Personal Message






About Me

Okay so I highly doubt anyone will ever read this so that means I can write whatever I want right? Even the lamest things...Like how my older brother comes home late after football practices and and loves to throw his stinking,sweaty shirt into my face...Or how my younger brother tries to wrestle with me whenever I go to sleep.. He loves it so much he hid my room key so I can't lock myself in but now I can't even change in my own room!... Or how I watched a horror movie marathon last week alone and still am afraid to step out of the bed at night in case a rotting hand grabs my ankle...


Well I'm an EXO-L, 

But I also like BlockB, and B.A.P!

I'm planning on writing SeKai (My otp) and maybe a few other pairings!! :D


''More men die of jealousy than of cancer'' -Joseph P. Kennedy-





First of all... SEKAIIIIIIII !!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOHOOO!!! *Dances with a tambourine*

Second of all...Them hairy legs give me life..... *_*