I Hate It When You Notice Me.


There's always that cliche of the hot guy falling for the not-so-hot-but-cute guy.


Kyungsoo likes singing.

Kyungsoo likes dancing.

Kyungsoo likes acting.

Kyungsoo like oversized sweaters.

Kyungsoo does not like socializing.

Kyungsoo does not like playing sports.

But Kyungsoo is good at everything. Its just that he does not like to do them.

Do Kyungsoo, close-to-perfect human being, smart, handsome, talented and sporty-when-needed. A singer by heart, model by soul, and nerd by brain. Is the closest thing to a singing hot teddy bear the world has gotten to.


Jongin loves dancing.

Jongin loves tight-fitting clothes

Jongin loves sports

Jongin loves socializing

Jongin loves it when people fall for his charms

Jongin loves flirting.

Jongin dislikes people who don't like him.

Jongin dislikes it when people don't fall for him.

Kim Jongin, basketball player-extraordinaire, your not-so-typical hot schoolmate who's perfect in almost every imaginable way. Smart, extremely athletic, talented and extremely attractive.


"If negative and negative is equal to a positive, in that context, what is positive plus positive then?"


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the last quote reminds me of this video :D
Chapter 1: Ahah this is a nice story :D