Hallyu love


Suzy is a 24 years old woman who is soon to become lawyer. Her life is currently perfect, she has a boyfriend from a boy band B2ST named Jang Hyunseung and family with a great background. Beside her love to studying laws she enjoys watching korean dramas and her current bias is 34 years old Kwon Sang Woo. He is an actor. Suzy will soon work for Kwon Sang Woo's own agency named RookieEnt. Kwon Sang Woo will slowly but surely fall in love with Suzy and Suzy will have to deal with what she really wants. What is she going to choose for her future? Jang Hyunseung? Kwon Sang Woo? Or be alone and become a better lawyer? ❤️



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happymagnolia #1
Does anyone know where that picture of Suzy is from? She is stunning!
taengoopooh #2
This seem interesting.I'm waiting for the first chapter!!:)
afernanda12 #3
Waaaa I'm really excited
Please update soon!