Personal Message



I think thats it heh

About Me


Just to let you people know that i ship Soosic so much, and by that i mean SO MUCH THAT IT HURTS. IN HERE //points heart//


I would like to apologise in advance if my stories were not that good or not like how any of you wouldve expected. I cant think outside the box bcs im hopeless


Plus my grammar is off so i would like to apologise about that too


Also to warn you, when im hyper or im starting to get closer to any of you readers here, i might //playfully// flirt with the whole aff community.


Pls bear with that i cant control myself lmao


If i call you people boo or babe or baby means im starting to get comfortable around you. Feel lucky //jkjk im still useless//


Some of you have already became a victim of my flirt side and I would like to say thanks for still not neglecting me despite this weird affection im giving hahahahahahaa


I could be narcissist at times and tend to compliment myself. Bear with that too. Bcs there are times where i love myself too much and the next second i hate myself way too much. So when i start being all 'god im so adorable', pls know that im just in a good mood and when i said i hate myself, it's either mean:




1: im on period


2: im on period


3: i had a bad day


4: i just really hate myself


5: im on period





Cheers to new friends and nice knowing you!









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