What Time Changes


Choi Seunghyun at age 11 was a boy with many faults.


He was overweight, short, and started school late so he was in a class with 8 year olds.


Basically, he was the perfect target for bullies. Another boy, Lee Seunghyun age 8 was glad to have another target to mess around with.


But as Lee Seunghyun ' s bullying grew harsher and harsher, Choi Seunghyun decided to move different schools to escape the suffering.


Choi Seunghyun also decides that he would change. He undergoes an excessive diet and exercises so that not only would he be skinnier, he would also be stronger. He even takes taekwondo to become powerful. By the age of 19, muscles and abs decorated Choi Seunghyun ' s well toned body and his once fat chubby face was now so handsome it was as if somebody had sculpted it to perfection. He even renamed himself as T.O.P because of his success after the hard work and effort.


The reason behind Top's effort was to get revenge on the boy that caused him pain 8 years ago. However when Top finally returned to his old district he didn't expect for his past bully to have become weak and small. Now known as Lee Seungri, Top's "bully" was now the victim of bullying because of his weak and small stature.

Will Top get revenge anyway and bully Seungri or will he save him from other bullies such as Kwon Jiyong the king of their high school?



Umm so first fic so.. comments and feedback would be nice ^^


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Chapter 16: t, im crying ok... im not 😭😭
Chapter 17: I like that Jiyong just want seungri to be happy
Chapter 16: Seungri getting hurt Q..Q
Chapter 15: Why?? This should not happened..but seungri need to know the truth
Chapter 12: Damn that not what supposed to happened
Chapter 22: TopRi <3 too bad for gri even if I am a big gri shipper....xD