Personal Message

Thanks for dropping by and spare your time to read my works!

Commenting is not an obligation, but if you do, you'll make me happy ^-^

So, Thank you very much for commenting! *throw confetti*

About Me


Ime is the name. You can call me by whatever you prefer, but dont address me 'Unnie', I prefer 'chan' instead :3

I have two LJs, a tumblr and an AO3 account. Feel free to visit me there! ^_^

Hyukie biased. Eunhae shipper. I'm convinced that Hyukhae is real, so i majorly write Hyukhae but I also write Haehyuk since... it's just fanfic, right? Why making ruckus over it?

I'm obsessed in everybodyXHyukie, but I can't accept everybodyxDonghae. Sounds selfish and biased, but it's my preference. Deal with it.

I'm pretty timid and awkward with people. So, please bear with me >///<

OTP is serious business. Fanfic is what keep it alive. Let's get along with each other! :D

Talk to me in Twitter!