
English isn't your first language? Need a beta reader to read over and guide you with your grammar? Alas, you have come to the right place. You can apply for a beta reader easily by commenting and just to add a cherry on top, ALL BETA READING IS DONE FOR FREE!!!!! Please subscribe and upvote if possible❤️


Here at the BRA (lmao not intended) we believe that every story should flow with grammatical ease. As well as this, beta readers correcting your grammatical errors enable you to learn from your mistakes, ensuring that they do not happen again. No matter how many or how little subs you have, all stories that apply for a beta reader will get one. One favour we ask is that you credit us somewhere in your story, apart from that nothing is asked for in return. B.R A - saving the day, everyday ;)


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hi~ hope you still accept request because I really need a beta rn
Hi, I was wondering if you could beta read one of my stories?
Do you still accept requests? ><
May I know whether this shop is open for request?
Hello do u still accept request?
PinkFluffySheep #6
Hello darling! I hope you are having a wonderful day! <3 But back to the point, I would love to have you as the beta-reader of my fic and therefore I'm applying for your services! C:
byuntaebaekyeol #7
Awesome, just pm me and we can talk there >.<
hai..im applying for beta reader services
ega-ssi13 #9
Hello there... is it okay if i apply your beta reader service just for one chapter? This'll be my first time applying beta reader, tbh. So i'm kinda new and don't know too much about how it works