

In an instant, everything can change.  Captured.  Protected.  Raised by a monster.  Byunghyun finds himself a strange companion to the beast that murdered his mother.  Daniel, as he comes to call it, won't let him leave or return to the remaining humans.  But neither knows why.  Yet.


This is both a gift fic for kaseyslove and Kyuubilover27 as well as another entry in my 25 oneshot collection: Two Dozen and One Tales.  ^_^  I hope you enjoy and if you're curious, feel free to check the other completed oneshots out.


In a world where the face of the earth has been vastly changed and most life eradicated, the remaining human populous takes refuge in heavily protected cities or underground.  Few venture into the wastes where monstrous, foul beasts prowl.  To travel during the day is risky.  To be caught out at night, almost certain death.

And yet, when tragedy strikes Byunghyun, his world is forever changed when he becomes the unwilling charge of one such beast.


Lovely poster and background done by kamongg at Kuma! A Graphic and Review Shop.  If you need a poster, they do pretty solid work!  ^_^


We now have a poster and background! Woohoo! ^_^


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Chapter 2: Oh for crying out loud. You can't leave it like that!!!
This story was incredibly touching and I really loved the way you played with this prompt. Making him an actual physical monster was interesting and different, and I have to admit that I am incredibly curious about it all. Was Daniel human before? How did he become what he now is? What was it that stopped him in the beginning, and why did he take Joe under his wing?
The argument made me tear up a little because OUCH. Those were some harsh words. Like, I understand the reason for Joe's side of the argument but I really felt for Daniel because... well... he's lovable. <3 And then the last fight and you went and left it like THAT. Gosh!!!! *cries*
It was wonderful though. I loved how technically Joe could have 'escaped' at the end there and gone to humans, and yet he took Daniel with him <3<3<3
Chapter 2: Well....this was unexpected. Awesome...but very unexpected lol. It's very you with all the er punches to feels you like to give.
What was Daniel supposed to be? Because I'm just going to assume he was some kind of dragon-not-dragon lol
That last bit about Ljoe being free...that was sad. and I don't do angst and sadness like this so take that as a compliment lol
This would be kinda inspired by Warm Bodies lol. I never saw that movie but it seemed like it was good so I might watch it.
Why must you me into the worlds you create when you write? щ(ಥДಥщ)
I love it though (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Chapter 2: So. Let me just start with I read the second chapter like 3 time! My feels were hit in the best way. I loved it.

This wasn't what I expected as usual but it's very you.
I'm immediately in to this world you created.

Niel's change after he bit Ljoe's mom was intresting. It's hard to describe.
But it's amusing to watch the change between the too once he runs off with ljoe.

Their dynamic is fun to read as always and how ljoe picked Niel's name had me laughing. "I didn't like him and I don't like you"

That second chapter. (You and my feels woman)
Niel's broken English was so cute.
And f-ing sad when you get to him telling ljoe he was free.

Over all it was a good story that I honestly was like damn it ended. :( sadness. Lol

As a side note I found it a bit difficult to picture what Niel looked like.
Huh. Well this certainly looks interesting!!!