Life saver


There is always a seed of hate in love and a seed of love in hate. Its all just up to the individual to choose which one shall grow. 

Growing the seed of love sounds nice but sometimes growing the seed of hate is much more beneficial than you think.


Is fate real? Is our future already written down on our beating jewel - also known as our heart?

Lee Joora, a student on her last year at Jegyodi Park high school, can finally take part in the 'Lightstar wars' which she had been waiting to join since a very young age. A pair of the most compatible students are chosen from each high school In South Korea to compete with other schools and battle it out with their lightsabers.

But, being with these other 12 peculiar boys, does Joora's dream go as planned?


DISCLAIMER: this story is not based on Star Wars it's self. I'm only using the idea of lightsabers. And, I am just a fan that got inspired by Exo's lightsaber m/v. 


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behnaz76 #1
Chapter 3: Chuteeeeee....what was the meaning of the sentence one the notebook dear author???