About Me

Hello everyone, I was a very active member of the Asian Fanfics community until my hiatus which started about 5-4 years ago.

I am getting back to writing again~

My 'scenario/request shop' will stay on this page but if you want to read content like that please follow me on tumblr!
There I write scenarios and headcanons for optional biases, group member and so on.

Here I will write fanfics of my favourite kpop groups.


A little about me
I’m a ‘96 liner born in The Netherlands, I live at my parents’ house with my elder and younger brother. I have 3 ‘children’, my cats, Aslan the 3rd, Lale and Mirmir!
I’m a biracial Muslim and was raised tri-lingual (Turkish, English and Dutch) with my father his Turkish culture.

  • I’m a developing social entrepreneur 
  • Volunteer in my free time
  • Harry Potter. There is nothing else to add to that
  • 50/50 otaku and nerd
  • I can be a sarcastic lmao
  • I used to be quite the kpop enthusiast but not so much anymore
  • My love for memes and puns is HYUGE!


Thank you for the love and support, see you soon~