Who Are You


Lee Taerin or her friends called her Taerin is a 22 years old girl. She's studying medical course in L.A but once she come back to korea to meet her family, her father forces her to get married to his friend's son. What will happened next? Will she agreed about the married ?

Lee Taerin

  • 22 years old 
  • Has younger brother named Lee Taemin
  • Her younger brother is an idol
  • A cool and caring girl
  • Has a bestfriend named Aeri

Kim Junmyeon / Suho

  • 24 years old
  • Leader in EXO
  • A thoughtful and well manner
  • Sometimes a jerk
  • Loves EXO and his family a lot



Hey guys! Its my first fanfiction. Well I write this with one of my friends. We're sorry for our broken english! I hope you guys like it :)

Hye guys , we're sorry for not updating this story .. both of us are busy and we cant make our time to write this story plus we didnt remember the password..


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Chapter 17: Hehe honeymoon. Hahab
Chapter 16: Hahaha junmyeon buy pad for Taerin. Ahahaha
Chapter 15: Ahahaha suho why you still need to ask. Hahaha I see there's progress on their relationship. Haha
Chapter 12: Why suho so mean to Taerin. Eeeee bad bad. Haha . Mee too author nim. .I'm from Malaysia but I can't go to exoluxion too my mom won't allow me.
Chapter 11: Haha I wonder what's the kaitae project. Hahaha. They maybe wanted to make both of them fall for each other.
Chapter 10: Omg they meet Hahhaha but their meeting seems not good between joonmyeon and Taerin. It's okay author nim as long you update the story . I can wait. Fighting
Chapter 9: Yayyyy an update. I can't wait for suho and Taerin tO meet . Hahaha
Chapter 8: Awww I can't wait for the next update. Suho is going to married with Taerin. Heheh so cute. This fics is so cute. Hahah
Chapter 8: Awww I can't wait for the next update. Suho is going to married with Taerin. Heheh so cute. This fics is so cute. Hahah