Personal Message

People out there, I am soooo bored most of the time that I am searching for an occupation all throughout the internet and this could get one. I am quite confident in my language and I'm proofreading the stories of my friend memoriesofmine on a regular basis, which is why I want to ask all of you who'd have the time to read this:

Please, if anyone doesn't have a beta yet, would you allow me to proofread your stories? Please~?



That would really brighten up my days!! >_< If you don't trust my skills, you could always go through my works and see whether you think I'm the person you're searching for or not or contact me and I can write with you for some display of my language, everything's fine with me. I have a lot of time at hand for the moment and I'd put your stories first, so this is my sincere request, anybody who'd like to have a beta, please contact me!! <3

Thanks in advance!!! *-*

So at last, have a nice day and we'll see how far this gets! :D

About Me


I for myself am an occasional writer and passionate SHINee reader, trying to get to know as many different styles of writing as possible.

I am more than excited to get requests of having any stories

  • proofread
  • reviewed
  • upvoted

so just contact me via the wall-function or in a comment to one of my stories or HOWEVER you'd like so we can get things going. :D (Friends requests also accepted)

I'm updating kind of irragularly, so please, don't expect too much of this little fellow here >__<

See you than sometime.
