About Me

hello peeps! i am your average freshmen girl who loves kpop and writing stories c: okay lets be honest ive been writing fanfictions for a long loong time but i just haven't had the guts to post them up so yes. i have the guts. or at least i'll pretend as if i have the guts. i'm kinda a dumb person in reality (LOL) and i might not be the sharpest tool in the shed (did i just combine two of them) but yes i pretty nice. i supposed.

okay then guys lets be friends c:

special shoutout to hanbin for ruining my bias list
im not even sure if yunhyeong even is my bias like ikon just ruins me as a whole
jieun slays your favs 
and yoongi and mino hot amazeball rappers
junhong is my ult <3