Personal Message

Life and Death have been inlove,  

for longer than we've had the words to describe.

Because Life sends countless gifts to Death,

and Death keeps them forever...




About Me

I'm your mother. 

I love my cats, space, mythology and flowers. Find me on Twitter @ExodusMail15 for horrible fangirling and Twitter/IG for crying on @Ally950414. To see my ever growing Exo Album and photocard collection, plus more fangirling + crying, head on over to @exodusmail.  

Masters in Languages and Ancient Cultures. Translaator, Travel and Witchy Inidividual. So far up EXO and SHINee  that not even SM and their ty management can terminate my commitments. Mamamoo, Red Velvet and FX enthusiast - I'm here for the gay all the way. Can't decide if I want to marry or be the one to kill Wu Yifan and all the second-hand embarrassment he gives me. Suho deserves more love. LOVE HIM. Please <3 

Born in '95 and been an EXOL since the dawn of the teaser era (aka forever).