


  • Getting image...


are you still reading? .__.

  • yes!11!!!!!1!!!11 but silent readers ftw
  • I lost my interest.
  • reading because I want to see it up to the end

Personal Message






I update like a turtle.

You have been fairly warned. However, if you choose to see the story through I assure you satisfaction. Yours truly functions best when motivated.


But alas, to finalize, I am a lazy writer.









About Me


"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."

--Ernest Hemingway


Proses are carefully, if not thoroughly, planned out.  Will try the hardest to achieve grammatical perfection. Some stories might be cliché, grotesque, comic, romantic, or to even irrationally cited, cosmic. Statements' credibility shall only be proven with only one action--thy reading of my works. 


here to express, not to impress.



see you soon,

d r o l l f a c e