Personal Message

Hey folks it's Channie or Faye, whichever you want to call me!

I love NU'EST, EXO, Infinite, SHINee, Tasty and more groups.

My ultimate bias is JR from NU'EST!

I'm friendly so don't be shy to talk to me.

Argh I find these so awkward to write.

So I'm just going to end this right here!


About Me


To Dubulge:

One day we'll go to Korea and eat like fat pigs and find our biases and stare at their pefectness in uttershock *-* Don't ever find someone cooler then me and forget me okay or I'll kick your but. You make me laugh with the things you come up with but your pinches HURT! I have bruises all over. What did I do to deserve this treament in life. I'm just a poor innocent child.....LOL! Anyhow I love you dude! =^.^=