Personal Message

Hello, I've been a K Pop fan since 2008 when I discovered DBSK.  I am Yoochun biased, but still an OT5.  I've seen JYJ twice and Block B once.  I've also seen Korean American group Aziatix and Big Bang and attended K Con NY 2015.  I write fan fics and draw fan art.  I have been writing fan fics since 2009, so most of what I post here has already been posted on my Live Journal account.  I write mostly DBSK fan fics with Yoochun as the main character.  I like AU and angst.  I also write a lot of het.  I have written other fandom fics, but mostly DBSK.  A lot of times I incorporate other groups in my fics.  Most of my fics are pretty ty, lol.  That's all for now, take care and happy reading!

About Me

Wife, mother, college educated and currently working at an antique store.  Into History, cosplay, Science Fiction, fantasy, steampunk, diesel punk, gothic stuff, Westerns, and all things Asian.  Medievalist, re-enactor, D & D gamer and skate boarder. I adopted a black cat named Pepper and a gray tabby named Max.