It Might Be You... Who Knows? (Sec. 7/Chapter 33/Page 13/?)

It Might Be You... Who Knows...Sequel Story: The King and I (Will start at Chapter 537)

Continuation............................................finally I can update...thank you everyone for the patience....let's start....



Kim Kibum …
(Night time to the following day - Thursday…)




Kibum puffs air into the wind, releasing the depressing energy that starts to lurk into his system – keeping a stronghold of his self - goes back inside with somehow a clear state of mind.  When suddenly his phone rings…presses the speaker phone to respond…


“Hello…Onew hyung! Kindly handle Minho’s projects for now…
oohh… yeah, he did mention about it that he had informed
you already…Thanks then…

See you soon…Bye…”




Kibum smiling puts the receiver down, walks towards his chair, sits and starts working on his loads of jobs to finish. From his early teens up to this moment being busy has become a natural habit or way of life for him – just like now, while the rest of his workers from all around the globe are busy spending time with their family or friends, his is the opposite – he checks the situation of each businesses he owns, based on the weekly reports given to him by all heads.


Such a precise person, Kibum makes sure that everything is doing well – to help him maintain the balance or keeping things upright are Mr. Taeyang, Ms. Joonie and Onew especially he is involved in establishing a new huge big project.


Kibum without being aware of it, darkness has now starting to envelope the surrounding due to his humongous workloads which has prevented him from able to relax.  Suddenly without a warning both Natalie's and Minho’s photos slip on the corner side of his table, he straightaway looks up sort of bewildered and feels his surrounding of any reason for the fall – fails to find the cause behind it; he takes a deep breath and fixes the frames then stares at each of them lovingly. He lifts his face again turns his face to check on the state of the day surprised to see that the night has arrived.


Still on a seated position, he turns and pulls his chair toward the glass wall particularly closer and nearer to have a magnificent panoramic view of the lighted river area, meticulously designed lightings of each buildings as well as beautifully landscaped parks – viewing these marvelous sights somehow helps him to release his tiredness from all days of work; he smiles and leans his body on the chair for a much needed rest cause he needs to build his energy to continue his work.


Now the night is now almost complete, sliced only by the many lights to illuminate the entirety of the largeness of his headquarter then out of the blue Kibum whispers…


“I wish Minho and Natalie could be here with me…
I feel so alone…”



Striving to stay on a positive mood, Kibum tries to screen out the exceptional view around him – returns to an inner state of calmness and love. Ignoring the lurking of loneliness and the flickering triggering spark of sadness; he focuses on the splendor of the magnificent elaborate scene. Kibum’s gaze focuses on a darkest side of the view and that he begins to notice ashen color sort of glow shaping into what he sees human-form like. Gradually Kibum could now clearly see and identify as though looking through a microscope viewer, astounded and shocked, softly blurted out…





The human-shape form just smiles back and waves gently in silence back at him – not a single word spoken suddenly a sudden urge from Kibum’s side rushes, goes out of the balcony to get a closer view; he moves a few distance away from where Natalie’s form is – a yearn for touch stirs on his mind – unfortunately impossible as it looks like belonging to a different realm circled by soft lights so fascinating in his eyes.


Stunned by what he sees, remains in his footing becoming immobile then suddenly the human-form ghostly like Natalie spreads her arms directing Kibum to look up and so he does – another ethereal as he thinks comes into forms – a boy and a girl holding each of Natalie’s hands smiling cutely and waving their free hands at him.


In harmony with the whole phenomena, the misty rim that surrounds the three human shape hazy forms take their own agenda of gyrating feature emitting beaming softer lights like hallowing them; Kibum astounded with what he is witnessing pinches his cheeks however the images are still there – acting persistent; he closes his eyes for three seconds just to make sure of the whole occurrence and debating with him self that he is not suffering from any hallucinations – as a result, again, there they are staring still wearing the same facial expressions.


Believing that his mind is not simply playing tricks on him, trying to redirect his anxious energy into positive energy, Kibum moves closer – now just a calculating three meters away from the moving images; his collective thought seems to project a different kind of reaction – an understandable feeling embracing what is going on and not fighting back as their presence does not create an unfathomable and impulsive sense of overwhelming fear.


Thus Kibum as though mesmerized by the whole incident stands frozen focusing his entire being in utmost sublime gaze exploring their every move unconsciously responds smiling back at them in total silence – staring and feeling their presence – it is in the look in their eyes that Kibum makes it hard to explain why he is falling for the feeling of being loved and comforted by what he figures Natalie with the twins.


Then suddenly, Kibum gapes while the whole condition is still continuing, from a view few distances away from the current existence, another shadowy figure is disrupting his focus. Noiselessly, what it seems for Kibum a cloud of dust, still an undefined figure slowly appearing at his vision emitting multiple colors of light into the air.


Kibum staggers a bit in astonishment and in awe wondering what this unexplainable form would shape into, then the beam of light slowly is taking shape with its beam flashing softly swinging coming closer where the still three images of Natalie and the kids also stop what they are doing then turn their gazes at the upcoming shaping at a solid approximate six plus feet tall frame form – alas, a stature which Kibum with his mind and soul can easily identify that is smoothly floating towards the side of the smiling boy – is, Minho.


“Min….nie…. bu..but… why…?”



With these few spoken words, Kibum slowly becoming puzzled with the whole scene grasping a better understanding of what is happening before his eyes. Unknowingly hangs his mouth open in a gape as he watches all four images joyfully and blissfully smiling at him.  His bafflement behavior evident by his mouth gaping turns into something encouraging and inviting, focusing on the beautiful faces in the beaming circle, he gives in returning to an inner state of love; he smiles again.


As Kibum wishes to move forward, at a step, the scene seems to shift into motion causing him to slightly jump to his feet. A different scene has now updating swiftly before his eyes; Natalie looking at Minho in a calm manner guiding the twins to move towards Minho’s side – Kibum back in a mystified state could just manage to watch the whole scene changing into a distinct special arrangement.


Now Kibum finally sees, Minho with both of his hands holding each of the twins’ hands while Natalie in a serene state smiles and gently moves coming closer to him. Now finally in front of him; he could see Natalie’s beautiful eyes conveying love and care. Smiling back, Kibum has now return to a more calmer state sees Natalie’s face in close proximity to his face then he sees her embracing him causing a flow of different uplifting energy overwhelms his entire being making him gently blink in a second.


Then after, he sees her closing the gap of their faces then gently she closes her eyes and giving him a tender indistinct kiss on his lips presenting the same effect as to just a while ago she embraced her.


For seconds, Kibum feeling her sort-of-physical presence is experiencing an unexplainable bliss being in a different realm – filled with a magnificent energy, he yields in – enjoying the moment, so pristine and undisturbed. Then he is back, opens his eyes, finding out that Natalie starts to move away from him; he raises his hand saying…






However still without a sound is a response he receives, panicking he is able to leap up from his position and run to follow her until the cold silver steel rail puts him on a stop that he could only manage to see her slowly moving away. His eyes suddenly now uncontrollably reaming in tears watching her drift away from his sight – still he sees her giving a gentle loving gaze conveying to calm him self then she raises both of her hands put it on her lips and gestures of that of blowing a kiss for him.


Then after slowly she comes back into the beaming circle giving a last embrace to each of  the twins and Minho then moves away from them along with the ray of lights associated with her, disappearing. Kibum who’s now in a perplexed condition continuously to soundlessly cry with Natalie gone; his focus switches to the remaining figures standing slightly in an inclined position above him gazing at him in a comforting manner.


Making sense of the situation, Kibum appeases his self into a calmer state overthrowing his previously upsetting condition but could not utter a single word thus just simply wipes his tears away. As he continuously gaze in full concentration at Minho and his twins smiling above him, gradually, his sadness begins to diminish and the inner turmoil slows to mere shiver and he calls them – these human-shape figures…



“Min..nie… Margret…. Henry… are you going to leave me too…?”




Minho with the twins comes closer where Kibum is, stops in front of him looking at him as if like trying to convey a message of hope, faith and love. Kibum wanting to react and speak just manages to gently blink his eyes takes a heavy deep breath for a better relief and simply nods looking back directly at Minho’s eyes and next to the twins.


He receives the same reaction from Minho and the twins when he smiles – thus, as he wants to express how he loves them, he is suddenly astounded when Minho and the twins have hugged him intensely first so that before he could respond to it – they now all detach their embrace from him and turn into a balls of steam vapors entering his bod. Tremendously shocked as to what just happened, Kibum could not move at all and suddenly all he could hear is an unending sound of buzzing…





 Page 13 of Chapter 33 Ends page please..........


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Thanks everyone. I've started writing for The Canvass and The Ball. Have fun reading as well. Good Day. Take care.


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sade_cascade #1
For my next story.
Please since it is going to be kinda sensitive - I may only allow my subscribers to read it.
But I have another fiction story that I will also write at the same time I am writing Salon de la Vie.
Thus, I will writing two stories at the same time - hope I won't get them mixed up.
Chapter 1: it is a great story
sade_cascade #3
sade_cascade #4

I started December of 2011. Almost two years.
The ending was not supposedly would have finished that way.
It started out with a single thought that changed everything.
Thanks that you like it.
Me? Oh..thank you but do you really like how i write.
My friends are really fantastic writers but me, I write differently.
Sometimes, they are all dialogues (like you know - scripts with really really few expositions - sometimes more like intro of a setting)
But thank you from the bottom of my heart if i have inspired you to read and write.

Writing is not my stuff, however, just like one day - was given to me as a favor to write for a group of people (for a drama activity on theater.
Chapter 536: I... Cannot... Believe... It's finish....
It was a wonderful ending. Actually when did you start it and how long did it take for you to finish?
I'm in awe.
Thanks for making this story because if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have started reading or writing for that matter.
Thanks so much.
sade_cascade #6

Chapter 507: Sooooorrrrryyyy. I haven't been reading! Got damn stupid exams. Mianhae but I can't wait for the next chappies! Update as soon as you can ^^
sade_cascade #8
HI everyone.
Time for my update. I have two days to finish them.
Starting right now.
sade_cascade #9
@-Cremee; @snowangel245; @diva_key13; @Anniechew2001

Thank you for the Upvote - correct is it?
Greatly Appreciate it.