Personal Message


Hi people! This is actually Harumi95 speaking :) OnBuds is a collaboration between me and Undankbar unnie ^^; This is an Intro…. For the future of OnBuds… and the crazy mix of fanfics we will have XDD

As you’ll see below, with all the quotes from our fics…. My writing style and Undankbar unnie’s style is very different to say the least… I am purple… and Unnie is Orange– I didn’t ask for permission to use her fic – but I don’t think she’ll be too mad at me..? ^^; Please enjoy XDD I enjoyed making this SO MUCH :)


'Even in his tender age of nine and his complete innocence failed to protect him from these thoughts. Everyday, it was the same prayer: ‘let me die in my sleep, or get me out of here’. But he normally chose to say the first – because it was the more likely of the two...'


For the 50th time today Jonghyun was sneezing.

"Ewww" Key remarked for the 50th time on this day.'

 ‘Kibum smiled gratefully back at him and kissed his bruised lips gently. His smile quickly faded when Jonghyun suddenly leaned sideways and threw up blood, his eyes rolling back as he fainted onto his brother’s lap.’

‘"Did you really put bling bling on Onew?" an outraged Key started walking towards their leader who started trying to cover his upper body that was mounted with millions of fake gems.’

‘He winced, pushed the door open and saw Taemin, his thin body stature emphasized by the bandages tightly wrapped around his body.’

‘Before Taemin could say anything Onew interrupted by calling from the kitchen: "Hey! Who had put the thermometer in the drawer with the freezer bags?"’

‘The brilliant lights dotted around the rides; the colourful advertising banners hanging on the lamps; the pink striped candy-floss stalls; the loud booming music from different shops; screams of delight from children.’

‘Entering the SME headquarters SHINee were immediately lead to Lee Sooman's office.’

‘Youhee stared, mouth agape: His soft, feathery brown hair, milky complexion, warm chocolate eyes and his slim, wiry frame... She started to shiver as he steadily approached her, warily looking into her eyes.’

‘"Why so serious? Sit down!"’

‘‘Well, I have a …. a ….’ He trailed off and reached behind his back, ‘Confession!’’

"Aigo, is that really you, Yugeunie?" A smile crept over the man´s face as he pet his cheeks. "Yes, I am. I´m sorry, have we met before?" Yugeun had stepped back a little.

I’ve been following your fanfictions for a very long time!’ he burst out, dipping his head in embarrassment. ‘A-And me and SHINee enjoyed it so much!’

‘"Fanfictions?" Taemin asked "the stories fans write about us?"’
Her fanfiction huh?’


About Me




Cyworld Diary from Yoogeun's Mum yesterday night

2010. 06. 15 화 00:13

유근이가 Yougeun

쇼파에 앉아있다 갑자기 was sitting on the sofa, when suddenly,

온 유아빠 보고싶다. 'I wanna see Onew Appa'

그러는것이 아니던가. !! He told me!!

키 아빠도 아니고 민호아빠도 아니고. Not Key Appa, nor Minho Appa,

유근에게 다시 물어보니 I asked Yougeun again,

다시한번 이런다 온유아빠보고싶어~ And, he goes like this: 'I want to see Onew Appa~'

아쿠야. .. Wow

유근이도 문득문득 그때가 생각이 나나부다. Yougeun must be remembering those times sometimes.

엄마도 될수있음 안잊게 할려고 Mummy tries her best not to let him forget

아빠들 소식들도 유근에게 전해주고 and I tell him stories about them

영상도 보여주고하는데.. I show him videos also

시간이 갈수록 말도 잘하니 Now, he's able to talk more,

이제 서야 그때일들이 떠오를때면 말로 표현해주는구나. He's finally telling me those times in words.

유 근이가 커서도 기억할수있게 엄마는 도와줄께. I shall try my best to keep you remembering those memories even if you grow older.

넘넘 소중했던 추억인데. 니가 어렸단 이유로 It was such a precious memory... Just because you were young

커가면서 잊혀진다는건 doesn't mean that you can just forget about them as you grow

엄 만 원치않다.. Mummy doesn't want that...

:) how's that unnie? *love you* XD


the rough translation must be something like...Yuugeun misses Onew^^

Youjinnie?!?? XD ;) I got it unnie XD (Harumi95)



