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About Me

♡ Crazefan4eve & EXOtic357 Profile 


YOOO! This is NOT about me. It's about US. Yes,Us. By US,WE mean Crazefan4eve and EXOtic357. Feel free to read this if ya wanna know about us. Well,we're from the 21st century. We're both Asians,but sadly,we got seperated cuz you know,our dad's work. WE ARE BESTIES FOR 3 YEARS. We both have 9 months differrnence. Yesh,nearly a uear,but it not a year. We both have no idea how we became besties,it was just like *SNAP* and there,we're having sleepovers,talk girls stuff,eat,sleep,dance etc. We're both 13 years old. EXOtic357 just turned 13 on October 7th. Crazefan4eve will be 14 on January 13th. WOOHOOO!! We're both authors. In AFF tho. Read our fics if you'd like,see our fanfics recommendations too!! Gonna take long if I explain EVERYTHING about us. So lets get to the basics about us two.

WE ARE CRAZEY GALS. At fisrt meeting,we are shy. We get awkward with people we barely know. But like I said just know,we're crazy,in a good way alright. We're nice people! We don't bite. Unless you want us to. MUAHAHA. We're both stressed out cuz of school. So we're sorry if we don't get to update fics. Not bragging or anything,but we're International students,and PROUD! I guess? LOL. Meh,sometimes we're boring people. But we'll turn talkative when that person has lots of things in-common.

Well yeah,I guess thats it! Feel free to ask anything to both of us! Or any of us. BUT NO PERSONAL THINGYS!

Bye peepolll!! Good night!

Written by: EXOtic357 on 23rd November 2014