Personal Message

Hello, I'm Petrie. I'm supposed to have 'stopped' writing, but I actually haven't, my works are posted under another account and identity for LJ, but I'll still be posting from this account on AFF (pretty weird, but things happened). If you're looking for the Dragons!Krisyeol fic, it's on my LJ. The rated parts are friend-locked, but you can add me there (I'll approve anyone, don't worry). I look forward to posting more stories under that different pseud! 

Also, if you want to know what my new LJ profile is, feel free to PM me and I'll send you a link ^^

About Me

I love a lot of things. Some of them are... my boyfriend, Skyrim, Chanyeol, the rest of EXO, my Chanyeol ships, and a lot more. I love things very easily, and I read all sorts of stuffs. Most of the time I say I swear off angst, but some days I cheat and read angst. Some of my hobbies include annoying tlist and conjuring up ideas for fics but never actually write it.