Personal Message


Like Stacee Jaxx I like to give til it hurts! Rock On! \m/




About Me


I am mystery, an enigma, a stranger and anonymity is my second nature. I try to act cool but seriously I'm the biggest goofy dork the world will ever know...


Music Is My Savior! God knows where I would be if it weren't for the music I listen to. 


I like music so much that I started playing the drums, eeerrmm... I'm a frustrated guitar player.... seriously I can't seem to get it right.


I listen to all kinds of music, I don't really care about the genre, so long as I like the lyrics, fits my mood and has a nice beat and melody. 


My guilty pleasure is listening to SNSD's songs and watching their MV's... what can I say they have a way to brighten up my day.  


I also like anime, movies, games, writing and good food...