Play Me


They study each other a time, the time it takes Kyungsoo to redo his divisions. Past, present, risks, rewards, duties, desires, their members, their future, his plans, he calculates and recalculates, but the figures won’t add up. It’s all such a hopeless mess. In 2015 I hope EXO and the people around me will be happy, wasn’t that what he wished for himself as he cut through that cloyingly sweet birthday cake? In 2015...and now it’s over. What is hiappiness? He draws nearer the younger, as near as causes Jongin to his knees, like a pup at his owner’s meal, keenly awaiting his morsel. “I’m not the delicate type,” he says by way of apology, self-consciousness at the disparity in their proportions further thickening his voice, “I wasn’t when I was and I’m even less so now.”


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yehet_pcy #1
Chapter 1: Ahyyyy ive finally read all of your fics that ive bookmarked. I jope you dont mind me not reading everything tho i dont like some other ships as much as i like the ones i read hehehhe
Anyway this was a really nice kaisoo. Plus the confict of taekai and how soo actually feels about them being that close was really heart ache inducing for some reason
Before anything else the little sebaek here and there was so!!!!
I love that jongin can keep pushing and insisting until soo gives in, from that talk to that cold compress to the hand feeling hid tempersturr to the lips feeling his fever, to everything tht followed after
And even after what happened after, the talk they had about how jongins first was taemin and that they thought it could be real. But like jongin said, in this life his tastes run differently and his tastes are more for soo. Which us wonderful because as much as soo is unsure of what the both of them are, especially in this life and in their reality... still there was a confession of jongin meaning more to soo thab just some noisy person and i think thats most meaningful for a person like soo???
Anyway im glad i read this of yours last it's a nice conclusion to my binge reading of ur fics heheh. Ill defnifely support ur future fics too if u still plan on writing hehe thanks for writing and sharing!!!!! Not just this but everything!!!!
"i'll do whatever you want, i'll be whatever you want, as long as you want me." /As long as i want you. And what if i say i want you indefinitely?/
Didi-kaisoo #2
This is definitly my favorite one from you Lana.
And you were right, I loved Jongin here, a great balance between cute, mischievous but serious with his feelings. Soo was really deep, as he should be. He thinks a lot but seems to lose it a bit in front of Kimkai, I love it.
And ahah good job with the subtle mention of Sebaek, you're the best. Please keep writing you really have a talent for it, as always I look forward to your next one <3