Caramel Swirls

delightful swirls {one-shot collection} [ hiatus ]


Time goes by too fast for some, yet too slow for others. Some spend their lives trapped in one point of time, and some never live in time at all.

Now, let me paint you a picture. It goes something like this;


beep. beep.


The sounds of the hospital machinery filled the room, each of the monotonous beeps repetitively sounding along with the blinking lights. At the far right of the room is a hospital bed, where a sleeping girl lay soundly beneath the covers. Next to her, slumped on a chair, is a male. His elbows were pressed into his knees, and he propped his forehead onto his clasped fingers.

“Mr. Jung Jinyoung?” A nurse patiently rapped her knuckles on the room’s door, catching his attention. He turned to her, and she swallowed at the sight of the handsome but corpse-like man before her. Dark bags hung below his once sparkling eyes; the darkness and emptiness of them terrified her.

“Erm… the hospital will be closing soon!” The nurse nervously mumbled, quickly stepping out of the room. Jinyoung let his eyes linger on the sleeping girl’s face.

How long has he been here?

He didn’t know.

Slowly, he reached out with a trembling hand, grazing the cold fingers of the sleeping girl. He shakily brought the girl’s hand to his forehead, letting the warmth spread to her icy hands. He didn’t know what he was doing, really. He was desperate, eager, horrified, and yet at the same time, hollow.

Suddenly, the girl’s finger twitched. His head shot up, his eyes full of false hope. To his shock, the girl’s eyelids slowly fluttered open, revealing a pair of chocolate orbs. Jinyoung opened his mouth, letting himself say her name for the millionth time.

“Airi?” He croaked, reaching up to brush her cheek. The girl’s eyes remained open, and she lay motionless. He was confused; why wasn’t she responding?

“Airi?” He tried again. She turned her head, mumbling the words that he most dreaded.

“Who are you?”

His heart stopped. Airi tilted her head, observing the mysterious man before her. Suddenly, Airi felt a dull pain throbbing in her head, as she gingerly lifted her hands to massage her temples. It was then that she realized one thing- she didn’t remember anything. All of a sudden, the noise of the hospital began to rush into her ears as questions rapidly formed. Her lower lip began to tremble as the her sudden awakening left herself feeling abandoned and lost.


Where was she?


Who is he?


How long had she been in here?


Most importantly, who the was she?


“The patient has awakened! Quick! Call the doctors over!” A nurse who happened to pass by the room quickly alerted the other doctors. Jinyoung drew a sharp breath and cursed as he heard the quick stampede of feet heading for the room.

“You’re coming with me,” Jinyoung hastily muttered, harshly pulling Airi’s wrist. Snapping back to reality, Airi realized the situation that she was in.

“Stop! What are you doing?!” Airi tried to peel his grasp off her wrist, wincing at the coldness of the hospital floor as it made contact with her bare feet. She attempted to kick his groin as he dragged her out of the room, but it was clear to her that she was overpowered.

“This is kidnapping!” Airi yelled in desperation. In return, he gave her a cold glare. Airi pushed her feet out in front of her, grimacing at the pain and sound of her skin scraping across marble floors. The doctors and nurses chased after them, however stopping when Jinyoung was successful in throwing Airi into his car. They remembered that Jinyoung was listed as only Airi’s family relation; it was plausible that he could take her away as he pleased, right?

Jinyoung breathed out in relief as he sank down into the driver’s seat, sweat rolling down his creased forehead. Airi’s eyes swam with dizziness. When her vision focused she immediately opened to protest, but was cut off when Jinyoung leaned over to buckle Airi’s seatbelt. Without hesitation, he slammed on the pedals and was haphazardly rolling down the streets. Airi’s body jerked forward as the car moved with great force.

“Hey! What was that for?! Explain yourself!” Infuriated, Airi growled whilst warily glaring at him. “This is clearly a kidnapping!”

His eyes didn’t even twitch or flicker; he sat motionless like doll.

“Hey! At least you could reply!” Airi gripped onto the chair handle, her nails cutting into the fine leather.

Jinyoung didn’t answer; he continued to focus on driving. Airi yanked on the handle, unsuccessfully trying to open the car door.

She couldn’t stand this, the silence. As long as her questions remained unanswered, she was no one. The only thing she could remember was her name “Airi”. But of course, if she forgot that, she was sure that she would’ve been in hysterics.

“Answer me! I don’t even know who you are!” Airi grabbed Jinyoung’s sleeve, tears of frustration starting to roll down her face. “I don’t know who you are! I don’t know who I am! I don’t know! I don’t know anything!”

Jinyoung’s face remained passive, yet he slowly reached into his pocket for an embroidered handkerchief. Airi grudgingly accepted the handkerchief, hiccupping and sniffing as her sobs started to calm down. The rest of the ride was a silent one.

He parked in front of a dingy apartment complex. Everything was in shambles; the roof tiles were starting to fall apart and paint peeled off from every corner. Airi wrinkled her nose at the smell of garbage that leaked into the car, even though the windows were sealed close. Jinyoung’s keys jingled as he dropped them into his pocket. He made no motion to get out of the car, and instead stared straight ahead. Airi watched as the corners of his lips tugged up to form a cruel smile.

“I’m your… uncle.”

Airi tilted her head. Uncle? It was at this moment that she realized how good-looking he was- and how familiar he was. Familiar, indeed.

“Oh… then,” Airi unsurely replied. “Nice to meet you, Uncle.”

“Sorry about earlier,” He started to unbuckle his seatbelt.

“Right,” She muttered. He hastily clambered out of the car and dashed to the other side, opening the door for Airi. She copied all his actions, from taking off her shoes at the entrance from following him to the restroom to wash her hands. Jinyoung restrained himself from releasing a chuckle; she was like a little chick that was playing “Follow the Leader”.

“This is your room,” Jinyoung led Airi to a rather simple room. It had only the necessities; not one extra thing was present. Airi felt like she was lost in a labyrinth. Why was her uncle raising her and not her parents? What was she supposed to do?

“My parents…” Airi cut in. Jinyoung abruptly stopped, clenching his fists tightly. His eyes narrowed, a glint of anger appearing in his dark pupils.

“Don’t ever mention them again,” He said through gritted teeth as he inhaled deeply, his hands twitching as he let them limply fall from their clenched position. Airi swallowed her curiousity and meekly nodded to his orders.

“Just stay here,” He whispered, leaving the room and gently closing the door. A shiver ran down Airi’s back as cold draft escaped into the room. She pulled her hospital gown closer to her body, and ran her fingers over the bed sheets. Airi noticed that her room was comparably nicer than the rest of the apartment, and it bemused her. Why was he treating her so well, yet keeping her on a leash?

“Just stay here?” She whispered. “Why?”

Of course, nothing answered except for the sweet sound of silence. Not that she expected an answer, anyways.

The sky was a gloomy shade of blue and gray now. To Airi, it was the color of her memories; fuzzy, melancholy, and unclear.




By the time Airi woke up, Jinyoung was nowhere to be found. At first, she panicked at the thought of him abandoning her. However, she let out a pent up sigh of relief when she found a yellow sticky note plastered on the kitchen table.

“I’m off to work. There is food in the refrigerator and money in the drawer of the cabinet to your left. Don’t bother to work or do chores,” Airi read out loud. Simply put, he wanted her to leisurely hang around in his house. Her eyebrow twitched; she was not going to stand around and be taken care of. She placed her hands on her hips, her lips forming a knowing smile.

Airi set off to clean the apartment. It was the first thing that came to her mind as she saw the piles of unwashed clothing, bags of garbage, and stray wrappers and bags. She dusted the tabletops with a feather duster she found on the floor, hand-washed the clothes with a tub of cold water and a meager amount of soap, and then tiredly walked around the apartment picking up trash.


Days passed just like that.


In fact, she didn’t know how long she stayed here. She hated to admit it, but she grew rather fond of Jinyoung; he always saw her as his priority. His actions became warmer, and the rare but quiet smiles he gave always lightened up her heart.

Nevertheless, everyday was the same old routine.

He would be off the work, she would be cleaning up the apartment. Their meals were always eaten separately; Airi hardly saw Jinyoung at all. Today was no different; wake up, clean, eat, sleep.

“Instant noodles again?” She was amazed at the amount of instant food Jinyoung ate; he had no “real” food except for the take-out box in the refrigerator that was meant for her. Clicking her tongue in disapproval, Airi wrote a mental note to herself: buy groceries.

“Cracker bag, shrimp chips, seaweed strips…” Airi crouched down next to a bookshelf to pick up a plastic wrapper labeled “seaweed strips”. She stuffed the wrapper into the trash bag with no hesitation. Suddenly, something faded and colorful caught her eye. She bent down lower, angling her head so she could catch a glimpse of what it was.


A photo?


Airi stretched her fingers out under the bookshelf, struggling to grasp the edge of the photo. She squeezed her eyes shut, wiggling her fingers further. She bit her lip and endured the pain in her shoulder, stretching even further. She let out a gasp of air as she finally managed to capture the photo between her fingers. Massaging her sore shoulder, she dragged the photo out from under the bookshelf.

It was a picture of her in her school uniform, standing next to a boy. The boy had his arm wrapped lovingly around her waist, his eyes full of warmth.

She could recognize herself immediately. It was her; she just knew it. By instinct, she knew that the boy was her first love and boyfriend. He was the only thing that she remembered; yet, she didn’t know what his name was.

She snapped her head up and quickly stood up as soon as she Jinyoung’s footsteps on the driveway. She frowned; it didn’t sound like he was alone. Mustering up all her courage, she slowly tiptoed to the window and peeked. It was Jinyoung walking next to a younger male. Her heart started to hammer, sweat forming on her clammy hands.

The boy was the exact replica of the one on her photo. He looked exactly like him.

It had to be him… right?

Airi quickly ducked out of sight from the window, hiding the photo behind herself just as Jinyoung and the boy entered the apartment. The boy was around 17 or 18; his handsome features made grow dry. She must’ve let her gaze linger on the boy for too long, for he gave her a look of utter disgust.

It perplexed her.


Why was he disgusted?


Jinyoung quietly nodded a greeting to Airi, who slowly bowed back.

“This is my nephew,” He nudged the boy in front of him. “His name is Gongchan.”

“I’m Airi,” She brightly smiled, eagerly offering a hand to him. He only scoffed in return, making skin contact with her hand before quickly withdrawing his hand. Airi’s smile faltered; his cold actions hurt her deeply. Tightening her hand, she tried to ease the pain in her chest.

“I’m going to get the tea,” Jinyoung quietly mumbled, hastily walking into the kitchen. “Airi, can you wait with Gongchan in the living room?”

“Yep,” Airi grinned. Gongchan brushed past her, ignoring her very presence. They sat down on opposite sides of the living room; Gongchan stiffly seated in a chair while Airi sat on the couch. The silence grew heavier as Gongchan refused to look at Airi.

“Uhm…” Airi cleared , hoping to break the silence. Gongchan glared at her, slamming his fists on the table.

“You’re disgusting.”

She couldn’t believe what she just heard. A seed of doubt was planted into her mind.


Is this the boy that she always knew?


“Sorry?” Airi cracked a smile, hoping that she heard wrong.

“You’re disgusting. You’ve been lazing around in the hospital for ten years, then you choose to be a bother to my uncle?” Gongchan shouted, furiously shaking with anger.

“I… I… don’t understan-“

“My uncle! He’s ruined his entire life and future just for you! You made him miserable too many times! He may have saved your life, but he sacrificed his in return! And just look at yourself in the mirror; what are you wearing?! You’re not a teenager anymore!” Gongchan slammed his right fist on the table one more time before standing up and briskly walking out of the room. He slammed the door of the apartment, causing the flimsily built apartment to shake.

“Airi? What just happened?” Jinyoung tilted his head as he hastily entered the living room. Airi hid her pale face behind her curtain of hair.

“Nothing, Jinyoung.”

“If you say so…” Jinyoung approached Airi, gently patting her on her head. Airi ducked her head even lower as tears threatened to spill out of her wide-open eyes. His gentle touch only made her shake with even more emotion.

“I- I need to go to the restroom!” Airi suddenly exclaimed, swatting off Jinyoung’s hand as she dashed to the restroom. She quickly closed the door and locked herself in as soon as she entered the dimly lit resteroom. Her breaths came in short as she fell limply onto the floor, her hair a mess. She realized that all this time, she didn’t even know what she, herself, looked like.


Ten years?


Not a teenager?


She was losing control of herself as she hungrily searched the restroom for any mirror or shiny object. Airi clawed away at the floor tiles, her eyes open and mad. She didn’t feel the pain in her knees as a stray needle pricked through her skin, the blood slowly rolling down her leg. She was in a state of delirium, her clawing feverish and growing more impatient by the second. Soon, she inhaled shakily once she tightly found a shard of glass. The broken edges of the glass cut into the soft skin of her hand, yet she ignore the warm blood trailing down her hand. Eager, she tilted the glass down to catch a glimpse of herself.

“What?” Airi breathed, letting her fingers graze her cheek. “I…”


She wasn’t the mere girl she thought she was.


Although she was dressed up in clothes that any normal high-school girl would wear, there was no doubt that she was not a teenager.


She was an adult.




Jinyoung’s eyes hardened as he saw what Airi had dropped during her flight to the restroom. He bent down and picked up the photo, his expression emotionless.

“It was because of this, huh?” He gave a hollow laugh that quickly died.

“Of course,” He muttered, falling into a chair. “Gongchan. My nephew. Of course she did.”




When Airi finished collecting her thoughts together, she discarded the piece of glass into the trashcan and washed the blood off her knees and hands. Certain of herself, she opened the door and returned to the living room. To her surprise, Jinyoung was sitting at the chair, his head buried in his hands.

“Jinyoun-” She called out. He cut her off before she could tell him about what she just discovered about herself.

“Leave,” He roughly commanded. “Just… go.”

When she didn’t move an inch, he violently pushed his chair away. His eyes were filled with sorrow and rage, an expression that embedded itself into Airi’s mind.

“Go! Don’t bother me anymore!” He roared, throwing a crumpled piece of paper at her. Trembling, she bent down and smoothed out the piece of paper. Airi swallowed when she saw the wrinkled picture of her and the boy staring back at her.

“I can’t stand this anymore,” He in a breath, and started to walk out of the room. Airi looked up, and was sure that she heard a faint sentence coming from him.

Something that sounded suspiciously like, “I’m sorry. I love you.”




When Airi woke up the next day, it was already in  the afternoon. Not only did the bed feel colder; her heart felt heavier and her fingers were stiff and refused to bend. She wrapped her blanket around her like a cocoon, her chest painfully throbbing when she remembered yesterday’s events. She shook her head, telling herself to go back to bed. The frostiness of the air refused to let her sleep as she uncontrollably shivered.


She was an adult, not a child.


As soon as that thought rang inside her mind, she threw her covers off herself. Airi immediately headed for Jinyoung’s room, not minding if it was an invasion of privacy. She needed to know. She needed to know about her past. She needed to know now.

Airi started to clumsily open all his drawers, uncaringly throwing out the papers and random office items inside. She knocked over his lamp, the ceramic base shattering once it fell. She created a jungle out of his room; his covers thrown back, pens on the floor, puddles of spilt coffee staining the carpet. She laughed to herself when she realized how crazy she was acting, yet she didn’t care. Her mind only had one goal in mind, nothing else.

Dissatisfied, she resorted to knocking his bookshelf over, watching as the books tumbled down onto the floor. The books fell into a heap on the floor, their covers starting to get stained by the spilt coffee. Frustrated, Airi let her legs give way as she fell to the floor, staring hopelessly at the ceiling. A piece of paper was still hanging off of the bookshelf, fluttering in the air. Airi pushed herself into an upright position, snapping the piece of paper off the bookshelf.

“Hospital fees?” Airi muttered, her eyes feverishly scanning the piece of paper. She let out a grunt of pain  and squeezed her eyes shut as a sudden string of memories were released into her brain.


Laughter of a boy and girl.

The screeching of tires, the sounds of an ambulance.

Screaming and crying.

“We'd like to cut her life support off.”

“No! You can’t do this!”


When Airi opened her eyes, her vision was hazy. She blinked a few moments, waiting for the blurriness to fade. She smiled, holding the hospital document close to her chest. At that moment, she knew exactly what she had to do.




“Good job today, Jinyoung!”

“See you tomorrow at work again, Jinyoung!”

“Thanks guys,” Jinyoung gave a convincing grin as he patted his fellow co-workers on the back. Stepping out of the company door, he blinked in surprise when he saw snowflakes dancing gracefully in the sky.

“Snow sure came early this year,” He mumbled, reaching out to catch a snowflake. “If she was here, she’d definitely be saying-“

“Jinyoung! Look, the sky is crying tears of happiness!”

Surprised to hear the familiar voice, Jinyoung turned around to see Airi. Before he could open his mouth to deflect her, she started to drag him away.

“Taxi, please!” Airi happily raised her gloved hand in the air, waving for a taxi to come over. Jinyoung put his hand over his chest as he remembered how hurt he felt yesterday; his hear hurt even more when he remembered how he yelled at Airi.

“There you go!” Airi pushed him into the taxi and slid into the seat next to him. “310 Pogok-eup Cheoin-gu Yongin-si Gyeonggi-do Kore, please!”

The taxi driver grunted in affirmation, and immediately started the engine.

“What are you doing?!” Jinyoung hissed. “Where are we going?”

“You’ll see,” Airi playfully stuck her tongue out.




“An amusement park?” Jinyoung scrunched his forehead in confusion. “Airi, look, you really need to-“

“Two, please!” Airi cheerily handed an employee two pre-printed tickets. The employee lifted the metal bar, enabling Airi to push Jinyoung inside the amusement park.

“Look, Airi, you don’t understand-“ Jinyoung tried again, but gulped as he realized that he was being pushed onto a ride of some sort.

“In you go!” Airi gave one last heave before successfully pushing Jinyoung into the carriage. She smiled to the employee sitting in a chair next to the ride before stepping into the carriage herself.

“Is this a Ferris Wheel?” Jinyoung quietly asked.

“Yes, it is,” Airi cocked her head, observing Jinyoung’s every movement. The Ferris Wheel started to move, their carriage slowly being lifted intot he sky. Being Jinyoung’s shadow was a majestic view of the entire amusement park and its colorful lights and rides. Soon, the laughter coming from the amusement park slowly disappeared, replaced by silence and the occasional sound of shifting clothes. Airi patiently waited for their carriage to reach about halfway to the top.


Jinyoung’s shoulder twitched.


Airi smiled.


“Jinyoung. You’re afraid of heights,” Airi proudly remarked.

“That, I am,” Jinyoung quietly replied in a voice of disbelief. There was no way. After having false hope for ten years, he dared not to hope for any more.

“You’re blood type A, you’re born on November 18th,” Airi quietly whispered. His fists began to shake with both anticipation and fear as she peered up at him with a look of hope. The carriage was still moving slowly but steadily, the view beneath them growing smaller with every passing second.

“And...” Airi raised her head to meet Jinyoung’s. “I loved you.”

“You…” Jinyoung uttered, his eyes locked on Airi’s “Loved me.”

“No, not loved,” Airi hastily corrected herself. “Love. I still do.”

She opened her arms wide, letting Jinyoung shakily rise from his seat and slump into her arms, his knees on the floor of the carraige. She his silky, brown hair as he shook in her arms. Airi rocked back and forth, tightly holding on to Jinyoung.

“How… how did you know?” Jinyoung buried his face closer to Airi’s chest, taking off his scarf and wrapping it around both of their necks.

“Hospital documents in your room,” Airi replied, sliding down from her seat to join Jinyoung on the carriage seat. 

“I… Your parents wanted to cut off your life support,” He croaked, gently tucking a strand of hair behind Airi’s ear. “I couldn’t let them do it. I told them that I would pay for your hospital fees. They told me I was being foolish.”

Jinyoung swallowed, taking a moment to calm down. This was like a dream to him; the moment that he had always wished for.

He had dropped out of high school as soon as he declared that he wanted to continue Airi’s life support. His parents and friends shunned him for that, and Airi’s parents laughed at him for his determination. Jinyoung would work multiple jobs at the same time, sometimes never resting even in the night. He knew that she would wake up from her coma one day. That day was the only thing that he always dreamed about, the only thing he strived for.


This was the moment that he lived for.


“And I thank you for that,” Airi scooted closer to Jinyoung, wrapping her arms around Jinyoung’s broad shoulder. She pulled him in and locked him in a tighter embrace.

“I wasn’t being foolish,” Jinyoung sniffed, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. Airi let a laugh pass through her lips; Jinyoung was just like a child.

“No, you weren’t,” Airi agreed, soothingly patting him on the back. She let her eyes wonder to the glass window, noticing that they were nearly at the top of the Ferris Wheel.

“Still scared?” Airi poked Jinyoung’s cheek, causing him to look in the direction of the window. He gave a small squeak, before quickly whipping his head around. The tip of their noses touched, their eyes never leaving each other’s faces.

“Not with you here,” He wiped his nose again before giving a small but mischievous smile, leaning in further. Airi squeezed her eyes shut, her heart’s pounding becoming so loud that she wondered if Jinyoung could hear it. She clenched her fists as she felt Jinyoung slowly coming in closer and closer.

“Chu!” Jinyoung quickly pecked Airi on the cheek, surprising her.

“Huh?” Airi immediately reached up to touch her burning cheeks.

“I love you too,” Jinyoung whispered, slightly tilting his head so their foreheads touched. “I’ve loved you before, I love you now, and I always will.”


oh gawd lol this sounds so cheesy when I read it to myself. Especially the end /dies.
Sorry, I didn't make them kiss. I am le cruel author, LOL.
Hopefully it turned out somewhat nice. I typed it up really quickly, so hopefully it wasn't too confusing.
oh, and it would be helpful if you guys suggested any idols you want to be paired with the ice-cream flavors, listed in the menu in the description/foreword.
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I'm still amazed at how creative this is, especially with the ice-cream analogy ^^
Chapter 1: I love the Honest Blueberry! It was so touching! Oh! and Can I suggest Infinite's SungJong for Sweet Vanilla? Thanks^^
Chapter 3: These chappies r amazing!please do continue^^ i love this storyy <3
Dubu_manknae #4
I have a suggestion:D please put it in if U like it... How about Choi MinHo for spicy cinnamon? ;)
Chapter 2: Honest Blueberry is really amazing. I love the plot and everything~ Accepting yourself and being who you are.. Thanks for the lesson in this :) *hugs* You're an amazing author.
Caramel Swirls is definitely based off a manga I've read before! :P
Girl got into a car accident, and woke up to this guy claiming to be her uncle, then finds out he was her first love, lol.

But it was pretty nice, I guess ;O
Chapter 3: i hope you can update soon! c:
don't rush yourself <3
Bittersweet Mint... Wow. You're amazing.... That made me reflect so much....
Myblackguitar #9
This is awesome!
And the caramel swirls is soo familiar to me. (I think I forgot it XP)
The other stories is good! Keep up!
Comforting café latte would fit daehyun from BAP, because his voice is soothing to the ears :P or im just too biased to him