Personal Message

"Stay Strong. Make Them Wonder How You're Still Smilling" 

"Dreams Hold Our Memories. Sleep Holds Our Dreams."

About Me

An ambious neophyte that's struggling with school as the successor to the family. Dreams from afar, hoping no higher than the ground. That is me. 

Secretly spazz over wonderful author but too shy and self consious to admit it to them. A great fan of Block B, the seven idoits that sometimes makes me wonder, "What am I even doing?" 

But hey, I love them with all my heart, staying with them through all the ups and downs, ever since the freeze era. ( Its an embarrassing era. Shh.. Let's not talk about it. ) 

I'm an open and accepting person. Memories are the strongest to me. Even though we're apart, sitting on the edge of the world with no hope in ever meeting, with only the internet connection that binds us together, I'll remember you always. My friends, through the internet. 

" 7th Album, 7 Members, 7 Seasons "

" 7 7 7 "

" We're Hitting, Jackpot "