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Personal Message

Greetings to anyone who happens to stumble upon my profile. Hi how are you today i hope you're enjoying your life. ok im good no more creepiness. So my name is gonna be fake so no one can know my real name just in case some weird crazy people want to stalk me for some reason. My fake name will be Luna. So if i'm lucky enough to get people to read my stories then you guys can call me Luna. I love Kpop though i don't stay on top of it as much as i should i still like to call myself an amateur because i've only been seriously into Kpop for a year but i've liked Kpop for 3 years. Favorite group is BTS. I've been with them since a little bit before they debut and my ultimate bias is Taehyung me and him and so much alike its pretty creept except hes sooo freakong hot. But yeah so I hope i can at least get some views on this fanfic i'm about to start putting up. i've been working on it for a couple months and once i finish the first chapter cause i like to handwrite my stories before typing (it's a thing that i do) i'll post it. Hopefully someone will see it and be like hey this is pretty good let me tell all my friends... :D hint hint wink wink.

About Me

What up. I think i was suppose to put them message from my personal message in here. hmmm dangit. oh well have fun being confused. then again no one is probably gonna read this.