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About Me

I'm an MVP and am unabashedly addicted to Dubu (I really shouldn't call him that - nothing about him these days remind me of tofu. Well maybe except for the nutritional value he provides for my eyes and ears ^ ^;). I used to write but lost the impetus when I realized I couldn't afford to be a full time writer orz.

I've been devouring fanfics like they were honey covered tofu lately - oooh, a honey-slathered Onew o (>  <) o - and was inspired by the fantastic pieces to write again. Shout out to ranithepirate @ http://ranithepirate.tumblr.com/ she writes some of my favourite Onew fics.

I hope to give the same enjoyment I've been enjoying lately. I hope to improve too so constructive criticisms and prompts are welcome. 

Thanks for stopping by! ^ ^