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Do you want a mixture of other languages with translation in this fanfic?

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About Me

facts about me!


>understand 6 language but speaks 3 of it fluently

>female and I'm straight

>love to read arrange marriage fic but I dont want to be stuck in one because if my parents were to set me with a guy, I'm sure 100% that guy wouldn't be my taste. Hahaha

>I dislike spams from advertisers/authors on my wall. I know you want people to check out the fics but please apologise for spamming beforehand

>I am an anonymous author and if one day you happen to find out  about my real identity, please let me know because I want to hear opinions about my story from those I've met in real life. 

>The graphics for my stories are all done by me unless if I state the otherwise. 

>I can churn 3 chapters in a day if I have the motivation to write if not then probably you'll have to wait for a thousand year for the subsequent update. Hehe

>follow my twitter: @petitebluehawk or my under the same name

>I love all my subbies just like how I love my stories