

It has been over six years since the kidnappings of Taemin, Kyungsoo, Mark, Hongbin, and Gongchan but why are idols starting to go missing again? The second story after A Monster I Am Called, A Monster I.... follow the story of the new and some of the origanal idols that are kidnapped.


I look around the dorm. First Sandeul's and my room. The bed was in pieces and the pictures have rips over Sandeul and CNU. The words 'mine' are all over the room. I run over to Jinyoung's and Gongchan's room to see everything is shattered. There was one word on the wall. As I look closer I see it is blood. Running into CNU's room I see it was the worst off. Everything is broken and ripped. Blood is everywhere and a picture of Leo and him is on his desk. I pick it up and I see the picture has red marks all over. Leo has the word 'mine' on it and CNU's face has a cross in it. I drop it and run out of the dorm. 



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MustTakeMyOwnAdvice #1
Chapter 1: This is already off to a good start 😁
Koiniii #2
Chapter 9: I feel like crying my heart out now. Henry is sooooo dead right now