Chicken Soup For The Soul


yay!!!!im finally back and writing!!!!gosh how i hate taking long breaks..its sooo hard to write again!!!!took me three days to just write this!!!!anyways...its a long update!!!!yay!!!!i think its long atleast...since ive got 8 pictures of jaejoong saved and i want to use them...there will probably be 8 or more chapters left!!!!i seriously do not know how long this is going to be...sighs...anyway...enjoy reading!!!!i hope you like!!!!

The next morning you woke up feeling like you’d been hit by a truck and had been left to freeze in the middle of a blizzard. Your head was pounding and it felt like cotton, your body was so lethargic that just turning your head felt like you’d lifted 20 kg. You couldn’t stop your shivering, despite the warmth that May had brought and the blanket you were covered with. Curling up into a ball, you snuggle closer into Jaejoong, using his body heat to warm you a little. Oh this is not good…what happened? All of a sudden, you were overcome by a coughing fit, and despite your attempts to keep quiet and not wake Jaejoong up, he still woke up, startled.

“Hey, are you okay?”, he asked you.

Unable to say anything, you nodded your head while you continued to hack out a lung. Oh not good…he’s going to get so worried and hover like a mother duck…

Worry immediately filled his eyes and his hand shot to your forehead. “____, you’re burning up! We need to get you to a doctor…”, he jumped out of the bed and hurried into the bathroom, before running back out again. “You stay and rest, try to sleep some more, I’ll wake you when you need to get ready.”

“But Jae, I’m okay!”, you scratched out.

Narrowing his eyes, Jaejoong pointed to your pillow before disappearing into the bathroom. Oh, he’s going to be a nightmare…As you lay down, your eyes closed on their own accord and you were deep in sleep by the time Jaejoong came out once again.

Jaejoong’s POV

Good, she’s asleep. I think I’ll go make her something to eat and once she wakes up then we’ll go.

Quietly, Jaejoong went into the kitchen and started making chicken porridge, making sure that the meal was light enough so that you could eat it, but filling so that you would have some energy. Smiling to himself, he started cooking. It’s been some time since I’ve stepped into the kitchen. As he waited for the porridge to finish, he made himself a cup of coffee. How did she get sick though? She seemed perfectly fine yesterday and the day before that…I have to make sure to take better care of her. I don’t like seeing her suffer from anything, much less a cold…When the pressure cooker whistled, he quickly turned off the stove and went to check up on you, but found you just as you were before, deep in sleep. I’ll just keep the porridge warm then.

Your POV

Finally, after what had seemed like forever, you woke up, your head feeling a little less heavy, but other than that, much the same. Ugh…I hate being sick…You lay staring up at the ceiling, having no energy to get up. After awhile, you peeled back the covers, but feeling too cold without it, you bundled it up and wrapped it around yourself. Like this, you walked out slowly toward the kitchen, your sick stomach calling for food. When Jaejoong saw you, he leaped up off the couch and hurried over to you, once again his hand resting on your forehead.

“The fever doesn’t seem to have gone down…”, he quickly grabbed you from around the shoulders and steered you to where he, moments ago, had been sitting. “You wait right here while I go heat up some breakfast for you.”

Nodding meekly, you watched him bustle about in the kitchen before coming back with a steaming bowl of porridge. Your eyes widened hungrily as the delicious smell wafted toward you and your stomach started to hurt with emptiness. Well, I guess there are perks to being sick! As you started to unwrap the blankets that were mummifying you, you suddenly stopped, overtaken by shivers. Darn it! I can’t unwrap myself…how am I supposed to eat?

“Keep the blankets on, it’s alright.” Jaejoong finally reached you and he placed the porridge before you.

In a soft weak voice, you ask, “But how am I supposed to eat then?”

“That’s what you’ve got me for, I’ll be your hands.”

Sitting down beside you, he turned you so that you leaned against the arm of the sofa and were facing him. Once you had settled, he picked up the bowl and proceeded to feed you.

“Is it good?”

Too busy eating, you just nodded your head. Once you were finished, he left you to go clean up. As he started washing the dishes, you leaned your head against the back of the couch, full and satisfied. That was a good breakfast. You let a yawn, and feeling a wave of tiredness sweep over you, you snuggle down deeper into the couch, finally letting it take over you. Sleep is so good…The next time you woke up, you were feeling nauseous, and when you turned to look for Jaejoong, you spotted the bowls full of food for Vick and Jiji. As you stared at it, the nausea changed from a feeling into a reality and you rushed for the bathroom. You ran into your room and at that moment, Jaejoong was just getting out of the bathroom, freshly showered.

“Hey…”, but he was cut off as you pushed him out of the door and made your way over to the toilet, letting your stomach empty itself.

As you leaned over the bowl, you suddenly felt cool hands on your face, holding your hair back for you. Too embarrassed to look up, you kept your head down. Jaejoong switched positions and knelt down beside you, one hand holding your hair away and the other around your shoulders to support you. Once you had finally finished, you leaned against the bathtub, exhaustion washing over you. Without a word, Jaejoong got up and disappeared for a bit, returning with a cup of water, which he placed on the sink. He then helped you up and toward the sink, holding you up as you rinsed your mouth. Once you were done with the water, he poured in some mouthwash to help you get rid of any trace that may still be left in your mouth. Once this process was completed, your legs lost any strength that they had and you clasped Jaejoong’s arms to help you stay up. Without you knowing, tears had started falling due to the embarrassment and it was just a habit you had acquired from young.

In a voice that was barely above a whisper, you whimper out, “Jae…can you help me to the bed?”

Still silent, Jaejoong bent down and picked you up bridal style and went into the bedroom, laying you carefully onto the bed. Once your body felt the soft surface of the bed, it immediately lost any energy that it had and you could barely lift a finger. I need food…

“Don’t move alright? I’ll be right back.” Jaejoong quickly walked out, coming back with a tray full of food.

At the thought of eating porridge again, your stomach started rolling again. Jaejoong set the tray down beside you and you saw that whatever it was, the bowl was covered to keep its contents warm. You shifted over a bit so that Jaejoong could sit next to you, but he walked out again, this time returning with one of the bar stools from the kitchen. Moving the tray from the side table onto the bed, he lifted up the cover and you saw warm soup. Your stomach stopped rolling, as you smelt the delicious smell of chicken soup.

“Come on now, let’s finish this off while it’s still hot.”

He fed you and in no time, you had finished the bowl, your stomach now fully settled and your energy was starting to return to you.

“When did you make all of this?”, you ask with your quiet voice, raspy with a sore throat.

“While you were sleeping of course. I decided to cook everything so that you won’t have to do anything and so I can focus on taking care of you, which you very obviously need.”, Jaejoong said, staring at you with a blank expression, though his eyes gave away the worry that was plaguing him. Shaking his head, he started to put the things back onto the tray. “When you get sick, you get it completely don’t you?”

You nod yes meekly, and with another shake of his head, he went to put the dishes away. It was true though, ever since young you rarely ever got sick, but when you did, you would suffer twice more than anyone else and you would be bedridden for a week or more. What’s going to happen to the engagement party and the press conference now? Who knows how long this bug will last…Your train of thoughts stopped as a coughing fit took over. When the door creaked open, you tried to suppress them, but of course, they couldn’t be contained and came back with a vengeance. When the coughs finally stopped, Jaejoong handed you the cup he had been holding.

“Here, drink this, it’ll help your throat.”

It was honey and lemon tea and the moment you took a sip, the itch that the coughing had caused soothed away. This is like heaven…Once you finished the cup, you handed it back to Jaejoong, feeling sleepy.

Jokingly, you asked, “You didn’t drug me did you?”, as you let out a yawn.

“We should really get you to a doctor…”, Jaejoong said as he pulled the blankets up to cover you as you slid down the bed.

Yawning again, you say, “Don’t worry Jae, this’ll pass soon, it’s nothing too serious…” You close your eyes, only to open them again slowly. “And don’t stay near me, we don’t need you getting sick too…”

As you drifted off to sleep, you feel Jaejoong’s cool hands brush your cheeks and forehead. “Don’t worry about me, just think about yourself.”

The next time you woke up, you found that it was already evening and you had slept soundly for a good six hours. Wow, I feel like a baby with all this sleeping. As you sit up and stretch, you feel a thousand times better. Hmm…maybe this was just one of those 24 hour bugs? You slowly peel back the covers, and thankfully, unlike the last time, you weren’t overcome with shivers. You put your feet down onto the floor and slipped them into your slippers, but rather than getting up, you continue to sit there. Should I get up? Putting faith in your legs, you finally stand up and thankfully, your legs didn’t collapse from under you. Happy, you walk out and go to the kitchen, your stomach rumbling with hunger. I hope there’s still some of that porridge left over! As you peered into the fridge, you not only find a pot full of porridge, but a large container filled to the brim with chicken soup was in there too. He made so much! He seriously can’t expect me to just eat this for the next little while does he? As you reheated the porridge, you went looking for Jaejoong, but you didn’t have to go far. Where you had been lying hours ago, there lay Jaejoong, fast asleep. Oh, he looks wiped…He shouldn’t have worried so much, now I feel bad… Since you were feeling better, you quickly eat and decide to make Jaejoong dinner, not wanting him to eat ‘sick’ food like you had to. You decided to go simple and made him fried rice, using some of the chicken soup to cook the rice in so that the chicken flavour would be there. At around 8, you decided to wake him up.

“Jae!”, you shook him gently, “Jae! Time to wake up! Dinner’s ready and you don’t want to eat too late now do you?”

When he still didn’t wake up, you got worried that maybe you had passed this bug to him. You quickly checked his forehead, but realizing that you probably wouldn’t be able to tell if he had a fever or not, you got the thermometer and poked it into his mouth. At the sudden cool metal touching his mouth, Jaejoong startled awake and immediately pulled it out.

“What’re you doing?”

“Just checking your temperature! I thought maybe you might be getting sick too…you wouldn’t wake up…”, you mumble out, feeling like a child as Jaejoong felt your forehead.

Chuckling, Jaejoong got up and stretched. “Like I said, don’t worry about me! Did you eat dinner? Your fever’s gone down so that’s good.”

“Yup! And I made you something too!”, you say, skipping a bit as you followed him.

Jaejoong whipped around. “You’re supposed to rest! You didn’t have to do anything!”

Tossing him a dirty look, you went around him and prepared the rice. “You really think I’m going to stay in bed forever? And anyway, I’m feeling so much better. I think it was just one of those 24 hour bug things, so stop worrying!”, you shake the spatula that you were using to scoop out the rice at him.

“Just because you’re feeling better now doesn’t mean you can stop being careful you know.”

“Yes mother!”, you teased as you followed him back into the living room.

After telling you that the rice was good, silence enveloped you two. You turn on the TV and channel surf for awhile. Finding nothing interesting on, you left it on the news. Jaejoong finished and got up to clear the dishes, leaving you sitting there. After a bit, you followed him into the kitchen and sat down on the stools.

“So, how about we talk about the press conference and engagement party?”, you say as you spin yourself around.

Jaejoong stared at you incredulously. “Press conference? That can wait until you’re fully better understand? Don’t go about worrying yourself over something as small as that.”

“Small? Small only to you…you’re not going to be put under the scrutiny of thousands of fans now are you?”, you mutter under your breath. “Moving on, I was thinking we hold the engagement party this weekend? I already have the menu planned out so all I have to do is go grocery shopping and we’re all set! I was thinking we just keep it really simple.”

“You cook everything?”, you nod in reply. “Are you mad? You’re not going to cook! If anything, I’ll do all of that or we’ll get it catered! I don’t want you getting more sick!”

Getting furious at his babying, you stand up. “I’m not an invalid Jae! I’ve been sick before and I did more than I’m doing now! I’m just sick, not dying!” You two stood there glaring at each other, neither backing down and giving in. In a huff, you say, “Fine then, but I’m not doing nothing, you can help with the cooking so that way it’ll be split in half. You can help with the cleaning too. Happy?”

Jaejoong just nodded in reply and drying his hands, he came around and gave you a one armed hug. “Come on now, let’s go to sleep.”

Your anger washed away and was replaced with sleepiness. “Should we share the same bed? One person being sick is enough…”

“If I was going to get sick I would have gotten sick by now.”

Without another word, you two went to bed. The next morning, you woke up feeling as good as new, the bug having passed. All of a sudden, Jaejoong woke up and started coughing just like you had the day before. Without a second thought, your hand went up to his forehead and you checked his temperature.

Rather than letting you do that, Jaejoong grabbed your hand and kissed your palm. “I’m just joking babe.”, he said laughing.

Narrowing your eyes, you hit him once before laughing along with him. Thank goodness, it’d have just been a nightmare if he had caught it too. was it????i feel like the endings really crappy...but...anyways...please comment and let me know what you think!!!!

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 61: Omg this story is seriously so amazing!!!
Chapter 2: OMG OMG OMG! You know what!? I've been looking for this story for ages! It's been on my mind for ages now and I freaking finally found it! You wanna know the reason I was looking for this story? Because it is one of my favourites! Ugh! You don't understand how long I've been searching! By chance I clicked on the story and as I started reading the 1st chapter I told myself "please let this be the one that has been killing me ever since reading it a while ago!" and finally my search is finished! I'm freaking saving this story! <3<3 much love ^^

My heart was actually beefing so fast :) I might have a heart attack XD
Chapter 61: AWWW MY GOD! It's the end already. And kyaaa JaeJoong is so sweet :'D Congrats author-nim for completing this story! It's a long journey, isn't it?
Chapter 61: hey...congrats...still wandering the time that i came accross this's ending already...
Chapter 61: Wow, I remember when I found this story... Good job :)

Congrats on finishing it.
Chapter 59: OMG!!!you finally update the story ...anyways keep updating this story since your in your break...hu3
Mo0onyDolls #7
Chapter 50: OMG OTL I have so much to catch >_< let the race start!! I think I will spam you with my comments lol remind me of how I first read this story hehe ...missed aff <33