Personal Message

I like writing stories. 

And I like writing fan-fics because it's easier to work with pre-made character than to create your own. That way I can work/focus on other aspects of my writing.

These characters are based on fan-made profiles of exo members, although not purely based on that. I add different elements to them for characterization. I do not believe that the characters I am writing in any way represent the actual persons. The characters in my stories are works of fiction, asides from their name, image and few key characteristics. 

As for the actual writing part, I write here to improve. Thus, I write for no one but myself. That does not mean readers are not important, as I believe that all works of art (as writing is an art form) should be appreciated. There needs to be feedback for writers, and artists alike, to improve. However, what it does mean, is that I write what I want when I want, all at my own pace. As many others, I cannot spare unlimited time to my works, as I have a social and an academic life. And works will be deleted if I cannot continue on with them because nothing is more draining for a writer than an unfruitful piece of writing. It must be eliminated for writers to move on from their writer's block. 




About Me

ambitious, but no motivation

dark circles that can compete with a panda any day

likes: music, writing/reading, debating, exo, but also k-hip hop and k-indie

when I say revise, I mean rewrite