It Might Be You... Who Knows? (Sec. 6/Chapter 30/Page 1/?)

It Might Be You... Who Knows...Sequel Story: The King and I (Will start at Chapter 537)

Chapter 30         When Doves Cry…
                            Kibum’s adversity…. Minho’s chance…?

Point in Time:    Within and Almost Three Years Later
                            Kibum at 21….

Location:           Somewhere in France




Kibum’s Decision…


“Bummie, have you heard about Minho’s girlfriend and his plan that…
he and his girlfriend would be living together?”


“Yes, I love you so much Bummie… eversince… for so long”

“I love you Key hyung … I love you so much…
Minho hyung is so lucky but he is a coward…”

“So Bummie… sweetie… at what age do you wish to settle down?”

"Bummie, I trust you know that sooner or later you will have to be crowned Prince”

"Please consider that I will need the next generation after you to continue the legacy…”


“Yes… Papa, I will – the next generation to continue the legacy…”



“Next Generation”……..


“Yes, I love you so much Bummie… eversince… for so long”


“Bummie, have you heard about Minho’s girlfriend and his plan that…
he and his girlfriend would be living together?”


“LEGACY….LEGACY….settling down….
Next Generation…next generation….
LEGACY… LEGACY….aahhahhh…aahhh”


Kibum awakened by the flashing repeatedly echoing statements of people he cares, sits upright and gasps for air then slowly takes heavy deep breaths. After minutes of settling himself down, he folds his knees then lays his crossed arms above it and for a moment, looks around the scene checking the environment for a slight movement and inspecting whether he is still inside his dream – after seconds of scrutiny; he now realizes that he is indeed fully awake; he jumps out of his bed and runs several steps back and thro his room before landing ineptly on his bed again face against the bed’s surface – breathing constantly on the slightly perfumed on cotton silk sheets until he gets drown and feels drowsy by it. Turns his body now back lying on the bed with eyes planted staring at the ceiling aimlessly. What now? He thinks.

Pauses for a moment trying to make sense of his dream , he spreads his arms along with his feet sideward – finding a comfortable position; he relaxes and closes his eyes then after for what he senses he’s still awake; he suddenly sees himself immersing in a place he had been before together with whoever he was with that time. First plane is where Taemin and he went – in Paris Downtown; he feels so elated watching Taemin walking towards him that he could not stop himself from calling him…

“Taeminnie… Taeminnie…
Come… I am over here…”


Taemin wearing a beautiful smile runs to meet him; he opens his arms to receive him but so shocked when Taemin just passes right through him. He forces himself like intensifying his energy into a massive pull so he can hold Taemin but the result would be the same thus as a follow up; he loudly calls for Taemin over and over again so he can hear him which the other does the same - crying his heart out desperately calling for him but Taemin can not hear him and vice versa. He can not understand why either of them just passes through each other…

And now, appearing is a large whitish heavy whirl of moving mist, drawing its concentration from the intense glow between them in the background – at this moment; he losses his focus on Taemin watching the progressing into a very thick mist approaching him, acting on impulse; he runs to avoid it but fails.  Now, at times surrounded by or beside the glowing mist thus instantly, he realizes that he was in fact the one being passed through by Taemin.

He could sense the energy deeply coming into his body and soul and thus becoming entranced by it but only for a moment as he is sent back by the sound of painful cries authored by Taemin. He could see the other in a cowering position – heads hidden between his folded legs whimpering in sobs calling his name endlessly – instinctively regardless of his condition; he runs to hug Taemin to provide comfort saying...

“Hush… Don’t cry…
Taeminnie… I love you…
Please be okay… I am just right here…”


Thus for an unexplainable reason, the latter’s face moves upward then moves side to side as if searching for something…

“Key hyung… please come back….
Come back to us…”


He sees Taemin saying something but he could not hear it hence, he is pulled upward with an intense force by this glowing mist surrounding him away from Taemin, and then after, like a gravitational pull, his body subsiding becoming part of the mist taking him away from this current sphere and be transported to a place he does not know – being in this moment, he sorrowfully watches Taemin’s agonizing status dreadfully calling out for his name while slowly being orbited to a different time and place.

In just a sudden like a swift whisk, he finds himself in front of his parents, his grandfather, great grandfather and great grandmother together with Sooyoung, Leeteuk, including Taeyang and the others – smiling at him wishing him happiness of which he does not comprehend why he would be wished. He is caught unaware wondering by her mother who is now asking and saying…

“Are you alright, Bummie?…
Please don’t forget us… come back…sweetie”


Followed by his father saying…

“That is right Bummie…
We love you Bummie no matter what…
We deeply wish for your happiness and
we are really glad for the choice you have made…but not like this…”


He gets so confused with what they are saying…. That he ends up asking…

“Tell me… I am so confused…
what are all of you saying….
Mom… Dad… what is the meaning of all of these…”


Jessica runs to hug him however just as she is about to touch him, he vanishes into thin air swirled by the glowing mist….he screams…

“WAIT…Mom… Dad….
I don’t understand…. Please…”


But unfortunately, answers are not ready to offer him solution for his own dissolution… and just like the last time, being hurled into a hollow nomadic space which somehow has its way of controlling where to take him next – he anticipates; much to his astonishment, he finds himself alone on the beach shoreline he had been before…wandering around heading for somewhere he does not have any idea where to go, when suddenly he hears someone calling his name not far from him thus he turns to see who calls – surprise to see Minho…

His face lights up beaming foolishly upon seeing Minho running towards him smiling and jumping continuously – both feeling happy as it has been such a long time he has not seen each other however when he is a meter close to him; he stops and says…

“Minnie… don’t come any closer…
Please I am afraid same goings-on will happen, just stay there…”


Minho understands stops and does not even dare to move then speaks in a query tone…

“Bummie, I am glad you are happy, are you not …?”


Kibum gotten so confused is being asked by this question over and over again…

“Minnie… I don’t understand…
What all of you have been telling me… what is wrong?


Minho continues to speak without heed of Kibum’s question…

“I am so sorry Bummie, I was a coward…
But I do love you so much…
I thought you had forgotten about me…just please come back…”


Kibum panics when Minho opening his arms and runs towards him for a hug quickly says…

“Don’t come near me, please…
I need some answers…please…”


True to his assumption, he has not become visible again in Minho’s eyes nor can his voice be heard so that only he can muster to say,

“Minnie…where have I gone…”


“Bummie…where are you?...Bummie….BUMMIE!!!”

Cries Minho….


Like a flash of light, he is sent back in his original condition alone in his room gasping for breath so confused - sweating vigorously, he moves out of his bed to get something to drink. He wriggles his hands and stretches his neck to release the growing anxiety out of his system, walks towards his door to quench his thirst.  As he opens the door, he wonders why it is so quiet and a bit shadowy thus he has one name that easily enters in his mind… Taeyang…calling him…


“Mr. Taeyang…Mr. Taeyang… what is goin on?”

He hears the response of Taeyang vaguely on the other line...



Page 1 Chapter 30 Ends page please.................


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Thanks everyone. I've started writing for The Canvass and The Ball. Have fun reading as well. Good Day. Take care.


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sade_cascade #1
For my next story.
Please since it is going to be kinda sensitive - I may only allow my subscribers to read it.
But I have another fiction story that I will also write at the same time I am writing Salon de la Vie.
Thus, I will writing two stories at the same time - hope I won't get them mixed up.
Chapter 1: it is a great story
sade_cascade #3
sade_cascade #4

I started December of 2011. Almost two years.
The ending was not supposedly would have finished that way.
It started out with a single thought that changed everything.
Thanks that you like it.
Me? Oh..thank you but do you really like how i write.
My friends are really fantastic writers but me, I write differently.
Sometimes, they are all dialogues (like you know - scripts with really really few expositions - sometimes more like intro of a setting)
But thank you from the bottom of my heart if i have inspired you to read and write.

Writing is not my stuff, however, just like one day - was given to me as a favor to write for a group of people (for a drama activity on theater.
Chapter 536: I... Cannot... Believe... It's finish....
It was a wonderful ending. Actually when did you start it and how long did it take for you to finish?
I'm in awe.
Thanks for making this story because if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have started reading or writing for that matter.
Thanks so much.
sade_cascade #6

Chapter 507: Sooooorrrrryyyy. I haven't been reading! Got damn stupid exams. Mianhae but I can't wait for the next chappies! Update as soon as you can ^^
sade_cascade #8
HI everyone.
Time for my update. I have two days to finish them.
Starting right now.
sade_cascade #9
@-Cremee; @snowangel245; @diva_key13; @Anniechew2001

Thank you for the Upvote - correct is it?
Greatly Appreciate it.