A Beautiful Mess


featuring DBSK + Fictional Characters 



It’s always been the same with me. Nothing out of this world has ever happened in my life. This so-called ‘journey’ was getting too boring. I needed a life experience… I needed something to share to the world and proudly announce that I, Park Sunmi, am not an uninteresting, average girl.
They say life is too short…
Well… I completely disagree. Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!! As far as I know, no one has ever done anything longer than that. Whoever said that life-is-too-short crap must’ve been high out of his mind or hammered drunk.
Life (as I would like to think of it sometimes) is a gigantic slide in the middle of a great big water park called The Universe. There’s nowhere else to go but down, down, down. There are times when you wanna throw arms up in the air or scream for dear life. When you finally see the end of your slide, you hold your breath and prepare to be swallowed by the water. In other words; we are born, we live, we die. (Okay, so maybe I’m the one who’s high out of my mind or hammered drunk.)
Erase, erase, erase!
See? When you’re in a situation similar to mine, you have all the right to think of crazy things. You get to say crazy things. You get to feel crazy things. You get to see crazy things. Why? Because you are infected by a disease called Love. I know I am. And I'm not just in love… I am deeply, over-the top, head-over-heels, crazy in love. Everything was fine until HE came along and now? My life is a disaster. My giant waterslide has gone retarded all because some dude jumped in the wrong slide: mine.
But I don’t mind… I don’t mind at all. It’s great to know that you’re not alone when you hold your breath until the water swallows you both whole. But it’s not yet time to think about that… At the moment I am both throwing my hands up in the air and screaming for dear life.
I am in A Beautiful Mess.


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this
Wrlove #2
It's great
Visiting old fics!
foamtwt #5
LoveYou12345678 #6
thiissss my hart huhuhuhu
Visiting old fics!
You_ #8
clapyourhands #9
Absolutely wonderful^^
Chapter 26: That YunJae parts are killing me!! I love this story! Can't stop laughing/crying over their funny acts and teary goodbyes~
I hope there's more to come? Like Yunho & Sunmi's wedding? Any more YunJae moments? Changmin/Mitch moments?