A Crown of Marigolds



A Crown of Marigolds tells the story of Kim Jongdae moving to Mexico after he finds out that he’s come face to face with “La Catrina” (Death) more than once throughout his life. When he lands in Michoacán, he finds himself aiding people in small circle as the town doctor and begins to have a strange attraction with a girl from the town, flirting and joking; as well as continuing to see “La Catrina” in the woods watching the Monarch butterflies circle around her wanting to grip his finger through her marigold decorated hair.

But Jongdae is in a bind when he’s torn between a girl who shines like the sun and a goddess who can take his life with a blink of her pretty brown eyes. How can Jongdae choose between the sun and the moon?



“What is the price,” he asks, “for falling in love with you?”

She presses her frail hands against his cheeks, just barely running her lips against his and says, “Death, mi amor.”


Because I’ve been wanting to read a k-pop fic with Mexicans and Mexican folklore in it and decided to write my own instead.






HUGE Thank you to Ψ ȿɩᴎ ȿτυɒɩɵƨ Ψ for the Poster and Background Banner. ¡Muchas gracias! Me encantaron las dos <3


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