Personal Message

Layout by X_JasielleAle
Layout by X_JasielleAle



Welcome To My Sanctuary~out by X_JasielleAle

Hello babes, please accept my winkies xD 

I'm just a simple writer with lots of writers block .


I might wrote silly stories but I still hope you enjoy it :3


I stan 12 wolves-aliens, 5 shining stars, 5 maths equation, 7 infinities, 5 beauties, 9 kiddos, 6 beasts, 4 blueboys, 5 mrsuperheroes, 13 superdogs, 9 supermodels, hot twins, 4+1 bloodtypes, 5 y boys, 10 hot children.


Please visit my oneshot shop (collaborating with X_JasielleAle)

and X_JasielleAle's review and graphic shop ;)

Layout by X_JasielleAle

About Me

~Layout by X_JasielleAle