It Might Be You... Who Knows? (Sec. 2/Chapter 8 -Page 1/?)

It Might Be You... Who Knows...Sequel Story: The King and I (Will start at Chapter 537)

 Intro:   Let nature takes it course. So it shall be…. These are amongst the famous lines where we find ourselves just going with the flow
            – apparently, things can be so unexpectedly sudden yet funny…devil

Chapter 8      Chronicles of the Past… Bummie’s Family unfolds

                       Bummie’s Family unfolds… Heechul and Jessica

 So The Battle of Doves Continues or Ends?


Point in time:  No Point In Time – rather One Summer Hot Day

                         Jessica – age 20 and Heechul – age 23

Location:         A Grand Celebration at Heechul’s Mansion



Days pass by with the ongoing antagonism and non-bowing of characters' self-esteem between the two; they somehow manage finishing the whole business discussions. As a result, Heechul wants to hold a grand celebration announcing the the business venture success to the business community. Invitations are sent. At this moment, Jessica decides to call his father

Jessica:           Dad, I believe I am done. I need to get out of here.

JP Owens:      Congratulations Honey, as expected you never fail to amaze me. I am so proud of you.

Jessica:           Dad, are you listening to what I am saying?

JP Owens:      Oh by the way, I learned that Heechul is going to hold a gathering to publicly announce your business
                        venture? That is great!!

Jessica:           (seemingly annoyed that her dad is not even listening) DADDY!! Eeeyyyyaaa..

JP Owens:      Oh, Sweetie what is it this time, ha? Don’t you like him?

Jessica:           Listen, Dad as what I have been telling – I am done here, I want to go home!

JP Owens:      Please stay a little bit sweetheart, please? You have got to be there as you are my representative, you
                       know! Well, as if I failed to support you the entire time listening to your never-ending accounts of Heechul’s
                       characteristic credentials, did I? Oh, except for one-time slip of the tongue comment, uuhmmm what was
                       that? (mimicking his daughter statement “I can’t believe a super good looking guy like him is such an
                       arsehole!” – eh? Sweeetie... am I sensing an undeniably fact of crawling admiration towards Heechul?

Jessica:           (Surprised over her Dad’s silly behavior and remarks, gives up) Dad, why do you have to treat me like 
                        this? Have I been bad?

JP Owens:      Oh darling, you are a perfect loving generous daughter who other parents can be super envious and me
                       super proud of!!

Jessica:           So?

JP Owens:      I love you Sweetie… Tata!!

Jessica:           Dang it! I so hate to have a Very Young Silly Goodhearted Father!!


And so she is forced to stay...


The day for the Celebration comes; everybody is so busy for the grand event except for Jessica who stays in her room locked up. Starting to arrive, are visitors from all the different business sectors worldwide come in full grandiose outfits including the spectators; media, entertainment industry and beautiful ladies – these fanatic Heechul admirers.


The Grand Hall is ornamentally prepared beautifully – “designed” according to the main theme of their business venture. Likened to a Sci-Fi High Tech Image Mini-world; visitors are totally amazed by it. Of course, never miss out different cuisines line up, exquisite wine according to each visitor’s taste bud, music and most of all the freebies visitors will be receiving.


While everyone is enjoying the party; suddenly the music stops announcing Heechul’s entrance.  The crowd looks at Heechul in full gaze of admiration – wondering at how good looking this person is – so that just his face is a winning deal in itself. Visitors in star-struck mode; Heechul begins his walk down staircase while doing so; he lets his eyes roam in search for Jessica’s presence.  And when he doesn’t see Jessica; before approaching the podium stand to deliver his speech, he signals on Taeyang to approach him and whispers something - when done; finally delivers his speech.


Every after his pause; you hear the deafening cheer and clapping of hands – which causes Jessica to wake up in deep slumber. Surprised by the loud noise; goes towards the door leans her ears to listen what is going on downstairs then he hears and remembers “Oh yeah, the party – yada yada – there, this guy does the “wheedle” and decides to get back on the bed.” When she's about to lie down, she hears a knock on the door

                         Jessica:           yeah, who is it?

Taeyang:         It is me, Madam. Heechul is requesting for your presence at the party.

Jessica:           (gets up and open the door allowing Taeyang to enter) Mr. Taeyang, do I really need to – I am not in the
                        mood really. I am just an assistant for this whole thing.

Taeyang:         Madam, if you ask my opinion?  Yes, you must.

Jessica:           But, I hate parties especially that guy down there

Taeyang:         (grinning) Oh, him – Master Heechul? Piece of unsolicited advice – you may ignore him for the whole night
                        if it will bother you but it is a must that you must show up as a representative of Mr. Owen’s.

Jessica:           yeah, yeah… (Bothered a bit) Why you address him Master – for Pete’s sake. It sound so funny – it is so 
                        like capital A – Annoying! Anyway; forget it Mr. Taeyang, may I know the purpose of you coming here –
                        oh…oh…yeah, sorry – to attend, yeah! Alright, be down in a minute. But, Mr. Taeyang?

Taeyang:         Yes, Madam? (Amused by Jessica’s childlike behavior)

Jessica:           Do not expect me to wear flashy outfit – I did not bring any, ok?

Taeyang:         As you wish Madam.

Jessica:           Thank you Mr. Taeyang. I will be down in a minute.

Taeyang:         Oh, if you may Madam – I will have to wait for you to guide you on your way down.

Jessica:           It is ok, Mr. Taeyang I know the way. There is no need to accompany me.

Taeyang:         I insist Madam.

Jessica:           Fine then, please wait for me outside.


Taeyang quickly informs Heechul and gets back at Jessica’s room.

Jessica:           Mr. Taeyang, am coming out.




Sec.2/Chapter 8 - Page 1 Ends here

Merry Christmas Everyone...smiley

 Sec.2/Chapter 8 - Page 2 To follow

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Thanks everyone. I've started writing for The Canvass and The Ball. Have fun reading as well. Good Day. Take care.


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sade_cascade #1
For my next story.
Please since it is going to be kinda sensitive - I may only allow my subscribers to read it.
But I have another fiction story that I will also write at the same time I am writing Salon de la Vie.
Thus, I will writing two stories at the same time - hope I won't get them mixed up.
Chapter 1: it is a great story
sade_cascade #3
sade_cascade #4

I started December of 2011. Almost two years.
The ending was not supposedly would have finished that way.
It started out with a single thought that changed everything.
Thanks that you like it.
Me? Oh..thank you but do you really like how i write.
My friends are really fantastic writers but me, I write differently.
Sometimes, they are all dialogues (like you know - scripts with really really few expositions - sometimes more like intro of a setting)
But thank you from the bottom of my heart if i have inspired you to read and write.

Writing is not my stuff, however, just like one day - was given to me as a favor to write for a group of people (for a drama activity on theater.
Chapter 536: I... Cannot... Believe... It's finish....
It was a wonderful ending. Actually when did you start it and how long did it take for you to finish?
I'm in awe.
Thanks for making this story because if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have started reading or writing for that matter.
Thanks so much.
sade_cascade #6

Chapter 507: Sooooorrrrryyyy. I haven't been reading! Got damn stupid exams. Mianhae but I can't wait for the next chappies! Update as soon as you can ^^
sade_cascade #8
HI everyone.
Time for my update. I have two days to finish them.
Starting right now.
sade_cascade #9
@-Cremee; @snowangel245; @diva_key13; @Anniechew2001

Thank you for the Upvote - correct is it?
Greatly Appreciate it.