It's a Lil' Iffy


Baekhyun worked the evening and night shifts at a convenience store. He had a crush on one of the regulars he'd dubbed Pad Man.


Rated PG.

Word count: 5.7k

Chansoo side-pairing.

Fluffy Baekchen is life, I don't know why I don't write more fluffy Baekchen. I've been writing this on and off for several months lol (ever since Next Door came out lol my inspiration) and since Baekhyun's birthday was around the corner, I decided to finish it! I was originially going to update FoC but it dawned on me it's a sad chapter and... no, not today, not for Baekhyun's birthday.



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Abbll16 #1
Chapter 1: This was seriously so cute. Great job! :))
Chapter 1: Omg Please write a Sequel or Jongdaes POV!! This is so goood! *-*
Chapter 1: this was adorable, omfg

thank you for writing this, I enjoyed it so much, hahaha!!
camie05 #4
Chapter 1: Too cute!!!!!!!
elainechick #5
Chapter 1: i love all the things lskdjflskjdflksjdf your little message at the end is so cute <3
Rikasan #6
They are so awkwardly cute ^_^ great story!!
berryberrystrawberry #7
Your stories are always amazing!!
Chapter 1: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW this is so cute!!!!! <3