


  • Getting image...


Love Square/Triangle members - INFINITE

  • Myungsoo
  • Sunggyu
  • Sungjong
  • Sungyeol
  • Dongwoo
  • Hoya
  • Woohyun

Personal Message


First of all, thank you to everyone who has supported my stories and have enjoyed them thus far. and secondly, I apologize for the long hiatuses and for the long waits for updates. 

I remember I did not even start this account, I was into Kpop for some time but then stopped and then got back to it again and then my friend was the one who actually made this account for me to read but then I wanted to express some of my imagination and what I think is cool ideas for a story. I mainly focus on gangs/mafia, romance, or supernatural just because I love reading those kinds of stories and it would be fun sharing some of my own. I started when I was in like middle school and I will probably continue throughout high school and college (which I am right now, starting as a freshman in college! HOW EXCITING). I will not just continue throughout college but also throughout my adulthood. Hopefully, I will have the time and energy to keep moving forward with writing and reading such exciting stories that all of you have or will have written within time. 

This day of December 8, 2017, is when I have updated this personal message because the first one I've written was like 4 years ago and reading it made me cringe and made me rethink about continuing writing because my grammar and use of words ! hahaha.

My advice for any new writers... just have fun and create stories you think are good and exciting. You will get better. 

My advice for new and old readers... please don't downgrade a story someone has worked hard to create, just because you do not like it, does not mean other people do not like it. Make art, not war. Spread positivity, not negativity.



About Me

Meet the author:

Name: Krisha A.

Birthday: Dec. 24, 1998 (subtract the current year for my actual age)

Hobbies: Soccer, Polynesian dancing, Fanfic reading & writing... Pokemon gaming

Hi reader,

I am Krisha A. and I am a Filipino American girl aspiring to be a nurse actually. I've started liking kpop in 2007 and my first ever kpop group was Big Bang and then expanded to all these other kpop artists. As of right now, I am an ARMY and an EXOTIC big time. I am short, trust me I am 4'11. I am currently in a fire-prone state, not good because evacuating . ***TIP*** ALWAYS HAVE AN EMERGENCY BACKPACK AND LONG LASTING FOOD LIKE JERKY AND WATER 

I love naps and food just like all you people who like them too. If there is anything else you want to know, please feel free to ask some appropriate questions in the DM :)