Me and The Gang Lead


Falling for the gangter is NOT Impossible, Gangsters are fun to be with, Gangters are the king they always cuss they curse but when it comes to Love? They are so lovable, they will give there time for you, they will protect you from ugly jerks out there.





That's why i never regret loving a gangter.




" Taeyeon, Will you be my First and Last? My Queen.. Mother of 2 Children.  Uhmm, Will you be my Girlfriend?" Aww so sweet of you little booty gangster. But wait what 2 children?! He's so advance we're only 17.

I sigh.

" What will you do if i reject you? " I asked, He smirk

"This." And He suddenly kiss me I feel his love. I kiss him back <3

"I Love you Baek." He smiled a sweetest Smile. And then He respond " I Love you too Kim." 


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taenyis #1
update please