Personal Message

When I was younger, my Aunt showed me a book of sayings and quotes. There were a lot in that tiny little book, but the one I remember the most is this:The only place where Success comes before Work, is in the dictionary."

If you want something, and you're not hurting anyone by getting it, then go for it. Life is a rollercoaster ride you can't get off-make the most of it and enjoy yourself at the same time.

About Me

Beautiful People Of The World,

My name is Jileesha, Jill for short, and if you'd like to know anything about me, then hit me up!!!

Elishaje is the name you get when you rearrange the letters in my first name-she is a detective who solves crimes while trying to learn more aobut her past in my murder-mystery series, so I use her as my moniker for this site.

Currently, I am a teacher inĀ Seosan, South Korea-it's the West Coast countryside, to give you an idea hahaha.

Hope to get to know you soon!!!!