Personal Message

follow me on twitter and I'll follow you back~:

helloo my deaar :)

[ who am i, you ask? call me hiromi or taehyon :D i go by bothof them, or you can mix them if you want, like hirohyon? or something along the line of that; I am also sometimes called the everflaming princess~ or flamey (:

[mhm have any other questions about me? drop it in the comment box & i will come back to you as soon as possible :D



let me be your white prince ♥ 

memory box  ♥

only one kiss

 A new white prince  [sequel to Let me be your white prince] 

the everflaming princess :)

About Me


Flamey` welcomeeeee to flamey radio :DToday, we have a special guest

`drum rolls`

Flamey` it is.......MYSELF~!!!!!!!

i've brought something to share today, this is a message written by henry lau on his baidu bar

"Dear all,I really don’t understand. Aren’t people supposed to care and to protect what is their own? We speak the same language, eat the same food, have the same customs and yet we are not welcome in our own country to perform. All we want to do is to express ourselves through performing and music but how can we do this when there is so much hate? Don’t you find it funny how we can perform in every other country without any problems except for our own home country? I I left my friends, family, and everything else back in Canada to pursue a dream all alone here in Asia. As a result, I have been hated ever since I first debuted in Korea in 2006 from fans. What more do you want from me? How do you think I or we both feel every time we go up on stage knowing people will be screaming for us to get off? I’ve tried to laugh it off for far too long now and can’t hold it in anymore. Just to let you know…we have feelings too. I will continue to work my hardest to bring the best performances for you all but today I’d just like to let you know a little about how I feel in the inside. I’m almost all out of breathe.
qinxian men…
mitang men…
xiexie nimen
Thank you so much
I hope you all understand what I’m feeling.

I also want to throw in a zhou mi quote


 Please don't hurt henry or zhoumi or other SJ members anymore, they haven't done anything wrong


now something from xander's weibo

 這個世界很現實… 最壞的人可能是對你最無害之心的人。最好的人,你最信任的那一個,卻是能夠狠心地在你背後插下數十刀的賤人。求主賜給我容忍之心 讓我能夠大量地容忍這個難關,去正面地面對這個殘酷的事實。 我不是逃避… 只是雖要一些時間去平靜… 去適應身邊的一切 ...重新分析身邊的人… 腦海已空,心已痲目… 沒有氣力去想,沒有心情去感受,只想跟隨上帝的指意,見步行步...哈哈~ 這次來台灣真的很感謝各位為U-KISS留下了非常難忘的回憶~ 希望下次回來可以舉行fans聚會,能夠和台灣的KISSme們更近距離接觸吧!

why is it so unfair? He thought for the best for all kissme, how can you expect us kiss me to forget about him in ukiss all of a sudden?  






 henry~~~hi wantj