I'm Still Me


I know, I have another story that i haven't update in a looonggg time. But please forgive me, this story suddenly just came and I feel like need to write it down. I'm gonna write it in Bahasa, since my english is not really that good and I'm kinda lazy, but if anyone want to translate it to english, feel free to contact me first.

I read about hangeng's comment about his friendship with SJ, and how many ELFs said that watching seventeen made them remember when SJ still complete 13. I've become an ELF since 2010, so I never saw SJ when 13 of them together, unless some videos I downloaded but that's different. So, yeah, that's the reason why I'm gonna write this story.

And, please forgive me about the time periode and some facts that I don't know. Like When Onew begin as trainee or who is roomate with who, since I don't follow them from the begining. This story is coming from me. I miss them so much on screen together, so I want to write about their friendship. Please Enjoy.


“Aku memutuskan untuk memasukkan satu lagi member ke dalam grup super junior. Dia juga akan memegang peran sebagai lead vocal bersama JongWoon dan Ryeowook...” Ucap Tn Lee Sooman dan untuk sekian detik aku terdiam mencerna kalimatnya. Untuk sejenak ada keheningan di dalam ruangan. 


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Chapter 2: It very nice and I like it
Waiting for ur update....