."



Son kyungmi / dahyun (tWice) / maRk (got7) / Luv_kero
~     Kyungmi's nose scrunched up as she pulled open the small door hidden behind the old father clock in the hall way near the attic. Technically she wasn't allowed on that floor, since apparently their was ghoul living up there and her parents didn't like to disturb it. As harmless as ghouls are they do tend to be noisy and obnoxious. Kyungmi smiled at her accomplishment, and found herself quit clever. If her father was going to ground her and take her broom away for a silly reason (flying it into their Dirigible plum bush) then she would go snooping even more then usual.

Squeezing her way in was one thing, but she noticed it was also quit dark, almost impossible to see where she was going. If only she was as old as her brother, then she'd be able to lumos her way through, lighting the little tunnel. As it seemed she had only two choices, go back be bored, or crawl through the cobweb tunnel blind...she naturally chose the latter. Eventually she felt she was nearing the end of the tunnel, because it started to get warmer and a light started to be visible before her. This conspicuous light happened to be coming from behind another door. Without giving it another thought, Kyungmi pushed open the door and smiled at what she found. It was her attic. She always did wonder how you were supposed to get up there in the first place.

A couple scattered candles lit the room, and piles of books towered over her by boxes covered in sheets. In one bin she noticed a book entitled 'Our Maseol Years, An Zhen + Woo Sung' which made Kyungmi smile, her parents were young once too and she couldn't wait for the moment she would find someone she loved as much as her parents loved each other. She shook from her thought presses when a cluster of books toppled to the floor by the corner of the room, and behind a tattered sofa Kyungmi could make out the green skin and red hair.

"Hey there." Kyungmi offered, stepping a little closer, but stopping when she noticed how the creature coiled back. He's shy...she thought, and smiled again even brighter. "It's ok, I won't hurt you, my name is Kyungmi. What's yours?" She crouched down, close enough to speak with the creature, but far enough so as not to scare the poor thing.

"Mrgh...mrgh....Mubb." He grunted a few times, but something in his eyes made Kyungmi sure the next sound was an answer.

"Mubb?" She asked to be sure, and he slowly nodded. "Hello Mubb, you must be the family ghoul then." Kyungmi declared and extended her hand out to him. He seemed confused at first but lifted his hand to poke the tip of Kyungmi's hand. She giggled at his gesture. "I've recently turned eleven, so in the coming school year I'll be finally attending Maseol, Academy of Magic. Just like my brother." The ghoul shifted, but seemed to look sad when Kyungmi mentioned Jun Sang. She didn't know why. Then it came to her. "You don't converse much with my family do you? Eomma and Appa say we aren't allowed up here because they don't want to make you mad. You just want some company don't you?"

The ghoul gave out a sad moan and laid down on his little ripped blanket. Kyungmi was going to speak up when a sudden echo came up from the vents. "Kyungmi! Where are you sweetie? A letter has arrived for you."

"Coming Eomma!" Kyungmi called back through a vent, knowing since they were all connected her mother wouldn't be able to tell she was in the attic. It was how she and her brother used to play hide-and-go-seek-tag. "Hey Mubb, I think this might be my Maseol letter, and as it were, I know I'll have to leave during the school year. I promise I'll be back for holidays and during summer. I can come and hangout with you up here." The simple gesture seemed to brighten the ghoul, and the hints of a buck tooth smile rounded his face.

After bidding her final goodbye to Mubb, Kyungmi crawled her way back out of the little tunnel, and hurried to her bedroom to pull of her baggy shirt and jeans, all now covered with dust and cobwebs. She pulled on an oversized jersey for the Korean women's Quidditch team the 'Bulg-eun Yeou', the red foxes. She also put on a pair of shorts and whistled for Lilith to come with her down stairs. The happy owl flew off her stand and onto Kyungmi's shoulder.

When she for down stairs her mother was smiling from ear to ear and her brother looked like a dork with his Girim turtleneck pulled over his chin in anticipation. Then Kyungmi saw it, the letter sitting on their kitchen table. The sound of the radio and the dishes washing themselves suddenly went away, as her heart began to race. This was it, her letter the one she had been waiting for her whole life.

"Jun Sang found it when he got back from his friend's, it was just sitting there under a pile of those Auror pamphlets your father gets and my subscriptions to Witch Weekly Korea." Her mother stated, and Kyungmi finally looked up.

"Can I open it?" Lilith gave a squawk of approval to Kyungmi's question.

"Not just yet, Dad told us over the two-way mirror that he'll be arriving soon with Uncle Ki Woo and Auntie Lu Shui." Jun Sang told her, and not a moment later there was a burst of great flame from the fire place and Kyungmi hurried through the archway to find her Father standing with her Aunt and Uncle, along with her two cousins.

"Appa! I've gotten my letter!!" Kyungmi exclaimed, and little Dae Suk looked jealous, he still had to wait another year.

"So I've heard." Her father smiled, and her uncle clapped his hands together in satisfaction.

"Your Auntie and I have been waiting for this moment." Ki Woo sighed, and Lu Shui rolled her eyes at her overly excited spouse.

"Really Honey, you weren't even this excited over getting your own letter, and she isn't even you daughter." Lu Shui joked before leaning down to huge her favourite niece (although admittedly only niece). Then she trotted off to embrace her sister as Kyungmi took Dae Suk's hand to show him her letter. It was finally her time, she would soon be where her heart knew she belonged....Maseol.

As the whole family sat around the table, Kyungmi felt the smooth paper between her figures. She couldn't help herself anymore, and quickly pulled the school seal off the front, pulling out the lovely pages:


Headmaster: Yoon Junghwan
(Order of Solomon, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Son,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Maseol, Academy of Magic. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than the July 31.
Yours sincerely,

Cho Daesung
Deputy Headmaster

This was so perfect, even the printing was magical. She could just imagine the castle, and all the corridors she could explore. Oh it would wonderful, just so completely wonderful!


First-year students will require:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One pair of protective gloves (Imugi hide or similar)
3. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.
All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)
by Miranda Goshawk, Translation by Lim Shi
A History of Magic
by Bathilda Bagshot, Translation by Min Doyeon
Magical Theory
by Adalbert Waffling, Translation by Lim Shi
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration
by Emeric Switch, Translation by Go Haeun
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi
by Phyllida Spore, Translation by Woo Kibum
Magical Drafts and Potions
by Arsenius Jigger, Translation by Woo Kibum
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
by Newt Scamander, Translation by Lee Taewook
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection
by Quentin Trimble, Translation by Go Haeun
1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set brass scales
Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.

Yours sincerely,

Shim Yoomin
Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

She had to stop and reread the last bit, first years can't have their own broomstick?! How would she service without being able to fly? Just a weekend without her old hand-me-down broom was dreadful, how could she make it through a whole year? Kyungmi looked up briefly and the way her brother was smirking told her he knew what she was thinking, but the moment he winked at her, Kyungmi knew her brother had something up his sleeve.

"Oh this means we can go back to Mabeob, it seems like it's been years." An Zhen sighed.

"Eomma you go with me every year." Jun Sang questioned, and his mother sarcastically laughed at his mocking.

"Yes well it is never the same after the first time. The first time is just so special. You'll get your wand, your first books, oh I'm just so excited." Woo Sung laughed at his dear wife and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Kyungmi couldn't help smiling at the thought. Her fingers found Lilith's soft feathers as the daydreams of Maseol and Mabeob Ally swirled around her mind. It would be an entertaining year, she most certainly hoped.

Han taeyang / Jisoo (actor) / shannon williams / Jey-chan
~    Taeyang took a deep breath as he peered into the distance. Fog settled over the mountain, hiding the Han mansion from the muggle world bellow. He leaned against the railing of his balcony to look closer at the buildings filled with people living their own free lives, but the fog was so thick he could only just make out the skyscrapers. A loud crack echoed around the dark mansion, bouncing off the trees as Taeyang witnessed the figure of his father Apparating before the house.

"You'll be in trouble..." an almost too sweet voice teased, and Taeyang jumped in shock.


"If father finds out you spent the whole day staring at that Muggle city instead of studying, you'll be in trouble." The youngest Han's voices was a bit too sweet, and his smile didn't fail to put Taeyang off. "But I guess I could keep it a secret...if you want..."

"Yes please Taeyoon-ah, don't tell father." Taeyang begged. It would be the third time that week he'd be reamed by his father, not to mention the probable end to his short life. Only Taeyoon and Sihyuk could bring out this kind of anxiety from him.

"Ok Hyung...all you have to do is promise to bring me a book when you come back for the summer." Taeyoon said wrapping his arms around his brother's waist in a hug. Taeyang didn't know why his brother wanted a book, but he didn't have the time to really consider it since his mother was calling the boys for supper.

"Fine. What kind of book?" Taeyang asked, looking down at the nine year old.

"One with a black spine and a green cover, crested with a dragon." That was rather specific. Taeyang wasn't sure where he'd find that, but before he could even ask, "The Forgotten Library...that's were you'll find it Taeyang Hyung." Taeyoon smiled up at him sweetly, but the grip he had on the back of Taeyang's grey-blue t-shirt was hard and cold...almost warning. "Now come, Father would have brought something back from the Ministry."

Mansae rushed passed the boys as they entered the hall way, panting and barking as he made his way down to the foyer were Mr. Han was already being greeted by the other two Crups Taehan and Minguk. Taeyoon walked toward the dinning room table were Taeyong and their mother already sat waiting as the kitchen staff placed the wine and cranberry juice onto the table. Taeyang peered down the stair for a moment to see his father crouched before the three dogs who were giddy for his attention. He wasn't usually as happy, but something hung at the corner of his mouth in the form of a smirk. That was a smirk all the men in the Han family had. It was the smirk Sihyuk used when he won a case at the Ministry, the one Taeyong would wear when cornering some muggleborn or halfblood in the corner of a dark hall at school, the smirk Taeyoon has been using almost constantly since he turned Taeyang was just yet to use himself. Part of him was reluctant, but at the same time still waiting for it to finally take over. He couldn't help feeling different then his family...but it was still who he was, and this smirk seemed to haunt him.

Supper was quiet, but was a natural feeling, as usually the arrogance of everyone hung over the table, and though the aura was thick enough to be sliced with a blade it didn't see, to deter Sihyuk from speaking up when he felt fit. "As if were, the case of that Muggleborn performing magic before Muggles has been resolved. I assume his's Wanda being broken now. Unfortunate I couldn't stay longer to watch..." His voice was matter of fact, as if what he had said wasn't at all disturbing. Mrs. Han simply examined her nails seemingly unaware of the comment, where as Taeyong shared a sly smirk with his father. Taeyoon just continued to stuff potatoes in his mouth and sip his juice. It was really was just Taeyang then. No one else felt slightly uncomfortable. If Kangmin were there he'd be able to tell him what was right to think, but he hadn't seen him since the start of summer and so Taeyang was forced to stare deeply into his peas and hope his father didn't call his name. "Taeyang." Oh no...

"Yes Father?" Taeyang looked up, mustering up enough strength to stare into his father's forehead creases like he did his peas. He expected a question, a statement, anything that could force him into a conversation with the head of the Han family. Instead a letter was retrieved from Sihyuk's inner jacket pocket, and extended toward Taeyang. He could feel the eyes of his family looking at him from all around but he was too intrigued by the way the parchment was illuminated in reflection over the black sleek wood due to the candle light. It was his letter to Maseol. A sharp inhale sensed his throat, and he began to open it immediately, glancing over the pages again and again. This was it, the moment he had been waiting for. Taeyong scoffed and shook his head lightly as he took his own letter from Maseol out of their father's hands. Taeyong would be returning to the school while Taeyang was just starting his first year, he looked at his younger brother as if he were naive and amusing to see open his letter.

"And this is for you Taeyoon." Sihyuk said opening a small case and handing their youngest a ring, the pended shaped like the head of a dog. Taeyang and Taeyong both had rings similar to it, and so did their father. Apparently there father's ring belonged to their grandfather and was a gift to him when he inherited the title of the heir to the Han fortune, and he had given his own children rings as well. Now Sihyuk did the same, and it was easily acknowledged by each boy that the one that inherited the title of heir now would receive their father's ring.

"Thank you father!" He beamed and slipped it onto his finger easily. A charm made it so it would grow to fit their fingers as time passed. Haera smiled proudly at her youngest boy, and pet his black hair fondly.

"Soon all my boys will be attending Maseol..." She barred her lashes and continued to pet Taeyoon's head. Taeyang looked down at his food once more, the arrogance clouding around the room once more and sticking in his throat, making it hard for him to breath, let alone look at his family members. Instead he reengaged in that staring match with his peas, begging for the dinner to end.

That had been a week ago, but still Taeyang stared roughly at the pages pinned into his daily planner. The paper had just lingered in his bedside drawer for a few nights, but the way it seemed to stare at him through it kept him up, and instead he hung these papers on his dresser, where it also kept him up. Could he ignore them if he truely wanted to? Probably, but despite dinner parties surrounding his mother and older brother's birthdays he sat in his desk chair, feet dangling as he pouted and scowled at the paper. He couldn't remember how many times he had re read those gosh darn pages.


Headmaster: Yoon Junghwan
(Order of Solomon, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Han,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Maseol, Academy of Magic. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than the July 31.
Yours sincerely,

Cho Daesung
Deputy Headmaster

He had heard his parents speak of his future endeavours in Anseung, how they hoped he would square up and start preforming more like Taeyong. The Han who was good at potions and charms, a legend for the Anseung Quidditch team, and over all a bread winner. So how could he not be compared...Sure the older couldn't make Taeyang quiver like Taeyoon could, but he still despised the way he was always over shadowed by this perfect Han son all the time. No, no...


First-year students will require:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One pair of protective gloves (Imugi hide or similar)
3. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.
All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)
by Miranda Goshawk, Translation by Lim Shi
A History of Magic
by Bathilda Bagshot, Translation by Min Doyeon
Magical Theory
by Adalbert Waffling, Translation by Lim Shi
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration
by Emeric Switch, Translation by Go Haeun
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi
by Phyllida Spore, Translation by Woo Kibum
Magical Drafts and Potions
by Arsenius Jigger, Translation by Woo Kibum
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
by Newt Scamander, Translation by Lee Taewook
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection
by Quentin Trimble, Translation by Go Haeun
1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set brass scales
Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.

Yours sincerely,

Shim Yoomin
Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

Taeyong wasn't going to be the perfect Han anymore, not if Taeyang could show his parents what he could really made of. That he was just as Han as any of them. Nothing, no Muddblood or Halfblood could change him...he was a Pureblood and oh would he make sure everyone knew it. Once he steps foot onto the Maseol Express he would be ready to prove himself. Then it happened, as if it had been waiting all this time for the right amount of frustration and jealousy and determination to weel up in his soul...the corner of his mouth began to curve, and that Han insignia of a smirk curled up his mouth. Fastened beneith a furrowed brow, you couldn't argue the family he came from. Taeyang was undeniable a Han.



Song sUngeun / Eunwoo (astro) / Rosé (blackpink) / IlikeCheesE
~    He couldn't believe anything could make this moment horrible, but somehow his father found out what. Sungeun looked at the pages of his Maseol letter that rested on the deep red dresser in his room. It looked like paper flouting over a river of blood he thought, acknowledging how he would need to return to the main floor to greet more guests...entering the snake pit as it were. The Hans were holding many dinner parties in near the end of the summer in order to celebrate Mrs. Han and their eldest son's birthdays. It was mainly a ploy to pamper the higher ups in the Ministry, and of course they them selves were invited since they were old family friends, or meant to be of course. However Sungeun's father wouldn't let that be. He needed to through some sort of even to show Sungeun off, to show how his son would make a fine man and a perfect copy of himself. That's what little Sungeun knew. The truth, all his father wanted was a replica of himself and meeting all these important people and expensive instructors was just the beginning.

Sungeun had felt the relief of freedom the moment the post was delivered, but his father felt the chance for glory. He'd show little Sungeun off, and there was nothing he could do about it. A laugh sounded up the stairs and Sungeun knew it was his father, so Sungeun forced himself to turn toward the door, reaching into his shirt to pull out the foggy emerald crystal that hug around his neck on a silver chain. His mother was too weak to hold the wait of his father's expectations, but if he had any power he vowed to not end up like her, run away from the abuse and leave him behind, no he wouldn't be so spineless. He was his father's son after all, and his ego wouldn't be able to nurse that sort of thing.

Sungeun shoved the necklace back into his shirt and took a sharp breath before leaving his room. The halls were dark grey and red carpet, making him continue to imagine trudging through a river of blood, and it wasn't till he finally descended the stair that deep blues greens and the black and white napkins brought a change to the scenery. Of course all the people in black and silver matched the theme, and so did their congratulations filled with half truths matched it perfectly. Sure they were glad to see a Pureblood becoming a student of Maseol as usual, but the crowd his father held acquaintance were all sort of at a head with one another, always silently at odds. Much like the Songs and Hans. Coming from different sections of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement meant they were similar in status, however different, and though they appear as friends there has always been a tension. Sungeun even spotted Taeyang from across the room with his mother, but turned the other direction to were his father was chatting up a group of Aurors.

"Father?" Sungeun asked, getting the attention of Seungwan.

"Ah my boy, let me introduce you to some of my Department colleagues. Mr. Won is here as well so you should speak with him as well." His father's charming smile and kind eyes almost made Sungeun sick, because ever since his mother left the only true expressions his father ever showed were ones of apathy as a means of toughening Sungeun up. He used to laugh and tell himself he should be glad he wasn't a House Elf, because Seungwan only got physical with them, though now he only felt sorry as he came to know how kind Blinky really was.

"Hello there Sungeun, your father has told us a lot about you. You must be excited for the start of your first year?" One man greeted, sharing a firm hand shake with Sungeun.

"Yes, I hope I can be as great a student as my father." Sungeun said with the same charisma as his father, who laughed and ruffled his hair lightly. Sungeun stared passed the adults who began to talk amongst themselves once more, and eyed the moon that beamed down from the sky vacant of stars. The way it looked at him was as if reassuring that the moment the stars began to shine again for him he would not be there, he'd be free from his father's close grasp, away from the private lessons by Mr. Won, no more occlumency, no more tea ceremonies being shoved down his throat...just Maseol.

At dinner the guests all sat at the long table that stretched across the dinning room. Wine glasses not yet filled were stuffed with napkins and the silver was arranged nicely. Truly it was an elegant sight but the air was so barren of warms. "Now!" Announced Seungwan, "My son and heir had just received his letter to Maseol, and as a token of nostalgia, I suggested he read it out in commemoration of our beloved Academy." He nodded to Sungeun at his side, and he stood like arranged. He caught sight of Mr. Won motioning for him him to stand straighter and raise his chin. Sungeun obliged reluctantly, and cleared his throat.


Headmaster: Yoon Junghwan
(Order of Solomon, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Song,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Maseol, Academy of Magic. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than the July 31.
Yours sincerely,

Cho Daesung
Deputy Headmaster

Sungeun read out each line precisely, filled with more sophistication then expected of an eleven year old. Many heads nodded and smiles bounced across the table as the adults remembered their days at Maseol. His father's eyes watched him constantly, expectantly, and if was a weight that caused his hands to shake. He swallowed hard once he finished the first page, and turned to the other to read it allowed, trying to compose himself before the man.


First-year students will require:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One pair of protective gloves (Imugi hide or similar)
3. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.
All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)
by Miranda Goshawk, Translation by Lim Shi
A History of Magic
by Bathilda Bagshot, Translation by Min Doyeon
Magical Theory
by Adalbert Waffling, Translation by Lim Shi
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration
by Emeric Switch, Translation by Go Haeun
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi
by Phyllida Spore, Translation by Woo Kibum
Magical Drafts and Potions
by Arsenius Jigger, Translation by Woo Kibum
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
by Newt Scamander, Translation by Lee Taewook
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection
by Quentin Trimble, Translation by Go Haeun
1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set brass scales
Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.

Yours sincerely,

Shim Yoomin
Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

A soft applause rounded the table as people continued to congratulate Seungwan on his son attending Maseol. It wasn't a surprise that it was more about Seungwan then anything, he only had one heir and the fact he was now attending Maseol was a great opportunity for him. Sungeun's hand found the small bump of his mother's necklace and repeated in his mind Don't be weak, don't give in...He would become greater and stronger then his father. No matter what.

jin lea / park seul / Sungjae (btob) / azure_bliss
~    Fire pasted the landscape, fallen stone blocking every turn she made. She felt the ash tracing her hands and cheeks, it costed in serenity through the stiff air despite the cries of pain, anger and resilience bouncing off the near walls. Her head turned with the sound to see a flash of green, and another body of a classmate falling to the ground. The chime of a bell grabbed her attention and she began to run, hurrying to the Grand Hall as fast as she could. A fallen balcony blocked the Grand Doors so without a second thought she listed her wand, "Reducto!" She exclaimed and the stone flew apart in an explosion, her path was clear and she hurried without stopping. That is, till a screech echoed and she looked up to see the cupola on the second floor begin to move. The glass started to crack, and the metal holding it together started to collapse in on it's self. When she realized what was happening and tried to move, a name called from behind her, "Lea!"

Slam! A book fell to the ground and she opened her eyes...she was laying on her desk. She was in her room back in her flat in London. She didn't know where her mind had just taken her but it wasn't London so she couldn't be more glad to be there. A book of The History of Magic was open to a page explaining how during the Han Dynasty when China ruled over Korea, it was when more controlled and centred ways of practicing Magic were gained. It was also why many spells in Korean were not only in Latin but ancient forms of Mandarin and Cantonese. Lea rubbed her eyes, but was startled by the sudden sound once again. "Lea!" Just then her nanny entered the room, speaking to her in Korean. "There you are! Your Korean Language and Muggle History lessons should have begun twenty minutes ago, I've been waiting for ages." She huffed, crossing her arms and looking rather disappointed.

"I'll be down in a minute." Lea smiled, but the witch shook her head and took a plump seat in the arm chair by Lea's desk.

"You said a minute ten minutes ago. Do you expect me to believe you this time? You really are a terrible liar." She smirked and handed Lea a Korean language book. "Now do some review from what we went over on Wednesday and then we'll do a bit of a Quiz. Then we'll start talking about the Three Kingdoms."

"Right..." Lea was only eleven but still knew to a great deal how strong a witch her nanny was, a Muggleborn or not. She was a kind soul but the look in her eyes showed that most of her life she'd had to deal with the prejudice against her. However she became a strong person for it, and it made sense why she went with Lea's mother when she took Lea and left Korea. Her mother had always been openminded and against such discrimination. A trait she made sure Lea possessed.

"Alright so let's begin on chapter 27 then..." Lea signed and flipped through the pages. She wasn't exactly how much more fluent she could get but according to her nanny she could.

Lessons were long but once she had finished all Lea wanted to do was have a snack. Her walked down to the kitchen, the window over looked the busy life of the Muggle city that always rather fascinated her. She poured herself a cup of tea, and pushed herself up with her toes to properly reach the sugar. Then she searched in the fridge before settling on a plate of Bubble and Squeak which she set at the table in her living room, switching on the radio. She listened to the commentator's words about the Minister for Magic Hermione Granger's opinion of the rumours being whispered here and there, while Lea also flipped through The Daily Prophet she new her mother was done using since there were coffee rings around the edges.

She set down her food and The Prophet when she heard a gruff of flame and looked over at the fire place, that sure enough was cackling with green flame. Without a doubt something was trying to make it's way through, and with a final spout, out came a parchment letter with a red seal. It had shot out and hit Lea in the forehead, but she simply grabbed it from where it fell to the ground and hurried to her mother's office. "It's here! My letter to Hogwarts, it's here!" She exclaimed hurrying up the stairs and passing her nanny who looked rather excited. She burst through the doors to find her mother at her desk.

"Lea? What ever is the matter Love?" Nora looked up from her documents of British and Korean Wizarding trade and blinked her eyes at her daughter.

"It's my letter to Hogwarts Mum, just look!!" She exclaimed even louder then before.

"That letter..." She trailed off, it looked too familiar, but she must be seeing things. Staring at documents on your day off wasn't ever a good thing. Lea handed the letter to her mother, still not reading what it said. However when Nora got a hold of it she new she wasn't seeing things. The words on the back were written clearly in Korean, "To Miss Jin Lea" she read out loud in her mother tongue, making Lea quiet confused. The seal was of a Bear, Sika Deer, Vibakari, and Weasel. It was without a doubt from Maseol. "This isn't from Hogwarts's from Maseol...the school...the school your father and I...went to..." Lea paused and blinked. It was hard to process, it had been six years since she stepped in South Korean soil and even if she learnt the language and the countries history...she always thought she would attend Hogwarts. London was her home after all.

"But Mum...I was supposed to go to Hogwarts." Lea whispered. The vision she had earlier replayed in her mind...was her vision of Maseol?

"Well you are a Pureblood of the House of Jin and it's much as I'd like to break those ties, I suppose it is your duty to attend Maseol." Nora nodded her head, rubbing her forehead as she thought. "Go on, you'd better open it." She whispered, handing back the letter. Lea took it from her mother, not feeling rather timid. She opened the seal and pulled out the pages within. She set aside the envelope and began to read.


Headmaster: Yoon Junghwan
(Order of Solomon, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Jin,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Maseol, Academy of Magic. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than the July 31.
Yours sincerely,

Cho Daesung
Deputy Headmaster

At first she had felt worried, unsure, she'd always though of Hogwarts, what it would be like to have the Sorting Hat placed on her head but she was attending Maseol. However this meant not only a different school then she expected, but also a chance...a chance to see her brother again, her father. A small smile began to pull on her lips. Perhaps this was a sign of some sort. Whatever the case, holding the letter it's self made her brother and father even the much closer to her.


First-year students will require:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One pair of protective gloves (Imugi hide or similar)
3. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.
All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)
by Miranda Goshawk, Translation by Lim Shi
A History of Magic
by Bathilda Bagshot, Translation by Min Doyeon
Magical Theory
by Adalbert Waffling, Translation by Lim Shi
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration
by Emeric Switch, Translation by Go Haeun
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi
by Phyllida Spore, Translation by Woo Kibum
Magical Drafts and Potions
by Arsenius Jigger, Translation by Woo Kibum
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
by Newt Scamander, Translation by Lee Taewook
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection
by Quentin Trimble, Translation by Go Haeun
1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set brass scales
Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.

Yours sincerely,

Shim Yoomin
Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

There they were, all the books she longed to read, and for a moment she felt as if she might be able to smell Mabeob ally itself, with it's food trollies and little shops...her mother told her stories about how she got her wand and now Lea began to long to step foot in Dokksori as well. This was her calling, and to Lea it couldn't have been clearer. The smile on her face had grown brighter, and she hurried out of her mother's office without another world. She ran straight for her room and collapsed on her bed. She laid there staring up at the pages. She put them up against her nose and breathed in. Was that what Maseol smelled like? Then she began to think, and sat straight up. "Will there be Nargles at Maseol? I better pack my necklace just in case..." She spoke aloud to herself, pondering what else she would need to pack. After all, this was her first trip back in Korea after six years abroad. Her first trip home.



Nam Taejin / SEungcheol (svt) / Ahn bora / Hosukk
~    "OF- COURSE- SHE- DIDN'T- KNOW." Taejin told his friend in between slurps of his jajangmyeong before setting it aside on his bedside table. "It was hilarious, the look that everyone was giving her," Taejin laughed, pleased with himself, "serves her right too, Ms. Lee always yelling at us with her tight bun."

Last week was the end of the school year and Taejin wanted to have some fun before 5th grade ended. Plus, no one really liked Ms. Lee anyways. So they decided to prank her, with Taejin being the ring leader of course.

They had put clear glue on her chair, so when she sat down, she would stick, and when she finally got out, there would be a wet stain on her bottom. Everyone seemed to think that she had wet herself and it was funny. Well, as funny as it can get for a 10 year old. Taejin had thought that it was pretty smart himself and officially became the most popular guy in 5th grade for a good 8 hours. 

"You should've been there man, too bad you didn't come to school yesterday." Taejin told his friend over the phone. 

"Yeah, you guys should've video taped it for me." His friend said, feeling disappointed.
"Oh, we did. This video isn't going anywhere." Taejin laughed. 

"We even caught the part where she ran around with a ruler in her hand trying to catch Jaemin because he was laughing so hard." He wiped the tears falling out of his eyes, if people were to hear their conversation through the phone right now, they would probably think they're a pair of strange kids.

"Anyways, are you doing anything tomorrow? If not maybe wanna go to the park?"

~  Girl with the pretty face and long tail, LOOKING LIKE YOUR'RE OFF THE COVER OF WITCH WEEKLYYYY  ~

"Sorry, gimme a sec- Noonaa, can you pleas turn that down?!!" Taejin yelled across to the room next door.

"NO!" Soojin gave a quick reply before turning it up even louder.

~ You pretty little Me-meme-tamorphmagus GOT ME GOING LIKE A CRAZY ELF ~

"Noona, just because you want to hear it doesn't mean I want to!!—" He was stopped by a silhouette fluttering outside his window. once, twice, three times it flew by before Taejin could make out the shape of a wing.

"Uhhh, Hyunwoo, I'll call you back later my mom is calling me." He told him reluctantly, cutting off his confused Muggle friend. After hanging up, he quickly went to his window and opened it. Even before he could open it up fully though, the owl swooped in causing Taejin to fall on his bed. While it perched on top of his drawer, the owl dropped a letter and beckoned for Taejin to read it. 

"Oooh are you talking to your friend, I still haven't told him about that time you-" Soojin peeped through the door, freezing as she looked between him and the owl.

"MOMMM!!" They yelled in unison as they made a run for the stairs.

"TaegothisletterTaegothisletterTaejingothislettertoMaseolllll!!!!!!!" His sister exclaimed as she rushed down the stairs, with Taejin follwing not far behind.

"Oh my gosh Noona, why do you sound more excited about this than I am." Taejin scoffed at his sister. 

"Because I am, my little brother is all grown up, he's gonna attend Maseol." Soojin said as she pinched his cheeks. He hates it when she does that. After that quite embarrassing scene, the three of them sat down on the kitchen table, and opened up his letter eagerly.


Headmaster: Yoon Junghwan
(Order of Solomon, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Nam,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Maseol, Academy of Magic. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than the July 31.
Yours sincerely,

Cho Daesung
Deputy Headmaster

It couldn't be denied it really was his letter to Maseol, and he had been waiting for ever for it! He remembered when Soojin got his letter, and he couldn't have been anymore envious. Now it was his turn to walk those halls and finally understand what on earth a "Deadly Seon" is, his sister acted like it was an inside joke, but to him it sounded like some kind of disease. Either way it was finally happening, and about time he'd say.


First-year students will require:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One pair of protective gloves (Imugi hide or similar)
3. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.
All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)
by Miranda Goshawk, Translation by Lim Shi
A History of Magic
by Bathilda Bagshot, Translation by Min Doyeon
Magical Theory
by Adalbert Waffling, Translation by Lim Shi
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration
by Emeric Switch, Translation by Go Haeun
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi
by Phyllida Spore, Translation by Woo Kibum
Magical Drafts and Potions
by Arsenius Jigger, Translation by Woo Kibum
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
by Newt Scamander, Translation by Lee Taewook
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection
by Quentin Trimble, Translation by Go Haeun
1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set brass scales
Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.

Yours sincerely,

Shim Yoomin
Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

"WHAT? First years are not allowed their own broomstick," Taejin reread the line a good 10 times before he fully percieved the text, "how am I supposed to practice quidditch? How am I supposed to play quidditch? How am I supposed to make it on the team?!?!?." He whined.

"Omg, Taejin chill, first years aren't allowed to play anyways, plus, they have brooms there, don't freak out, you put the drama in dramatic, like calm down." His sister reassured, rolling her eyes at how his jaw seemed to hit the ground.

"It's fine honey, we'll take you to Mabeob Ally and Dokksari tomorrow so you can get everything, oh my this is so exciting! I haven't been there since Soojin was 11." It really would be exciting, so being the simple 10 year old he was, Taejin forgot all about his distress and smiled on at the sheet of paper. He was ready to have a blast, and was very ready for the fun, without a doubt.

Choi raejin / euijin (sonamoo) / taemin (shinee) / sakura19haruno95
~    What day could be so completely and utterly ordinary, so very ordinary to the point where the man in the dark purple cloak would no longer truly have the recollection of a normal day. Seventeen years ago he lost the meaning or normal, and was quiet content with his unnormalness that traced him. He wasn't your usual relative, particularly since his family avoided him. Well it isn't like they'd tried to, I mean for the passed three years he's been all but gone the whole year. Of course he doesn't miss perfectly good family dinners and important birthdays. So his aunt would be more then slightly shocked to find him turning up out of no where in such strange clothes. Of course for him they were his Thursday robes.

Being crouched in an alley for the average person would be quiet sketchy, but he found dark ones the easiest to hide from Muggle in. He would be waiting for some time now, so he might as well magic up a stool and sit. She wouldn't be home from school for another hour or so...

The school bell rang and as Raejin leapt with the rest of her class to finally be able to get out of the stuffy class for a whole summer break before beginning their final year of elementary, something felt different in the breeze that came through the adjacent window. She didn't really notice it though, since all the kids around her were asking to come over, or for her to come over to play. Being in Jeju meant many things to do for tourists but for the locals it was normal. So what got everyone excited was being able to hang out with Choi Raejin. She would admit it, but she wouldn't deny it, everyone would agree aswell. She was popular and everyone loved her. She was smart and bright and her family was wealthy.

Raejin politely declined, "Maybe this weekend guys! I need to help my parents with something today..." It was an excuse yes, very much so, but it wasn't a total lie so she didn't feel bad in running off after give her closest friend Miyoung a hug. She was the only one in their year who found out Raejin was rich before she wanted them to. It was all planned out since third grade, when she stopped home schooling because she wanted friends, she wanted to get to know people for who they were and others to get to know her. Not her family money. She kept it a secret for some time, but Miyoung ended up finding out when she followed her home insisting on a play date. What surprised Raejin was that Miyoung didn't really seem to care, and just wanted to spend time with Raejin. This friendship grew beautiful the next few years and they were thick and thieves.

Rae happily skipped down the path by her school, taking her time to enjoy the beautiful outdoors because she had a feeling if she hurried to the car waiting for her she'd actually miss school. Eventually though she had to get into the car in order to be driven home by her parent's driver. After arriving in the drive way, she hopped out and hurried inside, not noticing the familiar head poking out slightly from behind a hedge. She threw her things onto her bed and made a beeline to the stairs and zoomed off to the backyard to find the old gardener crouched by a bush of roses and she didn't hesitate to grab some gloves and sit by him.

"Oh Miss Choi, you don't have to help me you know that dear." He chuckled seeing the little on plucking the dead flowers off.

"How many times must you ask me that before you except I'll always help?" She questioned in a joking manner.

"Haha, once more, as always dear" He answered and in a comfortable silence they continued to tend to the garden.

Perhaps an hour passed, and she new her parents had arrived from work already and were probably preparing for dinner but she had that same wisp of strange breeze brushed past her but it didn't linger in her thoughts for long as she turned to see her mother calling for her.

"Raejin-an!" She called, looking mildly worried, and a smidgen excited. Rather odd combination but why would a soon to be six grader care? Of course not. So she got up and bowed to the gardener man who smiled fondly. Worded didn't need to be exchanged, she New he was grateful and he new she loved helping out. What did spark her voice was the site of her cousin Siho standing in her living room. She lifted her arms ready for a hug, but then stopped when she eyes his clothes a tad closer.

It didn't take the family long to realize they needed to take seats in the living room and discuss...well whatever the reason Joohyun's nephew had for coming over to visit wear...well wearing that.

"Alright, now before I say anything I just want you all to know I love you. And I would never lie about something like this." Siho reasoned.

"Honey your scaring me just tell us what it is." Joohyun requested, and Raejin found herself looking back and forth from her parents to her cousin.

"Alright then....I'm a wizard. That's why I've been here and not here off and on again for the passed seventeen years. I used to attend a wizarding school called Maseol and now I teach there, the school is actually located here in Jeju...but I know you are moving to Seoul for Kangnam's work soon so I thought it best to come clean." Siho stated it all matter of fact, and while there was a silence in the room, for many reasons, he took it as his chance to retrieve his wand. He pulled it from his cloak and spoke some strange words to which objects in their living room came to life and danced around. It was fabulous and extravagant...and considering the strange things Joohyun and Kangnam were aware of but still confused about ever since Siho apparently found out he was a all suddenly made sense. It was why her sister would bring up weird words like Quidditch and Muggle and why she was so proud of her son for being so unique when the only different thing Joohyun noticed was his absence ten months of the year. She smiled brightly and for up right away to hug her nephew. Completely glad he and his mother weren't clinically insane but just gifted with these abilities of his.

"Oh thank god I have been worried about you for the longest time honey, I'm so glad it was this and not something else." She laughed and Siho smiled. While they all celebrated Raejin was utterly confused and shaken...wait...they were...moving? To Seoul? And and and...Siho was a what?

"Yes, I did hope you would be as excited as this, because of what I'm about to tell you now." Siho nodded when the excitement had slowed down a bit and the footrest stopped acting like a puppy dog. "Well, I'm what is called a Muggleborn, meaning I was born from Muggle "non-magic" parents. It is passed down through generations from ancestors once of Magical origin...and the gene continues until it stops being dormant and is awakened. Which is why I have magic. It is a family things really, and sometimes more then one person within a family can be a our case..." He paused letting the information sink in, "In our case it is me...and Raejin." He turned to look at his little cousin and she froze, eyes widening. "I've known since two years ago when I saw you bring that dying flower back to life...extraordinary...truly..." He said and Raejin suddenly felt herself begin to shake, and the sound of her parent's excitement left her ears.

Siho' hand extended with a letter addressed to her, and she took it with trembling , fumbling to open it.


Headmaster: Yoon Junghwan
(Order of Solomon, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Choi,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Maseol, Academy of Magic. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than the July 31.
Yours sincerely,

Cho Daesung
Deputy Headmaster

Reading the words was like being shot each time, repeatedly. Wait, did he expect her to go here? leave her life and attend this school? Did her parents expect her to leave? Whether it be to Seoul or Maseol, or both? Really? She felt like each thing she was certain of in her life was being pulled apart bit by bit and not a single part of her life made sense anymore. She looked over to the next page, not wanting to see her parent's faces just yet.


First-year students will require:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One pair of protective gloves (Imugi hide or similar)
3. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.
All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)
by Miranda Goshawk, Translation by Lim Shi
A History of Magic
by Bathilda Bagshot, Translation by Min Doyeon
Magical Theory
by Adalbert Waffling, Translation by Lim Shi
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration
by Emeric Switch, Translation by Go Haeun
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi
by Phyllida Spore, Translation by Woo Kibum
Magical Drafts and Potions
by Arsenius Jigger, Translation by Woo Kibum
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
by Newt Scamander, Translation by Lee Taewook
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection
by Quentin Trimble, Translation by Go Haeun
1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set brass scales
Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.

Yours sincerely,

Shim Yoomin
Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

When she looked up reluctantly, confused by such nonsensical books she couldn't help but feel slightly nauseous at the whole circumstance she was in. After all, this started like a normal day, a completely and utterly normal day. Now she wasn't sure what normal way, what it meant, if it actually existed....and would she have to dress like her cousin? Siho also handed her a thick voluminous book titled A History of Magic. "Here, it is my own copy from my school days. I thought it might be good to start you off with so you have a bit of an idea of what to expect." Then she caught sight of her parents and they were teary eyed and full of smiles. Excitement was written all over there faces and Siho just seemed content.

Then the shaking became too much for little Raejin and she found herself standing abruptly and hurrying off to cower in her room, clutching the letter and book in her arms. Tears began to fall when she made to to the stairs and so by the time she was in her room she was hyperventilating and confused. "I hope I won't be an outsider..." as she whispered desperately, sleep took over and all she was left with in the morning was the memory of the unfortunate yet incredible truth...but could she handle it?



huang liang / YAnan (pentagon) / arin (OMG) / Minyoungie-leE
~     "Dad! I swear it wasn't completely Liang's fault!!!" XieRen tried to convince her father, though his furrowed brow showed no sign of backing down. The way his body towered over the twins was very intimidating, at least to Liang. XieRen just stood there with big puppy dog eyes trying to keep her brother from getting in trouble again. He was too much of a hassle for her.

"Really? Then whose fault was it? Your's XieRen?" Her father answered back in a nasally tone, knowing full well his daughter had noting to do with the over grown nose incident. Liang, since the moment the kids found out the truth from their mother, did only two things. Try to use magic, and complain about how they may as well have just gone to Hogwarts.

"" She confessed her innocence and her father gave a long sigh before walking over the the couch to gain his composer. Dealing with his wife LiuXian when he first found out about magic was something, but having three rug rats with powers was different.

"If my nose isn't back to normal by the time you mother gets back, I'll have no choice but to ground the both of you." He spoke softly, the threat very clear. The twins exchanged looks, before XieRen pushed her brother in the direction of their father.

"Well go on, fix it." She insisted, but the bewildered look Liang wore was not encouraging what-so-ever.

"That's the thing...I don't know how." Liang confessed, and their youngest sister giggled on the floor, having found everything extremely hilarious to witness.

" just thought about Daddy's nose being big, just think of it as normal again..." XieRen urged, since the growing scowl their father wore was both menacing and hilarious with the disproportions of his face currently.

"Why can't Mom just do it?" Liang whined at his sister like he was five instead of 11.

"Because we'll be grounded and Daddy doesn't want Mommy to see him like this." XieRen explained, but Liang still didn't fully comprehend it.

"Fine, I'll give it a try." He sighed, giving in finally. He sat on the floor infront of the couch and frowned. How would he go about this? He stared contently at the large snout and reminded himself it wasn't one, if it were he'd look like an elephant. In effect, a loud elephant snort filed the room as the large nose really did become a snout. Liang's eyes grew big with surprise, and XieRen gasped, before falling against the wall for support.

"What is it?" Their father asked, seeming to have not noticed it yet.

"UHm, n-nothing Dad, I'm just working on it." Liang insisted in exasperation. He shook his head to clear it of thought, hoping he wouldn't make him look like a parrot or something next. Though as a result a beak appeared instead, and XieRen slowly slid down the wall in agony. Now that wasn't good at all...why was he so bad at something that was literally in his blood? In frustration he squeezed his eyes and clenched his fists, till he felt a small hand take a hold of his. He could tell XieRen wanted to help. The twins took a deep breath, clearing their mind, and imagining their father back normal.

They took a moment, and finally opened their eyes again. Liang's breath released in a huff of relief at the sight of his Dad's nostrils back to a reasonable size. They managed it, and just in time it seemed, as the front door made a beep before opened fire and closing. Their mother hurried in with a face full of excitement. She held two envelopes in hand, and didn't hesitate to insist the whole family sit around the kitchen counter. LiuXian placed the envelopes down in front of the twins, while her husband picked up their youngest, watching on with a look only muggle family members had.

"Is it...?" XieRen asked discreetly picking up her own.

"Yes they are, now go on you two, open them." Their mother insisted, something LiuXian was actually quiet good at.

Liang felt nervous for possible the first time in his young life, but as he felt his fingures pulling open the envelope he felt a leap of joy at the sight of the letter. It meant it was true, this was real. The feeling of excitement that took over the nerves was enthralling and he felt his cheeks tingle with excitement.


Headmaster: Yoon Junghwan
(Order of Solomon, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Huang,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Maseol, Academy of Magic. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than the July 31.
Yours sincerely,

Cho Daesung
Deputy Headmaster

It seemed almost surreal, him reading this. It was like it confirmed was who he was, but his life hadn't started yet. Not till this moment. Now he couldn't just be a kid who just so happened to have magic, and kid who inflated his father's nose by mistake or played jokes with his sisters by levitating cutlery, dolls and hair shampoo bottles. No, now he had to be a wizard his mother could be proud of. He knew how much this meant to her and he would be lying if he said it didn't scared him to think he might disappoint her, but the thought of his magic being confined suddenly do to school rules made a part in himself just want to cause more trouble then he normally would.


First-year students will require:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One pair of protective gloves (Imugi hide or similar)
3. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.
All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)
by Miranda Goshawk, Translation by Lim Shi
A History of Magic
by Bathilda Bagshot, Translation by Min Doyeon
Magical Theory
by Adalbert Waffling, Translation by Lim Shi
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration
by Emeric Switch, Translation by Go Haeun
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi
by Phyllida Spore, Translation by Woo Kibum
Magical Drafts and Potions
by Arsenius Jigger, Translation by Woo Kibum
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
by Newt Scamander, Translation by Lee Taewook
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection
by Quentin Trimble, Translation by Go Haeun
1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set brass scales
Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.

Yours sincerely,

Shim Yoomin
Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

Liang looked up from the page and saw his sister chatting away about books and robes, and his mother kept telling her about what it was like to be sorted for the first time but Liang was somehow just blocking it all out. He read and re-read the letter. He had read them before, his mother showed him and his sister her first letters. But it seemed different to think it was really his turn. He smiled on and said little as his family were talking, but he could feel his mother's eyes on him, and he knew she could tell just how much trouble he would be.

Lee jaemin / kihyun (monsta x) / sana (twice) / Bling-bling
~ "Daddy, where are you going??" A voice was heard as Jaemin appeared from behind the sofa.

"I'm meeting with the Minister of Magic, we're going to have tea." Hyunmin said as he pulled on his trench coat, and grabbed his manuscript.

"Can I come with you?" Jaemin quickly ran up to his father and clung onto his arm, to which Hyunmin chuckles before removing his son from his arm.

"Maybe next time," they both turned to the where the voice was coming from, "I'll be staying home today, so I can watch Jaeminie, go do your business with the minister." His mother said, resting both of her hands on jaemin's shoulders. Hyunmin pecked his wife’s cheek, and ruffled his son’s hair affectionately before bidding them goodbye.

Hyunmin was quickly forgotten when the front door closed, as jaemin shifted his attention towards his mother, happy to be able to finally spend time with her.

"Mommy, do you think that my letter will come today?" Jaemin asked excitedly and pulled his mother towards the mail shut.

"Hmm I don't see any owls today, maybe it'll come tomorrow~" Hwayoung said peeking out the window near the front door and the mail shut. She fixed jaemin's collar, "Now go up to your room while I cook lunch."

"But Mommm, you rarely stay at home, I want to help you." Jaemin whined. Since his mother worked at a journalist at the ministry, it was true that she was barely at home, therefore, jaemin spent the majority of days with his father. He didn't mind, of course, but a kid should still spend some time with his mother; who he loves so much, which is why he's always so soft with her.

"It's alright, plus the heir of the Lee's should not be in a kitchen, at least not yet." She said before giving him a soft smile, ushering him to his room, in which the younger turns around and hugs his mother's legs.

"Alright, alright, since my good son is so persistent, how about you go get a book and read in the kitchen with me." She finally gave in, causing Jaemin to fist bump the air. He then went and got his favorite book, Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them.

As he was reading while his mother cooked, he couldn't help but notice the structures of the house and how it all joins together to form one bigger thing. Unconsciously he began doodling in his book. Each room, each hallway in his house came to mind and it was all jotted down, he doesn't understand why he hasn't noticed until now but it was seriously intriguing him, how it all fit together and whatnot. His thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell and his head shot up, his attention shifting from the book to the door.

"Who is it? It shouldn't be your dad, it's barely noon." Jaemin's mother questioned, wiping her hands on the apron before approaching the door.

"Oh?! Hyunmin?" She said with a questioning look, "why are you home so early, shouldn't you be with the minister at the moment?"

"Ah about that, guess who I happened to run into today while I was having tea with the minister?" He said, looking at his son, "the headmaster-" he paused, "of Maseol."

“Really? It’s been quiet some time hasn’t it?” She was greatly intrigued, and helped her husband take off his coat.

"Well~ he told me some interesting information that our son would be glad to hear." He said, winking at Jaemin and headed towards the fireplace, in which Jaemin gave him a questioning look but still followed him nevertheless.

"Hmm, it should be arriving here anytime soon." He said while rubbing his hands together, "right. about. no-" POOF!

"My Maseol letter!!!!!" Jaemin excitedly exclaimed as he watched a letter fly threw the green flame, hitting his father in the forehead before falling to the ground in front of him. Jaemin reach for the letter and hugged it close to his chest, smiling brightly. Hwayoung and Hyunmin in the background could only laugh as their son had completely fallen in love with his letter.

"Oh, if wasn't clear earlier, the letter would arrive by the floo network at around noon, since owls have a hard time reaching our area apparently." He chuckled. The three then sat down on the sofa and opened up his letter, excitement filling each and every one of them. The couple had been waiting so long to have a child, and to finally be able to see him receive his acceptance letter to Maseol was very overwhelming, both of them began to tear up a bit. Jaemin quickly opened his letter, and pulled out the first page to read...



Headmaster: Yoon Junghwan
(Order of Solomon, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Lee,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Maseol, Academy of Magic. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than the July 31.
Yours sincerely,


Cho Daesung
Deputy Headmaster


He had never felt that excited about anything, and he racked his brain for a moment that he had felt even remotely as enthused. There wasn’t anything to come to mind, and so Jaemin didn’t hesitate to set the letter aside and pull out the second sheet of paper.



First-year students will require:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One pair of protective gloves (Imugi hide or similar)
3. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.
All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)
by Miranda Goshawk, Translation by Lim Shi
A History of Magic
by Bathilda Bagshot, Translation by Min Doyeon
Magical Theory
by Adalbert Waffling, Translation by Lim Shi
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration
by Emeric Switch, Translation by Go Haeun
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi
by Phyllida Spore, Translation by Woo Kibum
Magical Drafts and Potions
by Arsenius Jigger, Translation by Woo Kibum
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
by Newt Scamander, Translation by Lee Taewook
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection
by Quentin Trimble, Translation by Go Haeun
1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set brass scales
Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.

Yours sincerely,

Shim Yoomin
Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions


Jaemin quickly turned around to his father, and asked him how soon they could leave to pick up his things. Hyunmin was slightly taken aback considering how seriously Jaemin seemed, but he chuckled again when he saw that little twinkle in his eyes. “Well Jaeminie, I’ll have to see where my paperwork is at, but since your mother has work again tomorrow it looks like I’ll have to take you sometime tomorrow or the next day myself.” Hyunmin thought threw, since he was almost done his current files. Jaemin jumped up and hugged his parents at once, and they pulled him in for a tight squeeze. Hwayoung hopped nothing would ever change Jaemin, she hopped he would always be this lively and sweet, he had a heart of gold like his father, and she knew Maseol would be the greatest times in his life. Just like it had been for Hyunmin and her.

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[MASEOL ACADEMY OF MAGIC] GUESS WHAT I’M WRITING RIGHT NOW??? Expect something tonight or tomorrow my dears, it’s been a long time coming <3 I’m also curious how your Relationships apps are going?


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2443 streak #1
Chapter 9: Yay, happy to have you back! ^^ No worries about the wait! Life has probably been busy for most of us. ^^; I'm definitely anticipating the future updates and I hope you enjoyed reading my relationships app! :)
cant wai to read
2443 streak #3
Chapter 8: Just wondering around when you'd like to have us finish this app?? Just so I can plan out my time, haha. ^^ Very excited for Chapter One!! :D
Chapter 3: Omg I’m crying, thank you for choosing Jaeminie, thank you thank you thank you, I’m also very excited for the first chapters, this is so exciting to have everyone together now!
eyyyyyyy leggooooo much excite
2443 streak #6
Chapter 3: Awww, Jaemin's family is so wholesome!! I love it!! ^^ His reaction to the letter is absolutely adorable!! :D It's going to be very fun seeing him interact with the rest of the cast. :)

Once again, I'm very happy that we now have a full cast of great characters and I'm so excited for their adventures at Maseol to start!! :D
2443 streak #7
Chapter 8: Yay, you're back! :D Hope you've been well these past few months! ^^ The new graphics are so pretty and the character chart on the foreword is awesome! x] I'm very excited for the story to start and I'll go read the newest teaser now! :)
Hello~ Just dropping by to check on you two.
How's life been?
Chapter 7: Just dropping by and can't wait for the story to start!
Hwaiting authors!
sooo i was randomly checking all the apply stories that i have done stuff for and i see that on the picture the final character has been picked??? :D