suspicion is not a virtue.


Park Chanyeol is dating a girl. This girl, one Lee Soonhui, is now frequently leaving at night to vague destinations. Chanyeol is paranoid and decides to investigate. He bites off more then he can chew.


Chanyeol is many things - he is afraid of and cannot stand blood, he is the boyfriend of one Lee Soonhui, the best friend of one Byun Baekhyun, as well as very suspicious about where Soonhui goes at night.



Chanyeol is convinced his girlfriend may be cheating - but with who?



EDIT: ok so i thought the old title, supicious style, sounded kinda dumb so i changed it! considerng it was a quick title i wrote up to publish this story, i think this one is better! :3






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