The Playlist Drabbles


I've been writing drabbles for a blog I've been helping on and decided to share them here. I'll be updating this periodically since I still have more to write.

The way The Playlist works is someone submits a number (1-50), BTS or EXO member they want the fic to be about (BiasxYou) and then they submit a song as well. The song they submit goes into the playlist and the number the person chose is the number on 'my' playlist of the song that will set the theme for their drabble.

I think it's actually a really cute idea that my friend came up with, so I'm sharing the drabbles that I write for The Playlist.



Rating: G-PG-13

Genre: Romance, Fluff, Angst (depending on the drabble)

Parings: BTS member x You as well as EXO member x You


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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 18: The best!!!
Banghimlo #2
Chapter 17: Hope you can find someone else to cheer you up TaeTae
Banghimlo #3
Chapter 16: You can do it :D
Banghimlo #4
Chapter 15: Game on Jungkook!!
Banghimlo #5
Chapter 14: That was so adorable,I want a teddy bear too <3
Banghimlo #6
Chapter 13: I agree with you too Jungkook
Banghimlo #7
Chapter 12: Please,I don't want you to drown!!
Banghimlo #8
Chapter 11: Bap + Yoongi : Yes,it's me.
Banghimlo #9
Chapter 10: Akmu!! This is so cute <3 Yoongi stare at her
Banghimlo #10
Chapter 9: That was so adorable!! ^.^