Personal Message

Personal Message?


Don`t be afraid of me.

I don`t bite.

I`m harmless.

  I`m having a terrible mood swings.

That`s all.

About Me

Super Junior`s Eunhyuk. 

A simple roleplayer.

I`ve got no swag, and I`m proud.

No bashin`.

In real life, I`m a junior high school student.

Nothing much to do in life.

Just want to lurk around.

 Living young, wild, and free.

No, scratch the wild thingy.

I ain`t wild.

Let`s be friends.

And hey, I`m Mr Simple.

Well, you find that corny, I know.

Anyway, my age is not 26.

It`s way far from that.

 That`s Eunhyuk`s age.

I guess.

I`m still a minor.

Yet I love to read fanfics.

It turns me on easily.

Call me ert, I don't care.

`Cause I 100% agree with you.

And oh, I seriously need karmas.

Mind on giving me yours?